Chapter 44

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So here the book is back and new chapter is here....this will end in one or 2 more i hope u guys will like it...

Avneet waited till her grandpa's breath became so shallow. Her eyes were pouring out but her heart was saying she is doing right. Once she felt his breathing was so heavy she stood up and ran out calling for her chachu...

Chacha: what happened princess....why are u running like this...

Avu: chachu...grandpa is breathing heavily...please come...

Chacha: what...where is the nurse...he asked running towards the room.

There her grandpa was still heavily breathing when the staff nurse was trying to stable him.

Chacha: what the hell happened....
where were u....

Nurse: s..sorry sir...i just went to washroom...he is sinking we have to shift him to hospital immediately....

Chacha: shit....(turning to Avneet) princess u be here ok...i will come now...he said calling someone to get his father to get to hospital.

Avneet stood there watching everything silently. Then she remembered the CCTV is off...she quickly ran to her room and switched it on and done some work to show that all the time the corridor was empty till she came to the room. Studying ethical hacking was giving a hand...

Soon her grandfather was taken to the hospital. She wanted to stay back as she have to get sid out of here but her bad luck her chacha took her too to the hospital. She was thinking what to do and she messaged Vaishu that Sid will be there in the basement with some guards only and they can attack easily...she believed that Abhi's guards will take down her mafia men...

Abhi was glad that they got some help from Avneet. He knew very well that Avneet will lose her grandfather if they rescue sid. But he was glad she doing it but also he was confused why she was ready to lose her loved ones for his brother. They were on the way to Goa and after reaching there they have to hurry as Avneet has gotten her grandpa admitted in hospital anything can happen now and they have less time...

Here in hospital Avneet's grandpa was rolled into emergency room and she was waiting outside. She was praying her plan should work. They were waiting when the doctor came out.

Chacha: how is he he stable...

Doc: sorry Mr. Nandra...but his condition is really critical...his heart is not he is on life supporting machines...

Chacha: oh no...we are about to do the surgery doctor..we were about to shift him to our hospital in Dubai...

Doc: Mr. Nandra...he can't be shifted this condition flying is really a huge risk...

Chacha: what shall we do one the operation here itself...

Doc: but Mr. Nandra....he needs a's not that easy to get a heart...

Chacha: don't worry about that...the donor is ready...i will get him here...u get ready for the surgery...

Doc: are u serious Mr.'s not just any other organs that u can donate freely....even the other organs should donated with so much procedures...this is heart we are speaking about....

Chacha: I know that very well u get ready for surgery and the donor will be here...

Doc: how old is the donor...did they gave the full consent to this...

Chacha: the donor is 18 and they will give the consent...

Doc: what...are u 18 year will accept this...i will not agree to this...

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