Self-Inflicted Punishments

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Author's note: when I started this novel it was very unclear what Jesus's fate was going to be, so I just sent him to boarding school in this story. The promo is making it more clear that something bad has happened to him (::sniff::) but until we know for sure I'm not changing anything. After the premiere I may revise some parts of this to reflect whatever the reality is. Thanks for all your support and enjoy this beginning to Act IV, there's still a lot of story yet to come!

"I think I'm becoming the clingy one," Jude said, rocking Connor in his arms.

"It's about time you caught up with me, cakes," Connor said, giving him a kiss. He was already showered and dressed.

Jude closed his eyes and nuzzled Connor's head with his. "I wish your dad wasn't picking you up until later."

"Yeah, he's got a new boss and wants to introduce me to her and talk about the anti-suicide stuff he's been working on."

"Tonight is gonna suck," Jude said. "It's been really nice to have you in my bed."

Connor pulled back and smiled at him. "Yeah, especially after last night. Maybe we just made it worse for ourselves though, when we're gonna have to sleep alone now for awhile."

"Nah, I'm glad we did it. I was ready for it and I know you were too. And it was awesome." Jude kissed his cheek.

Connor's phone buzzed. "That's him." He kissed Jude long and hard. "Love you, cakes."

"Love you so much," Jude said back, and walked him down to the door.

"I'll KiK you," Connor said.

Jude nodded. "Bye." He closed the door walked into the kitchen. 

Mariana was already up, having cereal and orange juice. "Morning, Judicorn!" she said brightly.

He smiled at her and grabbed a bowl.

"You look really happy this morning," she said.

Jude looked at her and winked. "Third base."

She gave a girly giggle. "Really? Wow. How was it?"

"So amazing," Jude said.

"Awwww," she said, hugging him.

He hugged her back. "Any advice for being grounded?"

"Get a good book, you can only read so much stuff online without getting bored."

He nodded and poured his cereal.


Jude was re-reading one of his favorite books, Flawed Dogs, when Callie came into his room.

"Please don't give me the first degree," he said, putting the book down. "I already got it from Stef."

She gave him a little smirk. "The Stefrimand?"

"More like the Epic Stefrimand. I'm not gonna need a haircut for awhile. I know you just try to be big-sistery and all but I already know what I did was wrong, I apologized, I'm if you could just skip the irresponsible sibling lecture it'd be great."

She sat down on the floor in front of him with her legs crossed. "Well, just so you know, Robert actually thought it was awesome. And he's very grateful to you for finding Robin and getting him out of jail."

Jude smiled and nodded. "You think things will be okay with him and Jill?"

Callie shrugged. "I dunno. They'll have a lot of stuff to talk about. They'll work it out if they want to work it out, I guess. You work out your stuff with Connor?"

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