Chapter forty-six

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"Enough." He pushed the cart away and laid down. I pouted, looking at the cart then back at him that seemed to sleep.

Maybe I'll just sneak when he has fallen deeper.

I waited for a while and when I felt like he's completely out, I slowly stood up and tiptoed to the cart. I took a piece- "I dare you."

How?! I let go of it and sulked my way back to bed and aggressively laid down.

"Stop acting like a child." He murmured. "Hmp." I sounded it out a little.

Usually, I don't get an attitude from him, but right now, it already infuriates me. I turned around the bed with big movements to let him know.

"I said stop." He spoke again. Nye nye nye. I turned around to face him and he's already facing me.

"Such an attitude for mangoes." He spoke deadpan. I glared at him and now both of us are just sending each other daggers.

"Don't you look at me like that." He said deep. I could care less, I really like those mangoes.

He sat and pulled the cart back and took a piece, bit it between his teeth then he yanked the collar of my shirt. "Eat." He said flat.

I was determined and started eating it, after eating the rest, a tiny piece that he's biting is inside his mouth. "Get it."

I slammed my lips on his and stuck my tongue inside his mouth. I got furious that his tongue is ofcourse purposely blocking mine.

I wanted to pull apart already as I gave up but he held my face. He finally gave the small piece, he let go and I chewed it feeling all shy now.

I got worked up for a mango.. I looked at the cart again, wanting more. "Maria!" He shouted and the maid came, "take these out."

No! I wanted more! I pouted and looked at the cart that was getting pulled away.

"Stop it. You had too much."

Evening came and I went to the bathroom again, I lowered my underwear and got confused why it's all clean..

Was that just a spot? Maybe it's still about to come.


"Stella, do you like pickles?" She looked at me with a big grin. "Yeah! Want some?" I nodded my head as we sat inside his room, only Stella can have access to the guard to get in and out.

"Yes, I really crave sours on this day, it's weird."

"But don't you alway eat sours? What's weird about today?" I move my lips left and right in a playful manner, "it's just, i'd feel like having a weird fit if i don't get it right away-" she gasped.

"I'll be right back." She quickly stood and went to the door, "wait, are you going to buy pickles?"

She thinks it through, "y-yeah.." she then went out like she remembered an errand.

After how long she came back, I got confused when a doctor was behind her. "Hmm? Hello again doctor." I bowed.

"Hello again Ms. y/n, how have you been?" I looked at Stella, "Good doctor, uh may I ask, what's..?" I was so confused.

"Please excuse me." Stella said and bowed then left. Leaving me with the doctor. Did King Jeon ask for another check up again? But I'm fine.

"You look confused." He laughed and i got embarrassed by it. "Your friend called me, and may I ask Ms. y/n, when did you start craving for sour fruits?"

Hmm? "Just today doc." He nodded, "may i get a blood sample from you?" Wait, are they saying I'm pregnant? I chuckled, "I'm sorry doc, Stella must'nt have been used to me, but prior to getting my period monthly, i alway crave green mangoes."

"Mmm, so you have been emotional lately?"

"Just today doc." If I am pregnant, I should know it first myself. "So you believe it is PMS?"

"Yes doc." He nodded and wrote it down. "Have you had any spotting?"

"Ah yes doc, but my period hasn't come yet." He nodded again and wrote it down. "Will it be alright for you to sit here while I get a blood sample?" He pointed to a chair next to a table.

I'm more than happy to oblige. I sat down and placed my arm on the table. He cleaned the site with alcohol then wrapped the tourniquet above it.

He takes the syringe and checks it a little to see if it's suitable for use. "I will pierce it in, okay Ms. y/n." I nodded with a little fear, and I don't know why..

He injected the needle and proceeded to take a sample. After, he took it out and replaced the cotton on it. "I will have it tested later." He said and placed it in his tackle box.

"Sure doc." I bowed when he walked to the door.


"Yah, why did you call the doctor? That was so unnecessary Stella?" She had to finish chewing her pickle first.. "Wouldn't you want to know early on if you're already carrying a child? You need it for the child's health, you can't just eat anything without consideration."

"I get it, but I still lack other symptoms." So you really haven't had any other?" I nodded and took a bite off my pickle.

She sighed.

After hours of being with her, I felt so bored to death.. "I want to go out.."

"Come here, we'll give it a try." She said standing up. "No, the royal guard is strict.." I didn't mind her until I heard her open the door and the way she spoke to the.. "babe can we get out?"

I instantly propelled half of my body to sit up from the bed within seconds. "We'll get in trouble if I let you two out babe." I quickly checked and it's really them talking?? My mouth wide open, just seeing them talk so casually, w-when??

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