I took the mirror to check if it's really true. I checked myself on the mirror, only to find......no one.

The invisibility is a success. Finally, for the first time in my life, I felt so free.

Out in the crowded streets of Manila, I walked with confidence for the first time. I walked past the people without the disgusted faces or the sympathetic stares. No one can see my hideous face, burned a long time ago in a fire accident.

No one will see me make mistakes. No one will see me with my sins and vices. No one will be there to judge me. No one.

Just me.


I can still remember it like it was yesterday. When I was fifteen, our entire house was caught on fire. I was sound asleep when it happened. When I woke up, the entire house was already filled with black, acrid smoke. I looked out the window and saw a horrible sight: the entire neighborhood was engulfed in a sea of flames.

Houses collapsed, children turned to ashes, and lives were taken instantly. Spine-tingling screams were heard everywhere and the cries of pain and agony intensified the dreadful feeling stirring up inside me. I felt the horrid smoke trickling in my lungs, suffocating me and threatening me to death.

My instincts kicked in and I quickly took a wet towel to cover on my mouth and nose. I went to my parent's room to check on them but I was too late. I witnessed the most horrible scenario ever: seeing my mom and dad on such pitiful state. They died in front of me. The stench of burnt flesh, hair and skin filled the air, which gagged me. I can still recall the taste of bile rising from my throat, urging me to vomit. Seeing my parents dying on such a hideous way, I felt my tears gushing from my eyes.

Suddenly, the inferno that burnt my parents alive took form of a floating ball of flames with a face of a man. The fiery orb looked at me then rapidly passed through me, burning a large portion of my face. Despite the excruciating burn on my face, I managed to run out of our house and follow the enigmatic flame. When I got out, I saw the face of the culprit. The orb of fire entered the ring of a man not so far from my location. My father got in a brawl with him a week ago. I will never forget the face of that man.


2 hours left.

Through the years, I worked so hard on my own investigation to look for this man. Until one day, on my 26th birthday this year, I got some news about his location. Back then, I don't know what to do. I can't go and report this case to the police because aside from my lack of evidence against him, I'm sure they would only find it ridiculous that a man can conjure a floating orb of flames with his ring and destroy an entire town.

That's when Dr. Dave Browne entered my life. He's a well-known scientist with a good reputation on creating unique and unbelievable devices. He gave me an offer that's perfect for my plans. Our agreement stated that if I agree to be a test subject for his new prototype machine, successful or not, I would receive 500,000 pesos with a 50% assurance payment before the testing.

I really didn't sign up for the money; I signed up for revenge. If I can't report my case, then I guess I'll just put justice in my own hands. I can't believe I'll ever do this, but I'm already here and there's no turning back anymore. His bedroom door stood in front of me. I opened the door and entered.

As if fate is on my side, Wilson Baldonado laid down on his bed, sound asleep. This is my chance. I went to his bathroom to get my tool for revenge. However, when I tried to grab the plastic bottle, it passed through my fingers. Then I remembered what Dr. Dave told me: "there will be some instances where you won't be able to physically affect things. If that happens, just use the right amount of will."

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