Midnight Walks (Jeongyeon)

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It's already 12 midnight, you keep rolling up on your bed as sleep won't get into your body.

It's been weeks since you are feeling that way. You don't really know why but it's just that, something is keeping you awake.

"Ugh!" You grumbled as you are tired of switching your place on your bed.

Suddenly you phone chimed. You reached for it and saw a text message from your suitor.

You can't help but smile as you saw her message but at the end you frowned.

'Hey, know you are still up. Your light is still open. Come outside, let's have a walk!!'

You run out of your bed to check your window and saw her leaning on the wall.

"Psst!" You called up as you opened the window.

She looked up and wave her hand as she saw you. You signaled her to wait and she just nod.

As you got your jacket and went out of your house, you saw her still on the spot where you told her to wait.

"I told you to turn off your lights. It will help you to fall asleep."

"Jeongyeon, it's hard to sleep when it's dark." You said as you both started to walk.

Jeongyeon knows that the passed days you've been having sleepless nights. It's because your parents are out and you are the only one who need to stay in your house and you are not used to it.

Jeongyeon and you are neighbors so she really know if you are still awake since you always leave your lights on.

"I know, that's why I have you this." She said and took out something on her bag that you didn't notice that she is holding.

"Put it in your room, I saw from the reviews that it can help for your situation." She said and handed the box on you.

You don't know what's inside but you know that it will really help you, because it's Jeongyeon who said it and you trust her.

"Thanks." You said and looked at her.

As your eyes met her shining orbs, you suddenly felt something weird. You smiled and sighed softly for satisfaction.

"How was your day?" She asked while you both started to walk again.

"Nothing special, just went to school and deal with some academic issues." You said.

"That must be hard, it was all written on your face. Try to loosen up a bit."

"I'm trying, but I don't know how. "You said and sighed.

"How about you?" You asked and looked up at her.

"Been good,the girls asked me for a vacation. Wanna come?" She asked as she stops and looked at you.

"Really? When is it?"

"This Saturday. Come one, they will be glad to see you there." She said confidently.

You smiled and think.

"Okay, I'll settle my things before sat." You said as you let out a giggle.

"Let's go back. You should rest. I hope you feel sleepy by now." She said.

Your thoughts suddenly filled with words like you know to yourself that just being with her makes you feel more awake. But compared a while ago, this is some sort of comforting energy.

As you both walk back, the remaining steps went soundless. The only highlights are the sound of crickets at night, light from the lamppost and your shadows.

"Jeongyeon." You called to break the silence.

She didn't reply but you know that she is listening. You keep your pace slow as her while looking down to your swaying feet.

"Why me?" You asked.

It's not that you don't trust her decision or feelings of liking you. It's just that odd, that a Jeongyeon likes you. And here you are walking under the light of the moon along the lamppost.

"Why not you?" She asked back.

You sighed and smile. There could be much reasons. But you chose not to say it. It's not because you hate those things but you don't feel it is you. Maybe because you are with her, you feel like you are a better person with her.

The passed months, she's been honest to you. That's why she earned your trust and until now, she's taking care of it.

You want to tell her your flaws but surely she already know it. You are the kind of person who sometimes look down to yourself but not with Jeongyeon. When always makes you feel like you are the bestest person she met and you can feel it sincerely.

Your thoughts were cut as you came in front of your house. You looked again at her and without hesitation, you hugged her as tight as you can.

"Thank you." You said. Just two words but you mean it so much. There are so much things you thank her.

And just that night, you realize how lucky you are to have her who will cheer and stay up on you. Having you on a late night walks and giving small gifts that will help you a lot.

Her hand went to your head as you rest your head on her chest. You felt a light tap as she stroke your hair.

"Anything, my princess."

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now