Chapter 14: Project Adrien

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The morning after with Luka and Adrien & the superhero meet.


This chapter marks the end of Part 1.


The sun brought out the rose gold within Adrien's hair as he gently dozed. Luka wanted to remember every detail, every breath, the way his lips twitched as he slept. He wanted to be with Adrien, but he was shackled by reality. He knew Adrien was not ready for what he needed. Luka wanted the fluff; he yearned for dates, handholding, and public romantic gestures.

Maybe... maybe he would want to? No, last night only proved otherwise. And there's always the issue of Ladybug. Marinette is still in love with Adrien, and Chat adores Ladybug. If we keep going now... I know my heart will break. 

Adrien's eyes began to flutter open, their brilliant green sparkling against the midday light. Once he recognized that he was awake, he sat up with a jolt.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" Luka was terrified that Adrien would regret inviting him to stay.

"I slept!" Adrien announced.

Confused, Luka furrowed his brow.

Adrien re-lowered himself to Luka, who was propped up with his elbow. "You."

Fear flashed through Luka as he recalled the last time Adrien had said that; Viperion held him in his arms as he dashed to the hospital.

"Me?" His voice croaked from a combination of beguilement and lingering dread.

Adrien cupped Luka's cheek and admired how the sun turned his eyes into a chromatic blue, with slices of silver flickering throughout. Since the battle with Gabriel, Adrien had only slept through the night twice; both nights were when Luka was by his side.

Luka was finding his arguments to distance himself harder to adhere to as Adrien grew closer. He fought to grasp his bearings, but could tell Adrien had already lost himself in Luka's seas.

Adrien placed his hand on the nape of Luka's neck. His thumb rested on the corner of Luka's clicking jaw. "You stayed."

"Of course I did." Luka was surprised his voice hadn't given out, considering he wasn't sure that he was breathing.

Luka's tense responses made Adrien unsure how to advance. As he contemplated how, his eyes momentarily dropped to Luka's lips. From his grip on Luka's neck, he could feel the quickening of his heart rate. Cautiously, he moved forward an inch; fleeting his eyes once more to Luka's trembling lips.

Part of Luka wanted to run. He knew everything would be easier if, in this moment, he jumped out of the bed and ran to the hills. But he couldn't tear himself away. Following the direction of his thudding heart, he pushed his lips onto Adrien's. Euphoria filled his body. If he were to ever have a drug of choice, it would be Adrien.

Luka pushed his chest against Adrien, rolling him to his back. Adrien kept one hand with his fingers tugging on Luka's hair. His other hand gripped Luka's hip, a few fingers below the waistline of the sweatpants. Luka held one hand on Adrien's side, the other slid behind Adrien's back, pulling their bodies as close together as possible.

"Fuck," Luka moaned in both pleasure and guilt. Adrien took the opportunity of his freed lips to run across Luka's neck, gently biting him back for the night before. Luka's vision hazed at the pained pleasure gnawing at his neck.

Plagg and Sass had begun to play cards, realising they might have to wait a bit longer than anticipated, before their holders began their day.

Luka nipped Adrien back in an attempt to distract himself from Adrien's affection, as well as a technique of self-control. But, while his teeth pressed against Adrien's skin, Adrien let out a moan that vibrated against Luka's lips; this considerably lessened the effect of Luka's method of restraint. Adrien's hand trailed from Luka's hip to the front of his pants.

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