Chapter 54

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Taehyung had returned from collecting Clara's belongings and was pulling out her meal. Opening up the containers he was surprised by what he saw. The food looked delicious, but it wasn't really the type of thing Clara normally liked. Had her tastebuds been changing? Just in case he called his mother to check.

"Mom, I just opened the cooler. Are you sure this is Clara's? It looks a little spicy. Did you mix up the containers?"

"No Taehyung-ah, that is Clara's. The dietician expanded the types of dishes she was making over the last week."

"Oh, well then I guess that's good right? Thanks for letting me know, I was just double checking."

It really must be that her taste buds were changing. There was so much Taehyung didn't know about pregnancy, he wondered what other surprises were in store.

After hearing Clara stirring Taehyung began to prepare her meal. Heating up the spicy noodles, putting the vegetables into a bowl, and putting everything onto a tray so she could eat it without having to leave the comfort of the bed.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm here with your dinner. Are you ready to eat something?"

Clara nodded, a big smile on her face seeing Taehyung re-enter their sanctuary. She sat up, excited to see what he would bring. But her entire expression seemed to change when she saw the tray.

"Are you hungry? Could you at least try to eat a bit? It's good to keep your strength up."

Clara nodded but was already filled with dread. She saw the big vegetable bowl full of bitter greens and she already could tell the noodles would be too spicy for her. But Taehyung was back, so she hoped the food might be a bit easier to stomach with his company.

She slowly started to pick at the greens, eventually bringing the first bite to her mouth. After carefully chewing she swallowed, watching Taehyung gaze at her with loving eyes.

"Good job, do you want me to feed you?"

Clara shook her head no. At least if she was feeding herself she had better control over how big the bites were.

She very slowly worked her way through the bowl of greens, regularly pausing when she felt at risk of becoming sick. But when each episode passed she slowly began to eat again. Until suddenly it was too much. Like every time she ate the greens she ended up running to the bathroom to expel the food that upset her stomach. But the difference this time was that Taehyung was right there. There was no way to hide what was happening.

"Clara, are you ok? Oh sweetheart I didn't know you were still having issues with nausea. Come here and rest for a bit."

Taehyung pushed the rest of the food far to the side, not wanting to bother her with the smell or sight. After she'd settled down he might try again, but he knew she'd need some time to recover first.

But to his surprise Clara insisted that she continue eating. She'd discovered the best option was to get it over with so she could at least lay down while her stomach churned.

Taehyung was less convinced but relented, handing her back the tray with the remaining food. "Take your time sweetheart. There is no rush."

Weakly nodding in return, Clara took her first bite of the noodles. Immediately her face began to flush and her eyes began to tear. She grabbed the water bottle to try to cool her mouth before the next bite. After the second bite in Taehyung stopped her. "Hey, is that too spicy for you? It looks like it might be too much. Don't eat it if you don't like it, ok my love?"

"But the doctor told me to eat everything."

"Yes, but not if you don't like it. We can find something else for you to eat. I'll let them know not to make it so spicy next time, does that sound OK?"

Clara nodded in agreement, unwilling to make eye contact.

He gently grabbed her chin, moving her so he could make eye contact. "Hey, is there something you aren't telling me? It seems like something is wrong."

"Um, could you also maybe tell them I don't like bitter greens? Every time I eat them it makes me throw up."

"What? Then why did you eat them? I thought I gave the company a list of everything you like and don't like. I'm sure I mentioned that you don't like your food so spicy. And I'm almost certain I would have mentioned that you don't like bitter greens. Maybe they lost the notes I provided?"

"Well, um, I think your mother might have called and asked them to start making the food more spicy and to include more of those types of greens. She said it would be good for the babies."

"Wait, let me get this straight. My mother called and asked them to make food I specifically told them you didn't like?"

Clara once again was staring at her lap, embarrassed by the whole situation. "Um, yes I think so."

"So you're telling me that you've been eating like this all week?"

"Yes" she whispered.

"And have you been having difficulty keeping the food down? Is what happened today the first time the food has made you sick?"

"Um...". By now Taehyung could barely hear Clara as she became even quieter. "No, it isn't."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Taehyung was trying to stay calm but it was hard. He couldn't believe Clara had been having this issue almost the full week and hadn't told him.

"I...I was just tired. So I kept missing your calls."

"Are you feeling more tired? I know the medication makes you sleepy but it should be getting better as you become more acclimated to it."

"Oh..." Clara whispered.

"I can tell there is something that you're still not telling me Clara. What is it? Do we need to see the doctor?"

"'s just that. Well... Your mom thought it would be best if I had a more regular sleep schedule and napped less. She thought it would make me feel better if I was awake more. So she might have made a schedule of when I was allowed to sleep? And it was just a little hard for me to adjust."

At this point Taehyung was feeling livid. He had trusted his mom to take care of Clara. So much so that he had asked Clara to stay with his parents for the week. And Clara had only agreed because she trusted him. This wasn't at all what he expected.

Trying to calm himself down, he asked, "Is that all? Is there anything else."

"Well, um. It just..". At this Clara stopped talking and grasped for Taehyung, burying her face in his chest again as the emotions of the last few weeks really broke through. "I missed you."

Taehyung sensed there was more to the story, but for now he was just going to be there for Clara, letting her cry until she eventually would drift off to sleep.

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