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There was a man wearing all black n he had two people behind him but he had covered his face yibo felt he was someone he knew, he was familiar with the smell of the man and damm he was so sure that he knew this guy but his eyes travled to the baby that the man was carrying in his arms ....

Shan was surprised by the enters by the young man n two people behind him n she extraly knew who it might be but she din get how this man was still alive but soon her eyes went to the baby he was carrying in his arms n that the baby was wearing smth which was like to block the sound ...

The both parents were scared to see thier son sleeping in a strangers arms ....

What...wh-at why my son can't u live my child n my husband away from this all if its abt me she said crying

Xi shan or wang shan tel the FUCKING truth to your mother fucking truth otherwise look wht i hv got in my beautiful hands said the man while he removed wht he was wearing surprisingly yibo only n his wide too..

Zha..n zh-an said yibo at the edge of crying

But-t why my son-n leave him zhan said yibo with tears in his eyes..

Xiao zhan said his wife while yibo was completely shocked by zhan.....

Beauty wht a great time to see you but you have to know what your fucking wife did to my whole family said zhan while carrying taehyun in his arm ...

Shan u better tel everything otherwise said zhan while stocking yhier son on his back...

Fucking shan tel the truth I want my son to live tel me wht u did to him-m said yibo while his tears were rolling down his cheeks. Fuck zhan looked at him n cruised seeing yibo crying in his venerable state..

Before she could speak anything zhan shoot in her arm which taehyun who was in his arms woke up a lil but zhan calmed the child bank to sleep while moving side to side ..

Whereas shan held her mouth in pain since she doesn't want her son to see all of this n while yibo's eyes only saw her in with pain n helpless.

Zhan why did u do this why me huh said yibo where his eyes were fixed on zhan n his child while his wife was surprised n in broken voice...

Wht do u mean yibo does that mean u both knew each other said shan surprised n in pain since she couldn't hold her pain more ..

Oh yes we know each other so perfectly more then u said zhan eyeing on yibo while yibo looked down in shame n bratrayal in his life for the first time making him so weak ...

Yi-bo husband wht does zhan mean said shan crying as she thought the way zhan spoke the sentence they had smth going on ....

Wait let me explain things said zhan while smoothing thier sons back ...

I and him had such a beautiful time together when u were out working shan do u know how good he was underneath me even my wife couldn't match how beautiful he was when he was sleeping n hugging me u should have asked him y he was late yesterday n look at his closer bone said zhan while he ripped yibo's shirt with open hand revealing all hickeys while carrying taehyunin one hand ....

Guards go out said zhan as he doesn't want the guards to lust on yibo except him.

Yibo was just sudden there he couldn't even move his move to hide and especially after hearing that zhan had a family n wife too...all he could do was to cry silently in his pathetic state he felt laughing cuz the guy he loved did this to him making him weak n making him stand in shame .

I fucked him so much that he couldn't even get up and you know what he was so tight n hot ah I wish I could fuck him more cumming in him destroying every body par...said zhan but zhan stopped as he saw him crying ...zhan felt guilty doing this to the guy he loved but that was ntg to compare of wht he had passed through...

Yibo u cheater u cheated our marriage how dare u have affair with zhan said shan crying loudly that she was smoking

Shut up shan I am gay u get im fucking gay gay ....before our marriage I was going to tel u this but my parents threatened me but later I fell in love with u but it wasn't that kind of love u were kind n beautiful too said yibo crying .

Oh zhan I loved u to death , cheated my marriage just for you n is this wht u did to me . Xiao zhan u made me feel wht it is to be this low zhan u felt so low in my eyes said yibo crying bitterly n zhan went to him n kissed him n bite him so hard that there was blood on his lips

Beauty u k na u can't thrust anyone in this world huh but u were really a good to me n also ur body u filled my needs said zhan carrying taehyun on his shoulder as he got up kissing him

Zhan was i just for ur needs ...u u used me for ur needs said yibo crying and zhan hated to see yibo crying but he just kept quiet making yibo realise the truth ...

Zhan I hate you with my whole life I hate u I thought u could love me the way I loved u n also my son , I even even planned for divorce between me n shan n i would have got the full custody of my son said yibo in bratrayal

Oh stop it yibo but that never happened, yibo wang yibo it wasn't like i never loved you said zhan

Tel me fucking shan wht u did to his family that us all are in danger said yibo looking at her with his dead eyes..

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