Chapter 37

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Abhi took sid to his mansion. Vaishu went to her room leaving Abhi with sid. Smitha and VD was in the study discussing what to do next.

Sid was still in the effect of Shekar and Maya. Abhi went to him and sat beside him. Sid was still looking down. He was scared. Not for himself but for his newly found family who is willing to take risks for him. He loved them so much that he didn't wanted them to get hurt. He knew Smitha was  rich but he didn't knew she is also powerfull. He didnt realised that she can do whatever to save him. Everything he could think was Shekar and Maya will hurt them.

Abhi: Sid...he said slowly keeping his hands his shoulder and he flinched back.

Abhi: it's ok's me...he said softly...

Sid slowly looked at him with tears. He could see how much Abhi loved him.

Sid: bhaiya...the..they will hurt u all bhaiya...i..i..don't want u to get hurt...

Abhi: they can't told u na...they cant even touch us...u are safe...

Sid: no bhaiya...

Abhi: Sid...i am telling u and mom will not let anyone hurt u anymore...ok .he said sternly to which Sid looked him silently and nodded his head slightly.

Abhi wrapped his hands around him and sid leaned to his chest fisting Abhis shirt in his hands.

Abhi: don't be scared...i will always be with u...he said kissing his head.

3 days went by.  Sidnavi was still in Abhi's house. They were trying to get the whole information of those mafia people and also they were collecting proofs against Shekar and Maya.

After breakfast Smitha and VD left for their work. Abhinavi was having an important exam that day...sid was pleading them to take him along. But Abhi asked him to be in the mansion as he will be safe.

Atlast they left leaving a sulking siddharth in the mansion. Sid was roaming in the mansion. He was so bored. He tried to spend his time in the library but he felt too bored in the silent room. So he came out and went to Abhi's room. Abhi has given him full access to his room. He can do whatever in the room. He thought to play vedio games for sometime.

So he started playing and got bored in that he decided to look around. He saw the room was fully filled with gadgets and all. His closet was filled with clothes. Sid even tried some of Abhi's dresses and clicked some pictures deciding to show it to Abhinavi after that.

After some time he laid on the bed hit with the peak of boredom and rolling on the bed lazily. That's when his eyes fell on the tape recorder which was placed on the dresser. He remembered that day also he was about to check it but stopped himself. But today having Abhis permission to do whatever he wanted he stood up and went to it. He took the tape recorder and came to bed again.

Sid: why bhaiya is having such an old tape recorder when all the other things he have is so much modernised and expensive...he asked himself and saw it.

Sid: does it have any recording inside it....he asked himself and searched for the play he played the sound started playing with some sort of claps and the words followed by the claps made his heart skip a beat....

Voice: everyone says that i don't have parents....yes i don't have but...but i have my dada is everything to me...he is my mumma...he is my papa...he is DADA....i love u dada....i love u...i love u....i love u sooooo much......

Sid was numb after hearing his own voice in the recorder. The speech which he delivered in the school for his Dada. The speech which he himself prepared with so much of love for him. But what is it doing here with Abhi bhaiya...he was so confused.

He was thinking how Abhi is having the recorder with his own voice. He was getting so confused when it dawned to him. ABHISHEK.....his bhaiyas name was Abhishek and he was none other than his DADA....his eyes widened in shock when everything got processed in his mind.

The first time when he saw Abhi he looked so familiar. Then the connection they made between them. Even if it was vaishu who gave him a job and a place in her life and heart he automatically leaned to Abhi who was introduced by vaishu. He remebered the times when he spent with Abhi and it finally dawned to him about the bracelet incident.

Sid: means...he knew...he knew i am his Ashu...but he chose to hide it from me...why....he cried hugging the recorder to his heart.

His cries slowly turned to anger when he remembered the wardens words that his Dada ran away from.

Sid: so he left me there and ran away to get those also he is hiding the truth right...he is hiding the truth...i hate u...i hate u dada...i hate u...he said crying more.

In the anger he totally forgot the information he got about the wardens deeds with the children. In anger he just saw the present reality before him that Abhishek was living a luxurious life when he was suffering their abuse there.

He stood up in anger and wiped his tears. He took the tape recorder in his hands and stormed out of the house...when he went to the main gate it was the time for the security guards to change shifts and there was no one.

Sid in anger forgot that he is in grave danger and walked out of the mansion without any second thought. He just wanted to meet Abhishek now. He was walking furiously towards the college when a car stopped infront of him making him flinch and step back.

Before he could realise what was happening two men from the car pulled him inside when he struggled and the car started to leave from there with great speed.....
To be continued.

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