Chapter 32: Just Let Me Be Happy

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Movers were running from edge to edge of the Agreste manor as Marinette walked in for her shift.

What the hell is going on? 

For good measure, Marinette checked her phone to see if there had been any recent updates. As becoming ever more frequent, her phone was free of any notifications. Curling the bag of baked goods in her fingers she walked towards Adrien's office.

Adrien was the epitome of a business heartthrob. He was dressed to the nines with a pen slid behind his ear as he stood reading the newest proposal, slightly swaying as he read. He was undisturbed by the manic movers fleeing around his office.

"Are you moving?" Marinette asked the obvious question.

"Marinette!" Adrien opened his arms in excitement, nearly spilling his coffee over the papers. "Just the person I wanted to see."

Blood rushed to her face as she passed forward her parents' daily gift.

"Can't, I'm starting a new diet!" Adrien set the document on the desk.

"Are... are you moving?" Marinette was struggling with her words and the commotion bustling around her.

" We are moving! Tell me, Marinette, you still live at your parents house, right?" Adrien's abrasively positive attitude was a lot to handle first thing in the morning.

"Um... y-yes?" Her words flipped as they struggled past her lips.

"All of Agreste Industries is moving and since you are - oh shit - I forgot this part." Adrien leafed through his papers, purposefully taking a sip of his coffee so he wouldn't spill during his search. Grasping her contract he restarted. "Marinette, we are expanding in both company and base of operations. Since you have shown great promise shadowing Diane would you be interested in accepting a lead designer position within our firm?" Adrien paused from reading the designated script he was provided to add a piece of his own. "This won't include the Paris Fashion week payout which will be on a different sheet, but will still run congruent with this job title."

Marinette stammered and blinked incoherently.

"Is that a yes?" Adrien tilted his head towards her.

Unable to speak, she nodded her head.

"Perfect!" He resumed reading his designated script. "Since this job will be demanding and time consuming, we are offering you a suite at our new location. There are three different areas available for you to choose from. Each will include standard meals, however, you will have a full kitchen available in suite." His gaze lingered upon her.

"Y-yes! Yes!" Marinette bounded with joy. Not only was she about to get a promotion, but she was going to be living under the same roof as Adrien!

"Do you want to look at the place now or later?" Adrien's suggestive pout clearly hoped for now.

"Let's go, Agreste."

Adrien shot forward, lifting Marinette's hair as he sped past her. Jubilated, Marinette skipped behind Adrien.

The entire elevator ride, Adrien yammered in excitement over the new facilities. "And it was all thanks to Alya!"

"Alya?" Marinette's mood slightly dropped as they headed towards the car. "Why Alya?"

Marinette had no reaction to Adrien's driving as they sped to the new location.

"Alya dropped by to see how I was doing and we ended up going on a huge real estate venture. The agent loved us, I think we made her entire year! And I put her in charge of selling the old house. Not sure how much I can expect after a suicide and an old corpse, but I'll take whatever I can." Adrien pulled into the underground parking of the new location.

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