Goodgirl (Momo)

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You just got home feeling tired because of a long day. Your mind feels like floating and feeling the mattress on your back is the first thing you want to experience.

But not when you have the most adorable girlfriend waiting for you.

"Y/N!" Momo squeals as she saw you coming in.

She let you drop your things on the couch first before she opened her arms for a hug.

"Hi, love." You cooed as you hugged her, right enough to let her breathe.

You already felt charged after that. And that is one of the most amazing things your girlfriend can do. Sometimes you wonder if she has a superpower or what because whatever mood you're feeling, she can make it better.

"How's your day, my love? Long? Did you eat already?" she asked continuously but instead of getting annoyed with her bombarding you with questions, you just smiled because of how adorable she is.

"It was a long day that I wished I could sleep after. but I can't now that I see how charged you are. I guess you had a good day huh?"

"Good, but this one is better. I prepared dinner in case you haven't eaten yet." She said as she put her arms around your neck, sitting next to you and holding your other hand.

"You know what, I've got a better idea."

"What is it?" you wonder, thinking what else amazing thing she could do.

"Hang on, go to the kitchen and I'll just work on something. I'll get there and let's eat together."

"Okay?" you said chuckling as you're also not sure if it will be a good idea.

Though sure it is. You never doubted her.

You walked to the kitchen as she said and saw the table is already prepared.
There, you saw your favorite and you can't help but feel thankful that you have her as your girlfriend. Sometimes you wonder, what stopping you to put your relationship to the next level. Knowing you are both sure and four years long.

"Momo? Hurry up please, I want to eat these with you!"You shouted from the other room.

You sat down and looked at the food she prepared. Not too long, she came with nothing.

"I thought you—"

"Shh, I did. You'll see after we eat."

As she sat beside you, you figured it was your time to serve her. You let her first have her food, also helping her.

"This is so good."  You said as you unbelievably shake your head.

You reached for Momo's hand and kissed it, feeling thankful that of how consistent she is.

"I know I've said this already, but I am the luckiest girl because I have you. I love you, Momo."

She smiled at you, warm enough to melt you.

"I love you more... Now, let's eat while the food is warm, okay?"

You chuckled and did as she said. After you finished eating, you also helped her clean the table and dishes. You insist to do it since you think she did so much work already. But she ends up with a great idea, which is for both of you to work on it.

While she's washing the dishes, you clean the table. You finished just in time and Momo is almost done, facing the sink.

You walked to her and wrapped your hand around her waist, leaving kisses on her neck and pulling her close to you.


"I was right, this tiredness only needs you." You whispered.

Momo finished washing the plates, put them on the rack, and faced you.

"I know, that's why I do this." She said before pulling you for a kiss.

As you thought it will be a long one, you're wrong. Momo pulled before it go to something else as she remembered she did something for you.

"Let's go, before my surprise for you get ruined." She said.

You didn't protest. You let her pull you to your room and as you got inside, you already have an idea of what could be the surprise.

Momo put her arms around your neck, slightly pulling you down to have a small space between your faces.

Your hands are placed on her waist as you wait for her to speak.

"Hot bath? I prepared your sleepwear and the bathtub, it's all settled. I put your favorite bath soap."

You smiled uncontrollably as you kissed her on her lips. Showered her with kisses to be exact.

"You know what I need, such a good girl." You said making Momo's expression change.

You didn't notice it at first but she removed her arms around you now you said something for her to be like that.

"What did you say?"

"Uhm, that you know what I need?"

"No, baby,  the other one."

You think first since you don't want to repeat a mistake if ever you did. But you remembered the next word you said after that.

"good girl?"

You can tell that's the word when Momo reacted. But it's not a bad reaction tho. She blushed, so hard that she can't stop herself from smiling and the only way she knows is to turn so you won't see how messy she is.

"What's wrong,  Momo? Didn't you like me calling you a good girl?" You asked, almost a joke but still.

You made her turn but when she did, she couldn't look at you.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked as you cupped her cheeks so she'll look at you.

She shook her head but tears formed in her eyes making you want to giggle because of how adorable she is.

"Tell me, my love."

"I-It's just that..."


"I've been wanting you to say that. For long. I-I don't know, but, I think hearing it from you makes me feel that I am safe... It's stupid, right?"

You can't help but smile widely when you heard her reason. That's not the reason you expected, but what she said is the most beautiful thing you heard.

"Why you didn't tell me?"

"Are you crazy? I know what's running on your mind, L/N Y/N," she said as she removed your hands from her.

You chuckled as you know she was right. But you definitely think there's nothing wrong with that.

"You want to take a bath with me?" You asked as she walked to your bed, planning to sleep.

She throws the pillow at you which made you laugh more.

"No, I'm just joking. Come here." You said.

She didn't move so you did it yourself anyway.

She's sitting on the side of her bed while you stand beside her and lock her face between your soft hands again.

She's looking up at you, pouting and trying not to look at you.

"Can you wait for me until I finished taking a bath? I want us to sleep together." You said sounding like you were asking.

"I'm not sleepy yet, so yeah."

"Okay, don't fall asleep okay?"

"I won't, Y/N. Just go, the water won't be hot anymore." She said.

"Okay, I love you, my good girl." You said as you kissed her forehead before going to the bathroom.

Before you closed the door you saw Momo trying to keep her screams on her. Made you smile so hard as you discovered a new word to call her.

😍💞💘 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 💔💏💖Where stories live. Discover now