Chapter 43

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[A/N] I know I've been slacking with only monthly updates on this book. I literally know everything that's going to happen up until the end. I just haven't been motivated to write or edit at the moment, but I promise this book will get finished. I'm not gonna drop it.


After listening to a longer explanation from Clary and taking a look at the institute, Stiles' theory was confirmed, and Clary agreed to head back to Forks to help them further.

When they arrived back at the Cullen House, the rest of the shapeshifters were stood on the porch across from the Cullens, and a familiar nephlim stood beside them.

"Jack?" Stiles questioned, causing the boy to turn and face him.

"We found one of 'em," Sam explained, crossing his arms. "The brothers and that angel were gone."

"They disappeared a few days ago," Jack elaborated. "They vanished. There was no note or sign to differentiate whether they left or were taken. They were just gone."

"None of this makes sense," Rosalie stated with a frustrated sigh, "and what's the redhead doing here?"

"She's here to help," Stiles rolled his eyes, "and she's the only one from the shadowhunter institute that didn't vanish."

"Okay, so now we have more witnesses, but that still doesn't explain why everyone has disappeared," Alice said. "We have confirmation now, but we don't have an answer."

"There has to be something," Clary began. "There's always something. We just have to read between the lines."

"Don't you think we've tried that?" Bella argued. "There's nothing but more disappearances."

Stiles looked around as everyone began to bicker and tried to do what Clary suggested, read between the lines.

At first, he tried using his head, thinking of everything he's seen and learned, but that was getting him nowhere, so he resorted to using his eyes.

He scanned all of his companions and found himself drawn to the odd ones out: Jack and Clary.

Why would the person behind all the disappearances leave Clary and Jack? If they had to leave someone, why them?

"You're thinking."

Paul's voice snapped Stiles back to reality, and it also caused the others to avert their attention toward the spark.

"Well?" Rosalie questioned. "Spill. You've clearly thought of something."

Stiles dismissed the vampires attitude and said, "I think this whole disappearance thing was targeted. They chose specific people."

"What's specific about kidnapping thousands of people?" Jasper wondered. However, his tone wasn't sarcastic. It was genuine.

"They left Jack and Clary behind," the spark stated. "They left Derek behind. Derek's vulnerable, Clary's less experienced compared to everyone else at the institute, and Jack is a lost cause without someone to guide him, same as I was when I discovered my powers. In another point of view, they're the most powerful. Derek is experienced and strong, Clary has special abilities and potential, and Jack is a powerful nephlim. Once they overcome their hurdles, they're some of the best fighters. If it's who I think it is behind these kidnappings, they knew better than to take those that'd be the most difficult to handle."

"Peter, Lucifer, and Valentine," Edward realized. "They're all working together."

"Peter knew my friends would be in Vatican, Lucifer knew it would be too dangerous to take Jack, and Valentine knew Clary would be the only one capable of taking him down in one blow," Stiles explained further. "None of their plans worked on their own, so they decided to work together."

"This is still all a theory," Sam interrupted. "It's a good assumption, but that's all it is."

"Do you have anything better to add to this?" Stiles asked, almost growling out the words. The shapeshifters, sensing an almost threatening aura from the spark, shifted to take a defensive stance.

"I've been the one spitting out clues and plans this whole time," Stiles continued. "All of you have just been relying on me, and that's fine, but don't start doubting me the second I propose something you don't entirely agree with."

"Watch it," Sam snapped.

"Let's not get hostile," Carlisle said. "We're not each other's enemies."

"Tell him that," Stiles scoffed as he swung his hand toward Sam. "No offense, but it's clear you guys are getting nowhere without my help, so tell the mutts to back off, or I'm leaving."

Sam released a small growl as his body began to exert steam. Before anyone could stop him, he transformed, jumping off the porch in his wolf form. The rest of the pack naturally followed, and everything erupted into chaos.

The Cullens created a shield between the shapeshifters and Stiles as Clary and Jack scurried to the side. Jacob pulled Renesmee away from the commotion as Paul moved to act as a further barricade between his mate and his family.

Stiles winced at the effect the loud chaos had on his hearing and took a small step back. He pinched the bridge of his nose when an achey feeling spawned behind his eyes. Paul turned around, sensing the spark's distress.

"Stiles?" he questioned. He placed his hands on his mate's heaving shoulders, and Stiles' hands immediately flew up to grab the shapeshifter's wrists.

The spark peeled his eyes open and found his vision corrupted with a violet hue. Paul's face began to disappear as the color solidified, and a wave of coldness washed over Stiles' body.

Images abruptly flashed through the spark's mind, moving so fast that he could barely decipher them. It was a vision. He hadn't had one in so long that he forgot about the ability.

A certain scene eventually settled. Its silent nature only confused the spark more as he watched pale arms curl around Derek's head, ready to snap the werewolf's neck.

The vision suddenly vanished, and Stiles' line of sight cleared to find Paul still standing in front of him, an expression of concern overtaking his face.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked. "Your eyes did the purple thing."

Stiles' nostrils flared at the thought of someone harming Derek, especially someone who was already on his shit list, the Volturi. However, despite his anger with the sight, he was glad he had the vision. It gave him confirmation.

A war was coming. These disappearance were no accidents. All of the enemies they had gained within the past year were planning, waiting, and Stiles couldn't just stand around thinking. He needed to make progress. He had to for himself and for the others.

"Everyone, shut the hell up!"

The commotion immediately came to a halt at the sound of Alice's booming voice, and the crowd cleared as the vampire proceeded to push her way through.

"I know that look," she began as she approached Stiles, pushing Paul aside with a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I get it all the time. What did you see?"

"A war," the spark exhaled, "and it's not gonna wait on us."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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