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After 2 years ......

Whenever zhan would go to talk to taehyun abt yibo he would say I dnt want to hear abt it anymore or why are u talking abt that person who killed the precious baby that I would have given my whole love for.....

Taehyun dear u know it's what your pa wanted it was his decision said zhan still grieving his two children who are died n whom wasn't even born...

Dad I know that i haven't heard the whole story but he din keep my sibling alive n I have already told you to stop convincing me to stop hating him....dad all I have is you your my only parents said taehyun hugging zhan tightly cuz he knows that zhan is not his biological parents but zhan had never treated him as adopted or anything but just treated him like his own son whom he truly loves ...

They were in the hall n taehyun again asked

Dad when will u remove this photo of me u n p..him said taehyun walking upstairs with him dad which was a big pic hanged ..

When i will stopped loving your pa dear said zhan smiling while holding his hand to go down.

Stop it dad I heard enough of him in this house can we go n eat in peace with talking abt him said taehyun not wanting to yibo as his pa but instead calling him as him.

Even many times zhan tried to let go of his hated in his heart he never did....

At the same time yibo and xiao xian ...

xiao xian 2 Wang yibo mother , xiao zhan father , xiao taehyun brother , grandma seo yea-ji

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xiao xian
Wang yibo mother , xiao zhan father , xiao taehyun brother , grandma seo yea-ji .
English name: petal , beauty

Petal wait babyyyy stopp pulling your mothers long beautiful hair ouch ouch beauty stoppp said yibo while trying to separate her from pulling his hair to death ..

ye-jiiii go to your granddaughter pleaseeee said yibo shoutingly so his grandma could come for his rescue.

Yibo wait il come give me a sec said ye-ji as she knows wht kind of devil is in her house that is punishing her n her grandson altogether cuz god knows what her n her grandson had done to get a huge devil in her home that makes everyone dance on her fingers..

Patel wht I said baby don't trouble ur mom said ye-ji pulling her away from yibo who was clearly in pain cuz of his naughty daughter.

ye-ji she is just like her father n brother said yibo without thinking wht he said

Oh no yibo u take her now im done said
ye-ji running off to another side of the room

Baeee stop crying stop crying said yibo while he hugged her n swing her side to side

Yibo knew whenever he said father n brother she would start to cry n said dadaaa

Dada I wansb da d a brobstg she said crying loudly making yibo's ears deaf.

Baby il let u meet ur dad your look up u see that pic that is your dada u k he is the sweetest angel I hv meet he is so beautiful just like u just look at u u have ntg from mom but all u took was ur daddy's beauty n everything when u met him don't ever forget ur mama yeah all I have is you beauty said yibo cryingly

She knew her mother's feeling , she wipped her mother's tears n said something that yibo was always proud of

Mama I nevshh leavhd u fore dhad said xian

After that ye-ji entered giving both of his kids a big hug n started to play with xian..

In mail box ye-ji found the card which says "to love who runs away" after reading just this her face turned all pale.

After 2 years yibo 2 whole year said ye-ji while carrying xian on her hip .

ye-ji i can't open i i don't wanna open my healed wounds i just can't.....said yibo crying on the floor yes he had told everything to her when xian was born everything single thing yes ye-ji had never judge him but had supposed his decision from her heart cuz she saw with her own eyes who her grandson had surffer n who he cried for zhan n his son every single day ....

Patel see ur dad has wrote a letter n see wht ur dad has done to ur mom that he is crying now tel me do you still was to meet your dad after he hurt your mom that she came to hide u from everyone said ye-ji knowing xian can understand her n also her mother

Xian dntd wanna meete dadamdy said xian cryingly while yibo held n clamed her down .

It fine xian as along u have ur ye-ji and mama not knew can take u away from u said yibo while kissing her big doze eyes n cheeks which were red ...

Yes she looked more like zhan n also behave like him he had hoped that at least his daughter would get some of his mother beauty n she get but his daughter was literally like a carbon copy of zhan like part 2 n he loved spending time with his daughter taking her to raom n thier small mini datas which she liked the most yibo really like to dress her up like she was mini of him and xian also liked it soo much even people took how good looking the pair was n lots of good stuff ...

She was the only source that he was in this world otherwise long back he was be death he now only cared abt his daughter n his gramma , he loved staying in South Korea n never planned to return to China to his parents his parents tried to contact his grandma but she never picked thier phone after hearing wht they did to her grandson...

Still not wanting to to open the letter...not knowing if he had the energy to reopen the some healed wounds again in his heart.

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