The Day Everything Changed

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It was the last day of school, the last day of 7th grade for Jude and for Connor. All the kids were hanging out in the halls at Anchor Beach Community Charter School, signing each others yearbooks, reliving favorite memories and talking to their friends.

"When do we have to leave for the adoption?" Connor asked.

"2  o'clock," Jude said.

"I haven't seen Mariana anywhere."

"Oh, she and the dance squad are practicing over at the old theatre. They're going to keep at it all summer."

"Oh okay, should we get some lunch?" Feeling something unusual, he added, "Hey, what was that?"

"Felt like a big truck driving by or some—" Jude never finished the sentence. All around them the floor was shaking. "I thought San Diego wasn't supposed to have earthquakes!" he yelled.

"My dad said he was in one once," Connor said. "Here, shelter in this doorway." Jude pressed up against him, and Connor held him while they waited for the shaking to stop.

"Is it supposed to last this long?" Jude looked at his watch, counting seconds. Behind him, he heard Connor breathing hard. At last the shaking stopped. "Over thirty seconds." The fire alarm went off. Along with the other kids, he and Connor streamed out of the hall towards the parking lot. Lena was standing at one of the doors. "Mom!"

"Stay with Connor," she said. "We need to do a headcount and make sure we have everyone we're supposed to have."

Jude nodded. Holding Connor's hand, they went out to the assembly area in the parking lot.


"And four, and five, and six, and seven," Mariana said. "Perfect." She was standing against the wall, directing the team through a new routine they were practicing. She smiled at them. "Okay, let's take it from the top—" all of the sudden, the stage moved violently underneath her and she fell down. Behind her, the wall collapsed, dropping in a shower of powder and bricks.


Lena and Monte were moving through the lines of Anchor Beach kids, checking names off lists. Behind them, a number of the parents had arrived and were anxiously waiting for the kids to get released. When Lena got up to Jude he flashed his phone at her. "I haven't been able to reach Stef or Mariana, have you seen Callie?"

"Yes honey she's with her grade. And Stef texted me, calls are coming in all over the city and she's really busy right now. Keep trying Mariana okay?"

He nodded and he dialed again. Over where the parents were gathering he saw Mr. Stevens and waved to him. His phone rang; it was Adam.

"Hey Mr. Stevens. Yeah, we're fine. I can't reach Mariana though, she and the dance team are practicing over at the Old Theatre. Oh yeah, that would be great. Sure, Connor will come with me."

Connor looked at him. "Is he going over to check it out?"

"Yeah." Jude tried dialing her again. "It's not even going through. 'All circuits are busy.'"

"The whole city's probably on their phones." Connor rested his hand on Jude's back.

Lena came over the PA. "Everyone has been checked off. If your parents are here, you can leave the school. If not, stay where you are until they get here." She and Monte came over to Jude and Connor. "Any luck getting Mariana?"

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