Chapter 35: Surreal States of Serenity

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Surreal Estates

Adrien lowered the box of books in his hands on the floor. To Adrien's amusement, Luka barely paused after setting the box he carried up, speeding back through the elevator doors before they closed.

Knowing that there was only one box left from the last items they shoved into the back of his Mini, he sat down against one of the few pieces of furniture that existed within the apartment. It was a plush leather that was installed onto the wall. While he waited for his selfless man to return, he paused to check his phone that had been singing at him since they left the emptied Agreste Manor.

Marinette: Why weren't you at work today?

Marinette: Apparently you came and fled?

Marinette: Do you need any help with your move in?

Marinette: Sorry for the spam, am I annoying you?

Nathalie: Thank you for getting the contracts in early, the meeting went well. When do you plan on coming back to the office?

Nino: When do I get to see your place? No fair that Alya saw it first!

Marie: An anonymous buyer is willing to buy the old manor for asking price!

The elevator dinged, averting Adrien's attention from the messages; they could wait, there was someone far more important requiring his time.

Luka dramatically struggled with the last container of books. "You could help me, you know?"

Adrien scampered to take it from him. "Oh don't be such a baby!"

"Me? I didn't see a box in your hand!" Luka motioned to Adrien's once again empty arms.

"I knew there was only one left and you were already on your way down." Adrien waved off Luka's teasing.

Luka had been so exhilarated to spend the day with Adrien in his new house that he had rushed through the emptying of Adrien's car. He hadn't allowed a moment to step into the main area of Adrien's luxury loft.

"I like the place, smaller than I would have guessed." Luka chided.

So far, he had only stepped foot within the 'staging area'. Granted, Luka could happily live within the square footage of this area alone.

A warm chandelier lit the room as the elevator doors opened. To the left of the entrance was the black couch that Adrien sat upon; it ran from nearly the edge of the elevator and then wrapped along the left wall. To the right were coat racks that lead up to a guest bathroom, as if someone would be awaiting entry to the main entry for so long they would need to freshen up. Directly straight from the elevator was a large set of doors, which were a deep mahogany with a crimson red tint. On either side were closets in a slightly darker wooden shade.

"I don't know, I think it's pretty cozy!" Adrien beamed as he pushed on a false light switch, between the right of the entry doors and the nearest closet, sending out a metallic pin pad.

"When did you turn into James Bond?" Luka gawked at this hidden feature in amazement.

The security within the house was outstanding. Being in the penthouse, Adrien's elevator was hidden from the rest.  If you were a guest, you would need to go through the security at the front and then either get escorted from building staff or from Adrien's code override. For Adrien, he uses his key fob to get into his own miniature parking lot, hosting the space for approximately ten vehicles. He then uses the elevator floor lights as a code (since the elevator does not stop anywhere besides his loft). When he needs guests to park, the required overrides are simpler to organise.

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