Chapter 21-Demolition and the Dead

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Battle-a sustained fight between large organized armed forces

As expected, Nick's improvised rocket explodes on contact with the ground. Making a six foot wide hole, setting the nearby pine trees on fire, and sending a good half of Jason's warriors on their asses. The following recoil of the bazooka also sends me on my ass, while the resounding boom shakes the trees and comically has everyone freeze mid fight, just to swivel their heads towards me.

"Oh," I mock gasp, giving the bazooka a quizzical once over. "So that's what this does."

"Get her!" Jason roars, reigniting the fight and sending my blood pounding in my ears.

I drop the bazooka, not having to worry with its now empty slot, and charge full tilt into the very thick of the battle. Howls of pain follow as I twist through the bloodied and bruised throng, my fists finding noses, throats, and stomachs to hit with deadly accuracy. I let out a roar of fury once I break through the line of Jason's warriors. The ground beneath me trembling, shaking, and groaning as my body contorts into a glowing silver wolf.

The remnants of my clothes fall onto the grass, tattered, trashed, and utterly beyond repair. I ignore it, even the bits of leather that were my favorite pair of blood red boots and my puffy green parka. Choosing to charge forward, heading for the two black wolves battling amongst the downed bodies of wolves in human form.

As I rush forward, I count at least ten on the ground. Leaving at least twenty for Carol and the small portion of her pack to take care of. I beeline straight for the one with a jagged scar on his muzzle, currently attempting to pin down the other wolf, my annoying, aggravating, and loving mate.

With a pericing howl, I dive bomb Jason and latch onto the scruff of his neck. Using his muscle and bulk, Jason throws me off him and onto the ground with a bone breaking thump, an amount of force that would have broken a human's back.

"You...will...die" I growl, causing Jason's eyes to widen at my ability to speak in wolf form, but my threat only makes him angrier. Jason howls into the slowly graying winter sky, a promise of unhindered bloodlust. I scramble back onto all fours just as he barrels straight at me. Snarling, I run at him as well, my paws eating up the ground, propelling me into Jason with a mighty, earth trembling smack of flesh, fur, and bone.

I tear into him with all I have, snapping, biting, and clawing without mercy. Though we are equally matched in weight, he has more training in battle than I do. Quickly, he has me pinned down, his fur stained with a mixture of my blood and his. Just as he rears his head back to aim for my throat, Ryder body slams into him. Pushing Jason off me, and knocking him back onto the churned up ground.

Swiftly, I jump to my feet and join Ryder in facing off against his brother. All three of us snarl as Ryder and I circle around Jason, forcing him to twist his body back and forth as we snap and nip at him. Pushing him towards the crater made by the bazooka rocket. All while I pray to the Moon Goddess to get Laurel and Derrick back here with reinforcements.

Already I see the six downed Canyon Pass warriors rousing from unconsciousness in the corner of my eye. While the sounds of Carol and her pack members fighting off the rest of Jason's wolves, begin to quiet and grow sporadic in their consistency. Dread curdles in my gut, fear that we might be losing the battle coming to the forefront of my mind.

Except, Jason's eyes widen to the size of saucers as a truck horn blares  "I wish I lived in the land of cotton" behind us. Ryder takes the initiative and slams into his brother as I turn my body around to watch our much needed backup arrive.

My younger siblings howl out the window as Derrick slams on the breaks barely a yard from the suddenly still mass of fighting wolves. Behind them, is at least fifty of the attendees from our emergency meeting, and they are pissed. They're not Carol's warriors but they will do perfectly.

Letting Ryder deal with Jason, I race head long into the mass of fighting wolves. Effectively bum rushing a Canyon Pass warrior just as a swarm of screaming pixies throws down a wall of pixie dust. Immediately, the entire mass of howling and snarling stops. Only to be replaced by a horrendous amount of sneezing from everyone. Including me. Being a werewolf does have its perks, but with a super sensitive nose they turn into a curse.

On instinct, my body shakes and twists into my human form. My bare human form that starts shaking once a blast of icy cold wind blows right into my back. With squinted eyes, I watch the rest of the wolves revert back into their human skins. At once, our back up arrives, throwing blankets on everyone, including the Canyon Pass Warriors, and assisting with the injured while rounding up Jason's wolves.

Derrick appears at my side like a wraith, tossing a blanket over me and helping me to my feet as our younger siblings swarm around us. Amidst the chaos of the battle aftermath, I spy Ryder dragging his brother across the grass while struggling to keep the blanket wrapped around his waist.

"Aww, poor Ryder looks miserable," Laura giggles, elbowing her sister as Jason tries to snap and bite at Ryder's hand. "We should help."

Before I can grab their scrawny necks, my little sisters shift and race over to Ryder. Immediately forcing Jason to stop trying to escape, for every time he twitched or moved the girls instantly nipped him with lethal precision. It is a sight that has Derrick and I laughing uncontrollably, Laurel immediately comes over to us to find the source of our abrupt amusement. With just one look, Laurel also descends into a laughing fit, all while Ryder glares at us as if we were a bunch of assholes.

As my mate finally stops in front of us, with Jason now gone rigid from my sisters' little mouths. We all hear someone shout a string of rude and slightly hilarious curses. "You mangy fucking fart for brains!" the feminine voice hollers, bringing all movement to a stop and our full attention to Nicole's cousin Nora. "It will be a cold ass freezing day in hell before I leave my pack!"

I feel my eyes nearly pop out of my head when I notice where her hands are. Currently squeezing the neck of a blond Canyon Pass warrior, while her clothes soak up the splatter of blood dripping off both of their faces. For a spilt second I feel a little bad for the male, his hands having to hold tight to the blanket around his waist while fighting the urge to pull Nora's hands off his throat. However, if he pissed off the most easy going of Carol's nieces, he deserves everything that is coming to him.

"Do you really think I will do what you fucking say?" she adds, shoving him away from her and sending him sprawling onto his back. "I may be your mate, but I'm not some bubble headed, yellow liveried, law abiding dumbass that is gonna tend the house, stroke your ego, and give you an endless stream of drooling smelly pups."

"For love of the Goddess!" Carol barks, briskly prowling over to Nora and her mate. "Shut the hell up, put him with the others, and get to the pack house! We'll figure out this whole mess later once I have had a shower, food, and a foot rub in that order."

Carol, with all the grace of a queen, wraps the blanket around her shoulders tighter and heads off for the collection of trucks, motorcycles, and mini vans parked by the side of the road. "And if anyone else has a problem, I do not want to hear anymore of it or the next wolf who has a big tantrum about their mate will be placed in the pack dungeon with our newest prisoners."

"Am I clear?" Carol adds, leveling the entire field of supernaturals with a spine quivering glare.

"Yes Alpha!" everyone says, including me and my rag tag family.

"Good," she utters, straightening her shoulders as Solarin joins her at her side. "Now let's get these fools put away, and prepare the interagation rooms. We have a long night ahead of us."

With that we all gather up our allies, the Canyon Pass warriors, and Jason before heading on back to the Coldwood Pack house. As soon as we arrive, the supernaturals that don't live there set off for their own homes. Leaving the pack house residents to shuffle the thirty or so prisoners down to the silver barred cells. I even had the pleasure of witnessing Jason being chained to the wall, before heading back up to be with the rest of my family.

The next hour passes in a haze of getting the kids ready for bed, tending mine and Ryder's injuries, and then finally plopping on my bed and falling fast asleep. Content with the single thought, that my family and friends are safe at last. If only I had known how wrong I was, then I would have been prepared for Laurel screaming bloody murder and the doorway to my room shadowed by the transparent form of my dead mother.

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