Chapter 21

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This chapter is dedicated to _sriiiiiiii_.....

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VD: it's ok...don't cry...calm i want u to answer one more thing....

Sid looked at him with teary eyes...

VD: do u know anything about those guys who came to....he paused for a second...

VD: who came to buy you...

Sid shooked his head in no.

Sid: i don't know anything uncle...i ran from there when they came to take me...i didnt even saw any of them...they locked me in the room before they came...

VD: oh...

Sid: b.but...why are u asking me this now...

VD: that's....u know right i went to Pune today...

Sid nodded in yes...and his eyes widen in shock...

Sid:uncle...did..did u met them...please uncle...please don't send me back to them please....he started to cry...

VD: sid...i didnt met any of them...relax bacha..

Sid hiccuped.

Sid: the..then why are u asking...

VD: i came to know that they are still searching for u...

Sids eyes showed pure fear. It's been nearly a month after he ran away and they are still searching for him. He was really getting scared now. He was thinking why they want him and the realisation hit him.

Sid: uncle...i don't know anything about them...but they are very rich...i heard uncle and aunty talking to eachother that they were ready to give 5 million dollars for me...that's so huge our money...

Vaishu and her father was shocked to death. 5 million dollar in Indian Rupees was so huge. They wondered why they were ready to pay that much money for  just a 18 year old boy. And it scared them as they thought about the danger hanging on Sid's head.

Vaishu was about to tell something but VD stopped her. He took Sid's hands in his and squeezed it gently.

VD: sid u trust us right...

Sid nodded in yes.

VD: then keep this also in ur mind...neither me nor vaishu and Abhi will let u suffer ok....whatever is coming we will be with u...

Sid: ok uncle...he said in a low tone.

VD: ok...go and sleep...u look so tired.

Sid left to his room. Vaishu looked at her father in worry.

Vai: papa...5 million dollars is huge...

VD: yeah bacha...and this is something big that we can think beyond...i have to talk to Smitha about this...

Vai: to aunty...but why ..

VD gave the card to her.

Vai: Dubai....

VD: yes...not only that...i got to know that they are head of Dubai mafia from my friend...

Vai: mafia....she asked in utter shock...

VD: only...Smitha can handle this...i will talk to her soon...but don't let sid to know about this...he will be scared...

Vai: ok...but do something soon papa...please...

VD: i will bacha...ok it's getting late...go and sleep...he said kissing her forehead and they left to their rooms.

Like this that week went by and it was Monday. Sid was going to join college today. He was nervous. But Abhinavi was assuring him all the time. Also Anand met him for 2 more times in the restaurent and made friendship with him. Anand met sid in the restaurent after making sure that vaishu was not there.

Sid was still not ready to accept his friendship but he talked to him as he was going to be there in the college. And he didn't wanted to make enmity with his senior even before going to the college.

Abhi picked Sid and Vaishu from their house.

Abhi: hey Shiva...ready for the first day...

Sid: i think so bhai...

Vai: don't worry....we are with u...

Sid smiled at her. They reached the college and everyone's attention turned to them. Sid felt uncomfortable as he saw everyone looking at them. He quickly held Vaishu's hands and hid behind her.

Vai: it's ok...she whispered when Abhi gave a stern look around and everyone went their way.

They were walking towards their block when a student came running to them.

Boy: Abhishek...our football coach wanted to speak to u...

Abhi: now...can i come and meet him in the break..

Boy: no yaar...he is waiting to meet u from Friday.....but u were absent so only...

Abhi looked at sid who was feeling so nervous in that new atmosphere..

Vai: Abhi u go...i will take him to the class...

Abhi: but vaishu...

Vai: i will take care Abhi...u go...

Abhi: ok Shiva...i will meet u in the break ok...don't be nervous...have's ur first day of college...

Sid: ok Bhai...he said and Abhi left from there. But sid was looking at the direction he went.

Vai: he will come lets go...she said took him inside.

When they were walking on the corridor she could see Anand's gang was sitting on the steps and their eyes were on sid. She saw them and didn't found Anand with them but their eyes were preying on sid.

Vaishu held Sid's hand in a protevtive manner daring them to come near him. When they were about to cross them she pulled sid to the another side blocking his view to them. Sid was confused but didn't said anything as she was talking with him about random things.

They reached Sid's class.

Sid: di...i am scared...he said looking into the class which was barely filled with students...

Vai: don't worry sid...u will be ok...and don't forget...Abhis body guards will be watching u...if someone troubles u they will come and sort it out ok...

Sid: ok...

Vai: and yeah don't forget to introduce yourself as Shiva....

Sid:ok di...thanks for reminding me....

Vai: hmm...i will meet u here in the break ok...and yeah have fun and make friends ok...

Sid: ok...he said smiling a little...

After vaishu left sid went inside the class. He chose a random place and sat. He was drowned in his thoughts when a hand banged on his table harshly with a angry voice saying...


Sid startled at the sudden bang and flinched on the shout. He was scared for a moment and looked at the person who was standing before him and his eyes widened in shock....

The other person was also shocked equally. The person was standing there looking straightly at him not believing what they were looking. Only one word came from both of their mouth.

??: Siddharth....

Sid: Avu...
To be continued.

So was the chap...

So Avu is it going to be plus for sid or it would be dangerous for him....let's see...

The precap given in the previous chap will come in next update...

Complete the target soon and get the chapter...

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