Chapter 18

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Siddharth and Abhinavi went inside the temple. The temple was so calm and composing. They went inside and as always special pooja was going on. They went did the worship.

Sid was looking at the Goddess idol with a deep thinking. So was Abhi. Vaishu looked at both of them. She knew what's going in their minds. She know Abhi inside out. In a short span of time Sid became so close to her and she has got a strong connection to him. So now she could clearly say what's in his mind.

Three of them closed their eyes. All of them were praying for their loved ones well being. Abhi was again thinking and praying to give back his Ashu. Sid was praying that the little happiness he is having now to last long. And Vaishu was just praying for keep them happy always and especially sid to be safe.

After that they turned to go when Vaishu stopped them.

Sid: what happened di...

Vai: let's sit under the tree for sometime....

Sid: huh...but why...

Abhi: trust me will really help u to calm down...

Sid agreed and they sat under the same tree when Abhinavi came the last time. They were talking random things when someone approached them.

Sid saw the lady and felt anxious as she came straight towards them. Abhinavi saw the lady and smiled.

Lady: so finally i am seeing u smiling and happy...she said looking at  Abhi

Abhi smiled at her.

Abhi: yeah....i felt really good after that day u gave me ur blessings...

That lady smiled and looked at the trio. She saw sid who was new with them.

Lady: yeah....i can see that for whom u was praying that day has came to u right...she said looking at abhi and sid.

Abhi felt a new feeling when she said that. He wished it could be true.

Abhi: oh no aunty he is our friend...he was feeling low only we came here...

Lady: ok....anyway...don't worry everything will be ok...take this...she said again giving a flower which was taken from the foot of the goddess. She looked sid. He was looking like some what scared.

Lady: here...u also take it....the thing for which u are praying will be heard by the goddess...she said giving a flower to sid.

Sid looked at her and at Abhinavi. They gave him a encouraging smile. He slightly smiled at the lady and took the flower from her.

Sid: thanks au..aunty...

She smiled and left from there.

Sid: um...who is she...

Abhi: a blessing from the goddess...

Sid: ohh..but what did she said...something about whom u wanted to come to u has came...

Abhi tensed on that...

Vai: it's nothing Shiva..abhi was so sad on something a while ago...i took him and that aunty gave him a flower like this and he became happy after that...

Sid: ohh..but whom did u wanted to come to u Bhai...

Abhi: Shiva...let's talk about that someother time na please....

Sid: ok...hey i wanted to know something...

Vai: what...

Sid: why did bhai denied to take u to the beach...what happened...

Abhi: oh...that was some months ago Shiva...when me and ur di  went there for a drive..

Vai: abhi no....

Abhi: why...i will tell him...he has to know how his lovable di is a idiot...

Vai: hey i am not an idiot....

Abhi: yes u are...

Sid: guys guys...enough...please stop ur fighting tell me the reason...

Abhi: when we went there ur di wanted to ride a horse...that too alone...that horse guy said if she knows horse riding he will ur idiotic di lied that she knew and started to ride the horse....and guess what...

Vaishu hid her face in her palms.

Sid: what happened...

Abhi(suppressing his laughs): she started to ride and i don't know what that horse thought in its mind and when she tried to change the direction to come back the horse started to run so fast that it went on the road...u can't even imagine that how much stalls ur di and her horse destroyed that day....he said and broke out to laughing.

Vai: oh god stop it yaar....

Sid was also laughing along with him.

Sid: di..why did u lied...then what happened...

Abhi: what happened...that horse guy finally got his horse under control but i got stuck with those stall owners...and they literally started to threaten me to call the police and i escaped from them giving money to all of them and my 4 months pocket money was gone in a matter of few minutes....and also mom got know and I took the wrath....

Sid was laughing. It was like he was laughing like that after a long time...Abhinavi saw him laughing and silently prayed that smile should be last long on his face.

Sid stopped laughing and looked at vaishu seriously...

Sid: di...u didn't got hurt na...he asked worried. She smiled at him.

Vai: no..actually ur Bhai only got some smacks from the stall owners...she said looking at him while he was glaring at her.

Sidnavi started laughing again seeing his reaction.

Abhi: ok ok...if ur laughing session is over shall we go....

They nodded in yes and went to the car.

Sid really felt that something was different and something light in his heart. He felt some huge burden or weight was taken away from him.

He looked at Abhinavi. A small smile came on his face. He felt safe with them. He don't have to be scared around them thinking about when will suddenly hit him for something he never did. He don't have to think twice before talking to them like he used to do before...

He knew that as far as he is with them he will be safe...that time the thought of his brother came to him.

Sid( in mind): if i ever find u...i just want to show bhaiya and di to u and tell that i have got some good people who love me unconditionally....not like u....I hate u Dada....he thought and climbed into the car and they left from there to their places.
To be continued

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