Chapter 73

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Clara was really trying to hold herself together but it just wasn't working. She knew her distress was making it harder for Taehyung to leave and he really had no choice. But she was a wreck. Her pregnant body was becoming more achy by the day, her mood swings were back in full force, and she was not ready to sleep alone for the next six weeks.

"Sweetheart" he attempted to calm her. "You are going to be fine. We can talk every day, your parents will be here with you, and I'll be back in less than two weeks for a visit. Now can you try to calm down a bit? I want to say a proper goodbye but we can't do that until you are ready."

Clara tried to take deep breaths to calm herself but hiccuped on her grief. Eventually, with Taehyung's help, she was finally able to calm herself enough to say goodbye. The couple were at Namjoon's parents where Clara would stay in Taehyung's absence. Namjoon was also there to have dinner with his parents before he and Taehyung left together for the airport. All told, it was good Namjoon was there, because he wasn't sure Taehyung would have been willing to leave Clara in her current condition if he was on his own. And they really, really needed to go.

Namjoon and Taehyung were the last to arrive at the airport, and everyone could see that the soon to be father looked heavily burdened. Namjoon waved them off, discouraging the members from broaching the topic so they could get through security together and off to their flight. As soon as they landed they'd be busy with interviews and preparations for their concerts. Namjoon just hoped that a good night's sleep would serve both Taehyung and Clara well, so they both could do what they needed to in order to get through the next six weeks.

Clara's parents had encouraged her to get into some comfortable pajamas and crawl into bed early. She looked exhausted from the emotions of the day, and they hoped after a good sleep she might bounce back a bit. Clara did as they asked, far too tired to consider arguing. When she was ready her mother came to tuck her in. Her adopted mother had never really done that before, leaving the task to Taehyung or trusting Clara to take care of herself. But as Clara grew in her pregnancy they would do anything possible to help her with her physical needs. Clara's mom still remembered being pregnant with twins herself, it was incredibly difficult as she approached the last few months of her pregnancy. She wanted to spare Clara from that as much as possible.

After sleeping the night Clara did wake up in a better spot. A few quick texts with Taehyung, along with a very quick video call, lifted her spirits considerably. She knew she needed to get a handle on herself so it was time to distract herself with other things.

Clara spent the next few weeks trying to keep herself busy. She continued with her pregnancy yoga and massage, she worked on puzzles at the dining room table, and she and her adopted mother watched some of her favorite tv shows together. She had moved to weekly doctor's appointments, most of which offered no real new information beyond assurances that everything looked good. And Clara continued to nap liberally, both as a way to pass the time and relieve some of the pressure on her joints.

The doctor had started to discuss the birth plan, but told Clara up front that she found it most likely she would have a c-section considering twins were involved. But Clara and the doctor agree that if a natural birth was an option, that was what she preferred. Clara began to practice meditation and breathing exercises, her doctor assured her both would be helpful when the time to give birth arrived. And Clara also used any extra time to make sure they had everything they needed at the apartment, from diapers, to clean clothes, to cribs and changing tables. Sometimes Clara went to her and Taehyung's apartment by herself, enjoying being in a place that felt like Taehyung. Her mother supported these brief visits, sensing that she needed that comfort to help keep her going until Taehyung's next visit.

After a few weeks Taehyung did make it home, but would be there for less than 24 hours. It was the biggest break he could get away with, but it was worth it to be reunited with his wife. When he first saw her he almost couldn't believe his eyes. Clara's belly had been large, but it suddenly looked huge. He began to question if it was really only two babies inside as he stared with wide eyes.

Taehyung and Clara glued themselves together for their short visit. There was hardly a moment when they weren't wrapped around each other. While it was a welcome reprieve, during the entire visit the knowledge that Taehyung would need to leave again hung over the couple like a heavy weight.

At least when he left this time Clara was able to hold her emotions better as they said goodbye. Taehyung had considered every possibility but hadn't been able to find another time to return before the tour was over, so they were entering an even longer stretch apart. But Clara steeled herself to be ready, knowing that Taehyung would be home for her last few weeks before her delivery, and then they would have a bit of time together as a family before he needed to leave again. And that time was going to be perfect.

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