Chapter 3 Part 7- The Knowing, and The Keeping

Start from the beginning

"I- I read Kawata's j- journal last night and I am feeling g- guilty-" I began. He gave me a sad, disappointed look.

"Hirano." He started. I closed my eyes, bracing myself to be berated for letting my curiosity get the better of me. "That's not it either."

"H- huh?" I replaced. He paused for a moment.

"It may not be what you think is bothering you. You may feel guilty about the journal, but there's something else in your mind. I can see it in your face." He said, tapping my nose. "Don't tell me if you really feel like you can't speak up about it, but no matter what, I will not judge you for whatever happened." I stared at him for a moment, the memory coming back into my mind. My eyes filled with tears, as I suddenly broke down, my head falling into his chest. An uncontrollable sobbing came out of me, unable to get a grip of myself. I felt a hand pat me on the back, letting me cry for a long moment. When I finally got a grip of myself, I moved back, clearing the tears from my eyes.

"Are you done?" Yamazaki asked, stepping into the room angrily. Otani stared at him for a moment.

"If you mean done dealing with trauma, the answer is no, and that answer will never change." Otani replied. "But, if you mean done talking about emotions with you, then yes." Otani said, a bright smile on his face, as if what he said was the nicest thing in the world. Yamazaki groaned, rolling his eyes, taking a plate and getting himself a slice of pie. He made eye contact with me, before turning away and sitting in the corner of the room.

"H- hey Otani..." Arima said, entering the room next to Miyazaki.

"What'd you make this time?" Miyazaki asked.

"Ah! I made my mothers favorite! Apple pie!" Otani said, standing up and presenting the food that sat on the table.

"Apples are my favorite!" Arima yelled out happily, before covering his mouth. "S- sorry... th- that was stupid to say..."

"Don't apologize for something you enjoy." Miyazaki said, cutting a slice and putting it on a plate, handing it over to Arima. He took a long paused, before breaking into a smile, tears in his eyes.

"Oh! We're having apple pie?! Does that mean we get to have some vanilla ice cream as well?" Naito asked, a bright smile on her face as she entered the room.

"I can go see if we have some." Otani said, beginning to walk over to the kitchen. "Oh! And Hirano." He looked back to me. "If you ever need to talk, I'll be in the kitchen." He said, a bright expression appearing out of the blue.

"O- okay..." I replied, smiling in return. Otani turned away, and walked into the kitchen.

"THE PIE IS MINE!!!" Sugai yelled, racing into the room and trying to grab the pie. Suddenly, he was grabbed from behind, Kajiwara holding Sugai with one arm.

"Nuh uh uh, you have to share Sugai." Kajiwara replied, wagging his finger back and forth.

"Let- go- of- ME!!!" Sugai said, trying to wiggle his way out from under his arm.

"Not until you promise not to steal." Kajiwara replied, glaring down at him. Sugai struggled for another moment, angrily trying to escape his grasp. After a moment, he went limp, an angry expression on his face.

"Fine..." he replied. Suddenly, Kajiwara dropped Sugai, who fell to the ground.

"Ow! What was that about!?" Sugai yelled, standing up angrily.

"About teaching you a lesson." Kajiwara replied, taking a seat.

"Apple pie?" Tengan said, walking into the room and staring curiously at the pie.

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