Chapter 9: Let The Celebrations Begin!

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Everyone starts to come together for Adrien's birthday, Felix's present is an Akuma attack.

***CHANGE TO ORIGINAL PLOT*** I changed the Adrien's first birthday after his mothers death to be 15. Why? Because it seems like they're all in high school and it makes more sense to me that way.

Please be aware, that unless there are particularly graphic scenes, I will no longer be providing a detailed trigger warning. Chapter 8 indicated the shifting tone and nature of this narrative, all possible warnings are stated within the tags.


"That is amazing Nathalie!" Gabriel gushed over the superhero theme her and Emelie had chosen for Adrien's sixth birthday.

Bashfully smiling, Nathalie pulled out the list of proposed gifts. Gabriel ran his finger down the sheet, stopping at a pair of rollerblades. He uncontrollably shuttered at the reminder of Adrien's bicycle accident. "Maybe not these."

"We'll make sure he has a helmet too, Gabriel. He has been really excited about picking up another sport!" Nathalie had not intended to defy him, but rage spiked through Gabriel.

"Owning a helmet didn't help him last time. He will find a different sport." The joy had dissipated from his voice.

"I know you want to keep him safe Gabriel, but remember, he's still a child. Getting hurt is part of growing up." She tried to reason with him.

"It is out of the question, Nathalie." He spit as he accentuated her name. "Everything else is fine. Just drop the rollerblades."

Gabriel spun his ring as he returned to his designs. For a sweet moment, the memory of Adrien's concaved head evaporated from his mind.


"Gabriel, can you please confirm the reservation for Adrien's birthday at Le Grand Paris ?" Nathalie stood in the doorway of Gabriel's office, waiting for him to beckon her in from behind his electronic easel. 

"Was this Emelie's idea?" Gabriel's eyebrows raised, but his gaze did not.

"We worked on it together, all of the catering and decorations have already been planned." Nathalie responded with a nod.

"He's turning 14, he should be focusing on career advancement over silly parties."

"I understand sir, but with Emelie's health, we don't know if she'll be able to have another birthday with him." Nathalie barely whispered.

"Then the three of you do something in the house. There's no reason he needs an extravagant party."

"Yes, sir. Would you like to review the gifts?" She held up the printed list hopefully.

"Don't spoil the boy." He gruffly responded.

"We will be mindful of that. Would you like a gift labelled from yourself?"

"The same as the last two years. We just received a new order of pens. They're high-caliber quality, valued at 100 euros. It's a respectable gift for a young man."

Sighing in defeat, Nathalie nodded as she exited his office.

Shifting Tides

Adrien appreciated the effort that Nathalie had put into his birthday, but it seemed odd considering it had happened three months ago. Plus, he cherished the birthday his friends threw for him in the hospital; it was more than he ever needed, loving friends and chocolate cheesecake.

Scanning the room, Adrien could see that Chloe's fingerprints were all over the meticulous arrangement. Anything this perfect, and this yellow, had to be Chloe.

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