Chapter 21: Through Our Emerald Eyes

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Okay, I did a theme again - for several reasons. Just fun with titles - the theme is green. Whether it's symbolism or actual descriptions for green - they're related somehow.

Emerald Eyes

Colette held her new grandson in her hands. His eyes were already lightning to the Graham De Vanilly shade of emerald. "Welcome to the world, you beautiful boy."

Amelie's sobs echoed through the delivery room.

The nurse leaned into the new mother, "You don't have to do this, no one can force you to give up your child."

"Unless there was a surrogate agreement." Colette spoke, letting the nurse know that she could hear her.

"What kind of surrogate agreement involves the splitting of twins?" The nurse hissed.

"Know your place. This is family affairs." Colette firmly stated as she continued to admire the young boy.

"This is reprehensible." She huffed as she left them.

"It's okay, little Felix, she doesn't understand. You're a very brave boy, you know that?" Colette whispered at the small bundle.

"Do... do we have to, Mother? They're... they're boys. That should be enough of a sign that the curse has been broken." Amelie continued to tear as she held Adrien close to her chest.

"Amelie, they both carry Gabriel's blood. They are making a sacrifice, just like you."

"But I was the one who carried them! I felt them grow!" She shouted, choking on her tears.

"No. You have not worn the ring, so you don't understand. You can't feel the power from them." Colette kept a soft tone as she began to rock the, now squirming, Felix.

"If the rings are gone, how can you still feel their power?" Amelie rubbed her cheek against Adrien's.

"Because I know who is supposed to inherit which ring." Cosette replied, as if they had obvious labels on their head.

"Which is why you want to take this sweet boy." Amelie kissed Adrien's forehead.

"Yes," Cosette nodded in agreement. "An extra precaution, ensuring the son who lives with either of you is destined for the opposing ring."

"Please, just, let me hold them both. Before Gabriel and Emelie come in." Amelie raised an arm towards Felix.

With a sour face, Cosette passed Felix over to Amelie. She didn't enjoy what they had to do. But she couldn't bear her children making the same mistakes that she did.


The pendant on Felix's shirt was glowing at the downfall of fierce negative emotions.

"Are you dumb and blind now, or what?" Lila pointed towards the Miraculous.

"Not today, Lila." Felix warned.

"No, seriously, most of the brat pack is at that funeral. If you were going to have a real shot, now's the time to do it."

"Lila! I'm not having this conversation with you. I said no." His voice grew louder.

"It's been like, a year, since Daddy Dearest died. He should be over it by now." She flipped her hair with her cruel words.

Felix pulled out the chair from under her, causing her to fall upon the floor. "Listen." He bared his teeth as he neared her face. "Today is not the day. So shut the fuck up or get out."

Lila whimpered as she shook, turning to Barkk for aid.

Barkk rolled her eyes before responding to Lila's muted plea. "I'm not falling for that again, Lila."

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