Chapter one hundred twelve

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"Hng~!" God it's so good, and it's just us here, I am not drunk but he's starting to intoxicate me.

"W-We just did it earlier!"

He let go of me, eyes at my neck, then they went to mine.

"Say my name."

This is such a dishonorable thing to say, but right now, he's so hot that I may just want him to touch me.


"Good girl." I just then noticed that he's wearing his royal garments. It's no wonder he's damn attractive tonight.

The last time he wore a royal garment was when I got caught.

He held my back and guided us back outside of this room. "Do as you promised." He whispered in my ear then he started walking to the right.

I'm stuck in my spot, staring at his back. That damn royal cloak of his is making him look like a God.

He faintly calls one of his guards then one of them starts to go in my direction.

He must've given him an order to look after me.

I turned around and that's when everything just hit me and made me smile from ear to ear.

I had to cover my mouth lightly as I grinned at myself while walking the opposite way he had.

My mouth still tastes of his liquor.

I stand before this golden ginkgo tree.

I looked around and a certain spot made me remember the time we talked here with tea and he was naughty.

I sighed dreamily.

I might just go back, I've been in here for a long while now.

I gave the flowers and the night sky full of stars a last look and I turned to my heel.

Coming closer to the huge doors, I hear silence but one person is talking.

Hm? Why does it sound important?

"Anyone who dares oppose it can gladly leave my country.."

I took a step in and right in front is him with a serious aura. What happened when I was gone?

I tapped a woman by her shoulders and she's greeting me with a huge grin. "Excuse me miss, what has our King been addressing?"

She then gasped and it took me aback, "you must be late!" she chimes, "oh no, I went out-"

"The King is announcing that he will be married soon!"

"What." I.. I remained still while my mind floated. Marry? "Yeah! He even said the woman he adores is just in here! It is such a mystery!"

I huffed a loud sigh, like every air inside me just escaped. I looked at him and he's already looking at me before he looked away.

"My Lord! Please show us our queen!" an old man cheered among the crowd and the rest chanted.

Pressure suddenly flooded my whole being. "Hey? Are you not happy for our King?? He says that anyone who dislikes it would be banned from this nation! Smile!" she hugged me sideways before scurrying off.


"I would love for you to meet her here right this moment, but I greatly care for her wellness, I wouldn't like to scare her." he chuckles before glancing at me again for a second.

I-I am so confused, I am terrified more than happy. Me as queen? I couldn't even stand up for myself properly. What do I do-

My arm got yanked and I looked at the person dragging me away from the crowd.

We went outside.


"I am beyond proud-" her smile fell off the moment she saw my face. "Why are you not smiling??"

"Stella.. Me? As queen??" I panicked. "Yes! You! Only you!" She then held my arms tight. "You do not have to overwhelm yourself right now with duties that aren't even there yet."

"But.. Stella, I have no knowledge of anything." I looked around and I heard her sigh. "Are you not really happy that someone great is willing to take your hand in front of the altar?"

"I am, I.. look, I love him, but-"

"That's everything. You love him. Do anything with him, he grew up without guidance, he will not leave you aside." she soothes and it's working. "You will do just fine with him, I trust you with our King.. since day one."

I felt teary-eyed hearing Stella's words. They hit hard on my face. "Besides, you two already made an adorable princess." she giggles and it puts a smile on my face.

"Now, shall we go back inside? Queen?" she laughed it off while I groaned. "Please, someone may hear it."

We stepped back inside the hall and everything went back to the way it was, everyone was chit-chatting with each other and Majesty and his men kept on drinking.

"Who do you think it is?" I heard some women gossiping to each other. "She must be a goddess and wealthy!"

I chewed on my upper lip as I looked at Stella and she shook her head to me, telling me to disregard it. I am the complete opposite of what they envision.

What if I disappoint everyone?

"Whatever it is you are thinking, shut it off." Stella whispers and hands me a glass of red wine. "Cheers." she said with utmost grace and she clinked her glass to mine to which I drank straight up.

"You would want to slow down before you two give me another baby to take care of." she teases and I felt like blushing. It's far too late for that..

Wait?? "Where's Seol??" I panicked. "Calm down, he's with my man." I looked and Stella and him are fit to be a married couple with a child. They look so good carrying children.

Seol is giggling at him. I felt relieved.

"I will just have to go to the restroom." I told Stella and she nodded as she drank another glass of wine.

I opened the restroom and no one's here.

I stride towards the huge mirror. I leaned on the sink as I stared at the mirror. I will be queen. I will be..queen?

King's Maker [+18]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora