Chapter 22

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The other person was also shocked equally. The person was standing there looking straightly at him not believing what they were looking. Only one word came from both of their mouth.

??: Siddharth....

Sid: Avu...he merely whispered to himself.

Avu: siddharth is it really u...

Sid came out of his thoughts and composed himself...

Sid: is siddharth...i am Shiva...

Avu: no...i know its u...what happened to u sid...

Sid: excuse me please....u have mistaken me for some one else...i..i am Shiva...he said and left from the class immediately not wanting to be in front of her.

But Avneet didn't let go of this and she also came following him.

Avu: sid stop there...

But sid was going in a haste not wanting to stop and talk to her. He was scared if he acknowledges her and anyone knows he is here then shekar and Maya will find him easily. He literally ran on the corridor so that he didn't saw who was in front of him and collided with the person.

He got shocked and looked at the person and got relieved.

Sid: di...i don't want to be here....please...he said hugging her.

Vaishu who had no mood for going to class without Abhi decdied to wait for him in the canteen. She thought to get sid also to the canteen as it was more than half an hour for the classes to start. She was on the way to Sid's class surfing through her phone when someone collided with her.

She taken aback when sid hugged her crying.

Vai: sid...what happened....why are u crying...she whispered to him.

Sid: take me from here...please...i dont want to be here...he said crying.

Vai: but what happened...she asked when he was constantly turning back and checking for someone...

Avu came following him and saw he was talking with Vaishu...luckily Avu know Vaishu already as she is senior. But what surprised her was sid hugging her and he was crying.

She vaishu was about to take sid away from there. She ran to them.

Avu: vaishu di...wait...she ran to them.

Sid literally got scared of her and hid behind vaishu. Vaishu was confused why sid was behaving like this.

Vai: hi Avu...if u want anything text me...i am little busy right now...she said.

Avu: no di...i don't want anything....i just want to know why Sid is with u and he is crying....

Vaishu was shocked to hear his real name from her. She turned to sid but he shooked his head in no telling he don't want her to know.

Avu: siddharth why are u crying....please tell me sid...her voice was so gentle as she saw him after 2 years now...

Vaishu understood that Avneet is realated to sid in someways...and she was addressing him as sid again and again...if anyone hear it...then it will be a huge problem for them.

The security guards came there as they saw sid running on the corridor crying. Vaishu told them he is ok and dismissed them. Avu saw the guards and got confused. Why sid was having guards and why they are listening to Vaishu.

Avu: can anyone tell me what's going on here...

Vaishu looked around and she took Avu and sid to the canteen.

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