Dare (Sana)

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You compose yourself as you are about to do something you've never done before. You tried to practice your words as you walked by the students who are also heading out for lunchtime. Today is the day, a day where you have to do something that is against your will... or at least for some instances. You sighed deeply and looked at the person you are meaning to talk to. Just seeing her from afar makes your heart jumps a million times like crazy. You can't imagine what more could happen if you are already in front of her telling your words.

You looked back and saw your friends who are the main reason why you are at this point now. Yesterday, you decided to join their fun and in return, your best friend dare you to confess your feelings to your longest crush, Sana. 

They are cheering you to go on because at some point they know that you are nervous. That's understandable, Sana is a beautiful, and the kindest girl you've ever met. You talk sometimes and to be honest, that affected you in two different ways. When you talk to her, you feel so terrible for not finding words to say. But after that, your smile pulls up as if there's no tomorrow. As if you had a whole conversation with her, but you're not.

You looked at Sana again. She's sitting by the bench and reading something which is the right time for you to approach her. You started to walk again and rehearsed the lines in your head.

As you stopped in front of her, you didn't talk at first. You waited to till she drop her book and look up at you. But that is because you don't really know how to approach her. It took a minute when she put the book away from her face to look at you.

And there it is. Your heart starts to beat wild again. Your tongue felt like it was being tied inside.

"Hi Y/N! Finished your class?" 

You remind yourself to reply but before you could even, she started to speak again.

"Come, sit with me. I'm currently studying for my next class." She said as she pats the spot beside her.

Without any words, you followed her. When you are already sitting, you eyed your friends cheering you to stick with the plan. That brought you back to your senses and the main reason why you are here.

"Uhm, What's your studying?" you asked, trying to find the right time to tell your feelings.

"Ugh! Math!" she groaned then she looked at her book again. You nodded and tried to get back on your path again, it was hard, but you won't end this day without doing that dare.

"Anyway, uhm... How long have you been studying? Did you have lunch?"

"Yeah." she shortly said then she looked at you but that only lasted for a second before she look back on her book again.

You felt terribly nervous at this moment, you wanted to back out but you also can't. As you're just about to speak again, Sana's phone chimes, which distracted her from reading her book. Somehow you are glad it happens, you can finally say your words.

You watched first as she open her phone and run her eyes through her phone. But she didn't say a word after. She turned it off and went back to reading.

"Aren't you gonna answer that?" you asked, completely unaware.

"No, It's not that important," she said as she smiled at you. 

"Wait, did you have lunch already?"

"Uhm yeah..." You lied.

Of course, you didn't. You are too nervous that you won't be able to say your words and might throw up. That would be so embarring.

"Really? Then you are here to study too?"

You want to say another lie and tell her 'yes' but you also want to end this and tell exactly what brought you there.

"Actually...Uhm, I came here to talk to you." And there you said it!

Sana shifted and faced you which made you hitched somehow.

"Really? Why you didn't tell me right away?!" She said with a thrill in her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked.

You breathed deeply and calmed yourself only to get distracted by her loving eyes as you looked at her again.

"What is it, Y/N?" she repeated with a cheeky smile.

Oh, that smile! That is one of the reasons why you fell for her.

"Sana... I've been meaning to tell you this. I don't know how to start it but I like you." You knew to yourself that that is not exactly the way you rehearsed your words. Your mind went blank and those are the only words that came out from you. 

You looked at Sana and your fear crawled to your body. That is not also the same reaction you like to see. You assumed, and that's normal.

"You what?" She asked as if she didn't hear what you said. Sure you know she did, and the shift of her expression from the first time she asked you what you want to say and the way she asked you again to repeat it now...it's different.

Even if you already know what will come next, you repeated what you said. Not consciously but who cares?

"I-I like you."

And there's a whole silence.

"I understand if you don't feel the same, I just thought I could tell you that I've been liking you for a long time. You are just so amazing, Sana. And I can see all of that really well."


"I understand if you'll feel awkward after this, but please, I don't want to lose you even as a friend—"

"Y/N, no. It's not that. I won't feel awkward towards you, I swear." She said which brings back the hope in you...Which you hoped did not happen.

"I thank you for liking me, really. I am glad there is someone like you that appreciates me—"

"Of course I do!"

"But Y/N... I'm in a relationship."

And your heart shattered along with your small hope.

"I'm just telling you because I don't want you to feel like we can have something more. We can still be friends if you like. I just what you to know."

"Oh... I didn't know that." You mumbled.

You really didn't, you wonder if anyone even knows about that. Sana is quite popular so you would know if there is someone.

Suddenly a guy stands in front of you, not just a guy. 

"I've been texting you. Why the hell you're not answering me?"

That question isn't for you. Sana didn't reply despite being asked, she looked at you with a worry eyes before hooking her bag. 

"I have to go, Y/N... See you around." 

You watched as Sana walked with that guy. There is no explanation to be heard, you knew he is the lucky guy. And before you could know it, you are already crying because of your first heartbreak. 

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now