Chapter 5

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I am glad u guys completed the here is the second update of the day....complete the target to get the next chap....

50 votes and 40 comments for the next chap.

It was around 4 or 4.30 in the morning....

Sid was sleeping still sleeping in the truck. The drivers looked at him and looked at eachother. Then they slowly parked the truck on the road near a tea shop. They climbed down the truck and went to the tea shop.

Here Sid stirred in sleep lightly and he woke up with a jerk. After realising the surrounding he sighed in relief. Then he looked at the watch and it was nearly 4.30 in the morning.

Sid: did we reached's 4.30 ....mumbai is not at all far from Pune...he said to himself. He looked out of the window and saw those drivers having some snacks in the shop.

But what made Sid to shocked was there was board having the words ' WELCOME TO KOLKATA'.

Sid: what.....k.kolkata....i asked them to drop me in mumbai right....he said to himself and got panicked.

He quickly climbed down the truck and was about to turn when he bumped into those drivers....

Sid: bhaiya....what are we doing in kolkata....I asked u to drop in mumbai na....

D1: I said I give u a ride only....I never said I will drop u in mumbai...

Sid got shocked and confused at the same time. He looked around and there was no other people other than them as it was early morning....

Sid: it's ok I will manage....I can go from here to mumbai...he said and took two steps back...

D2: where are u going baccha....bhai...see he got only I told u to tie him before we go for having tea....

Sid got shocked to the core hearing this. He thought that those drivers are also shekar's men. He got scared when both of them took their steps forward towards him.

He looked at them in fear and suddenly pushed both of them aside and started running. They also started to chase him behind. But sid was faster than them.

He quickly ran and hid behind a small house. Those drivers came and saw that he was no where...they were really not ready to leave him like that..

D1: shit...he escaped....I thought he will get us money...

D2: yeah I even sent his picture in our communication group....

D1: when did u took his picture...

D2: I clicked it when he was sleeping...but no one replied as it was midnight....I thought everyone will see the message and reply in the morning....but what to do now...he escaped....

D1: it's ok leave....I think luck is on his only he escaped...u just erase the message in the group. Now let's go we have to reach Bangladesh as soon as possible.... 

D2:ok....then they left from there...

Sid who was hiding behind the house heard everything and he was really scared and fed up of this life.

Sid: I trusted them and they also betrayed me....they were also planning to sell me...why my life is like what will I do can I go to mumbai....he asked to himself and was walking on the road aimlessly.

But suddenly a car came and stopped just infront of him with a jerk. Sid got scared and he fell down. He looked at the car when a boy of age around 22 got down.

Sid saw the boy and the car. The car showed that how rich he is. It was a brand new AUDI Q8 car. The boy was half drunk.

( Everyone must have guessed who was that was Abhi)

Abhi: hey bro...I am sorry...did I hit u....he asked to sid who got up slowly from the ground. As he was half drunk he didn't saw sid fully.

Sid: no...I am ok....he also didn't saw abhi properly...

Abhi: are u hurt anywhere come with me I will get u to hospital...

Sid got scared on this statement and he was not in a state to trust anyone as his own brother left him,then those who he loved after his brother tortured him for years and was about to sell him for money.....and at last those strangers were also about to do something wrong with now he was not ready to trust anyone...

Because of his fear and trust issues he couldnt even look at the boy in front of him and process his facial features and find that he is his brother. Same with Abhi...even he was fully filled with sid's memories,he was half drunk so he also didn't saw him fully and couldn't find that he is the one who he is longing for in these years....

Sid just ran from there when Abhi looked at him with wide eyes in the drunken state. After that went home but this incident was roaming in his mind fully.
To be continued.

So finally they met after 9 years....but both of them couldn't recognise the other....

Will they reunite again....

So what will happen next....complete the target to know....

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