Chapter 24-Werewolf Parlay

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🖤Very overdue, this should give more much needed info and something to mull over while I hopefully get this book finished before the end of this year. Enjoy!🎃

Demon-an evil spirit, that can possess a person or act as a tormentor in Hell

"Like hell are we going near that psycho," Trina sneers, closing the heavily chipped door right in my face. "And the last time we helped you we nearly got turned into matching luggage!"

I roll my eyes, the skin in my neck already prickling with embarrassment. Of all the things I hated, having to direct Ryder into this backwoods swamp and convince the Hackett cousins to help us was in the top ten. Adding to the warm welcome, I had to deal with convincing my younger siblings to stay at the pack house, which ended with me promising the twins a new set of dolls and Nick another chemistry set. Oh joy.

Then Ryder of course called driver seat in Carol's minivan, with me scrunched in the middle between Laurel and Derrick while also helping Carol find the correct landmarks with her holding onto the old map I had stowed away for emergencies. Now, I'm stuck in a down pour while everyone else gets to stay in the heated, dry vehicle.

"Dammit Trina!" I holler, halfheartedly kicking the door, eliciting a large deluge of rain water to come down on my head. "Ugh! Goddess, I'm sorry about that demon last summer. If it makes you feel better, Madame Rossetti had a good long talk with its hellish commander. Now please, just get your cousins ready and meet us at the Gray Mill in Devil's Heart. I promise to buy y'all a round of tequila shots if we live through the meeting."

The door yanks back open, revealing Trina's curly blond locks and Conrad's blue buzz cut. I can't help but sigh at their smiling faces, joined then of course by Mariah and Martin. The brother and sister duo that tend to creep normal people out with their albino coloring and full on black eyes. No whites of the eyes or anything, just bottomless pits of oily blackness.

"Make it three rounds and you got a deal," Conrad utters, turning around before suddenly freezing in the doorway and the turning back around with a look of pure evil on his face. "You said the Gray Mill right?"

"Yes," I answer hesitantly, knowing from past experience what Conrad will say next.

"Well that place isn't some casual dive bar," Conrad begins, sliding on out onto the porch before giving me the old once over. "And honey you wouldn't be able to get past the front door in that get up."

As usual, Conrad always made it a point to make fun of my wardrobe. All my precious band tees, superhero t-shirts, and the endless collection of ripped, frayed, and paint splattered pants.

"If you think that's bad you should see the folks in the car," I huff, rolling my eyes in the direction of Carol's minivan and Ryder glaring emerald daggers at Conrad's proximity to me. "None of us planned on going out to any VIP rated dance halls tonight. My brother still has sweats on, his mate threw on workout clothes, and you don't even want to know what type of house shoes Solarin has on."

"My oh my," Conrad chuckles weakly, his face paling ever so slightly from my lovely dose of information. "You lot certainly have our work cut out for us."

"So, your going to help us?" I ask, wincing slightly as Conrad's eyes start to glitter with thoughts of dressing me in whatever get up comes to mind.

"More than that Rena," Conrad drawls, cracking his knuckles before rolling up his sleeves. "I'm going to make sure that Rouge King is too stunned to even remember how to breath."
"If any of you so much as laugh when I take off this coat," I hiss, shuffling on out of the Hackett's front door in three inch stilettos while attempting to not slip on the wet porch. "I will personally rip out your tongue and feed it to the twins."

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