p21 Final

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They both meet each other and Yibo explains that he has given birth and what Shan's family did to zhan..they gladly accept zhan knowing what others have done with him...

Zhan, Yibo, taehyun, Xian and Ye-ji were getting ready to meet up with Yibo's family...

Yibo don't worry Your grandma is there with plus you have Taehyun and zhan with u n also xian said Ye-ji

But Ye-ji said to Yibo but was cut off by Zhan's kiss ...

Beauty don't worry Even if your parents don't accept me then you have your ye-ji said zhan still worrying but not showing it to Yibo Yibo had known it all along...

As soon as they reached Yibo's home ...yibo was welcomed with hugs from his grandma and grandad and also his parents ...

His whole family just stared at him while the person behind him carried taehyun and he carried a small child who looked exactly like Yibo and the strange person...

Yibo...said his mom

Yes, Mom...I would like to meet you too... Zhan my fiance this is my daughter said Yibo holding Zhan's hand so close that he was sweating

N before they could answer Ye-ji asked them to calm down and wait for her in the living room ...n She started to explain how Yibo had come to her when he needed her the most and how angry she was that they forced Yibo do things that he never wanted to n that she can't forgive them n explained yibo's pregnancy while she let yibo explain his part..

Yibk started this part and explained what Shan's family had done to zhan not leaving anything behind but only telling them what was relevant to the topic leaving their personal affairs out...

After coming to know this they were more than happy...also asked for Yibo's forgiveness and were more welcoming to their grandchildren who looked like exact copies of Yibo and Zhan...they were sorry for wany happened to zhan and accepted him knowing how much ghier son loved zhan by looking at him ...

Married was next in line...

They got married in a few weeks after confessing to their parents..it was difficult as Yibo Din wanted to stay in China but wanted to stay in South Korea which zhan was okay with but he could just leave the company and his family mansion and promised yibo that every year he would take yibo to South Korea n that he can go wherever he wanted to go ......

At first, it was hard to convince taehyun to talk to Yibo Later Taehyun started to be normal with Yibo and Yibo and zhan were both happy...yibo and zhan explained to him everything that he needed to know n fin certainly explained some parts since he was a child...n taehyun understood that he was not only in pain but his both parents were along ...he still remembers his mother but he never asked cuz he was more then happy which his both male parents who loved him to death n he loved his sister to death that he would help in her mischievous every single time...

After their marriage, everything was back to normal but Yibo knew he would get pregnant again....

They got to know Yibo was pregnant again n taehyun made sure that his pa was safe and that he was the one who took care of Xian not wanting to give Yibo stress... his dad who was working hard to earn for them even though he knew that his dad had made enough for him n their next generations...

Prgeangant again Yibo was so happy especially zhan and the kids...

Ye-ji used to come to stay with him for 1 month n she loved to spend time with Yibo more than others...

He got to know about zhan and started to warm up forgetting the past...

Took on dates many many data while he was pregnant and won his heart giving him care and gentleness...

I hope y'all loved this story as much as I enjoyed writing out.

I am thankful to those who voted for my story and commented or those who read my story ( 3.25k people), I will say thank you so much for showing this much love towards my story. I couldn't add the people who voted for my story and I'm sorry for that as the votes are 300 but thank you to those who voted.

And these people who commented to show their support.

Especially i would like to say extra thanks to izzyiva , XianwangLover and Audrey1407 for your continuous support for the story I really like to read the comments so thank you all ❤.

The End.

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