"We could get caught. Why do you think that's so exciting?"

"I dunno, it just is. Didn't it add something when we I was doing you in that room in the convention center?"

"I was so nervous. I was sure that somebody was going to open that door any second and there I'd be with my naked butt facing it and you kneeled in front of me."

"It was so exciting," Connor said. "It was dangerous but that just added to the whole experience, at least for me." He pinched Jude's nipple. "We should find other places to do it. There are lot of hiding places down by the warehouses. We could have a skate and suck."

Jude laughed. "Oh my God. What on Earth have I created?"

Connor smiled and wrapped his fingers around Jude's erection. "Yeah, you started this whole thing. And you were right, once it starts it can't stop."

"I don't really want it to stop," Jude said. "Right now I feel about as able to stop it as a jackrabbit."

"It's terrible that Stef and Lena have grounded you, and you're stuck with me in this house. Just like that ol' br'er rabbit in the briar patch."

"Stuck where I most want to be stuck, in bed with you and with you in my arms," Jude said. "I should get grounded more often, Mr. Adams-Foster."

"You should," Connor said, holding him tight and kissing him. "I believe it's your turn?" He was already pulling Jude's pajamas down.

"Who's keeping track?" Jude said, tracing Connor's lips with his finger.

Connor's tongue darted out and licked the finger. It slipped into his mouth.

"Oops," Jude said. He smiled as Connor worked his finger like he did his thingy.

"You seem to be keeping track. Do you think that's some sort of universal law? That there has to be an equal number of blowjobs, like equal and opposite reactions?"

"Well," Jude said dryly, "we sure as hell don't want to put the Universe out of balance. I don't wanna be punished for that." He smiled at Connor. "Right now I wouldn't care if the whole Earth shrank to the size of little planet the size of this bed, and you and I were the only things on it. You hungry?"

"For you," Connor said. "Let's eat each other before we have breakfast." He wrapped his hand around Jude's thingy and went to work. Jude laid there, the most incredible sensations going through him, as if every nerve in his body was pulsing and firing and begging for attention at once. This was so much better than doing himself, it was like comparing the moon to the sun. Connor was so into his foreskin and he seemed to learning new ways to enhance his techniques every second. Jude was grabbing the sheets so tightly his knuckles were hurting. He shook as jolts of pleasure and electricity arced through him like lightning. The entire surface of his skin felt like it was on fire, it was burning and the embers were shooting off in every direction, each one amplifying the other until it was a solid sheet of sensation pouring over him in every possible direction....

His heart was beating so fast, his breathing so hard. He felt Connor swallow. "God you're good at that," Jude said. "My nose thing is cool but damn...what you can do with your tongue...."

Connor lifted his head up to Jude's and kissed him. "It's like pancakes," he said. "I want to keep practicing until it's absolutely perfect."

"Well, you don't need much more practice," Jude said. "It's already perfect. But I guess it doesn't hurt to keep trying to improve." He tugged Connor's pajamas down. "As for me, I'm going to keep trying until I can get every millimeter of that thing into me."

Connor chuckled. "Too bad you're not a snake. You could just unhinge your jaw."

"You've got the snake, man." Jude played with it for awhile before he went to work on it. Like he had scant hours before, but with more effort and finesse. The gag reflex was the toughest thing to get over, but Jude found that by focusing all his will on it, he could overcome the natural reflexes of his body. Connor slapped the sheets and gasped as Jude took him right to the root. As Jude continued it seemed more and more natural and easier to do, and when Connor climaxed he did so deep inside.

Summer of JonnorWhere stories live. Discover now