Shy Shy Shy (Mina)

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You were searching all over your room for almost an hour. Your frustration is so visible because the thing that you are looking for is so important.

You just realized that it's missing after you go home from school. Usually every time you go home, you have this habit of writing how your day went. And you've been doing it for quite a long time already.

Your searching stopped when your girlfriend arrived. Yup, you're living with your girlfriend. Although you're relationship is not that long, 2 months to be exact. But she's been your roommate since you decided to live on a dorm close to your university.

"What's going on? What's with this mess?" She asked as she dropped her things on the table, wandering her eyes around the room.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean this up later. I'm just looking for something." You explained.

"What is it? Maybe I could help you." She said.

At first you're hesitating. But you want to find that thing already. You have to find your diary.

"It's my diary... I just had it yesterday, now I can't find it." You said.

You looked at your girlfriend to see if she saw it anywhere, but her expression is different from the first time she arrives.

"Is that even important?"

"Mina, of course." You said.

"Can you help me? I've been looking for long already." You sighed, hoping she will.

"How about, let's look for it after we eat? Are you hungry? I bought foods on the way." She said.

Although you are so eager to find your diary, you also want to eat coz you've got nothing since you arrive home.

"Let's go, I'll prepare it the kitchen." She said.

You followed her and sat on the counter. You watch as she put down the plates and also the foods she bought for the both of you.

As she unpacked it, you're eyes brightens as you saw your favorite food. Actually, one of your favorite food. Just yesterday your remember that you're craving for it and now, Mina bought it!

"Wow! Where did you get that?"

"On the way home? Do you like this?" She asked which you replied with a nod.

You two shared it as you also told her how your day went. Well unlike in diary, you write it on detailed.

Mina and you have been in a relationship for two months. You never thought she'll be your girl because you two are totally opposite. You're a sunshine, and she's a moon. In short, your more showy than her.

Although you have no problem with that. You just have lots of love and seeing that she enjoys receiving it makes you also happy.

After you finished the food, she insisted to wash the dishes. Although you refused since she already did prepare the food for you and her, but again, she insisted.

"Let's clean up this room after." She said.

You nodded but went back looking for your diary. Not so long, she's done. She helped you clean the whole room and that took almost an hour before you finished everything.

You laid on the floor feeling so tired after everything you've done.

"I really can't find it."

"Let's continue tomorrow. You want to watch netflix?" She asked which made you look at her.

Well that's new, you thought.

Normally Mina would spend her time on her games but since she asked, why not?

"What do you want to watch?" You asked.

She gets the remote and pick a series that you've been wanting to watch. Actually, you already started if but you also wish that you can watch it with Mina some time when she's not busy.

You two both sat on the couch with your eyes on the television. You're so happy that you get to watch this favorite series you are waiting for with Mina, your girl.

As you thought your day won't be so crazy as candy, something happened that makes your head gone wild.

"Mina?" You tried to called not wanting to stutter or show surprised with her actions.

"Hmm?" She hummed as her arm was wrapped on your arm.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

It's not that you don't want that! You really do! But her acting so sweet seems to be so new. She's shy and not so vocal...


You sighed in your thought and brushed whatever you're thinking. But then, she rested her head on your shoulder as she caresses your arm she's holding.

"Am I acting weird?" She asked which caught you off guard.

"N-no... A little bit?" You said.

She giggled lightly but still clinging on you. After some minutes, she sighed and let go of you. You can't help but to feel upset as she did that. You knew that she doesn't do that, it's actually the first time she did a first move.

"Where are you going?" You asked.

"You said it's weird."

You immediately pulled her back and now you're the one clinging on her.

"No! It's fine, I love it! I love when you do that." You said.

"I know." She said but more confident this time.

You looked at her confusedly which made her chuckled and pinched your cheek which surprised you.

"Can we just go back and watch? I've been really wanting this to happen." You coed.

"Okay, but I want to give this." She said and gave you the thing you're looking for.

"Mina! You have this since when?"

"Uhm... Yesterday? I saw it on your table. And uhm, I might have just... Read few."

You were surprised that she confessed it to you without a second. She didn't even tried to deny it.

Then it hit you. Maybe that's why sbe knows you've craving with the food she bought that you both shared. Also the movie and this time with her.

Your embarrassment swallow you down as you knew that half of your diary contains about her.


"I'm sorry." She said but you know she doesn't.

"I just want to do things that you like. Give you thing that you want."

"You can just ask me." You said even if you know it's impossible because she's a shy girlfriend and you love it.

You sighed as you held her hand and looked at her.

"You're so sweet... So, okay, you can read more... Just don't share it to anyone, only you can read it."

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now