Chapter one hundred ten

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I took a glass of white wine and gave him my thank you.

He walked along, serving others wine while I ran my eyes across people. Where could Stella be?

I tried to walk forward and gaze at the walls plastered with portraits of our King and his former family.

I stopped and stared at this huge portrait. A hand painted portrait of him, the former King and Queen and.. Just them.

I thought about the time where his brother threatened me, his eyes were not human to stare at. I shut my eyes, shuddering. I should enjoy tonight, his brother is locked up anyways..

Is he?

I turned around and my eyes caught Majesty speaking to Mr. Seong. What could they be discussing?

I walked further into the people while I kept looking at them. Majesty then scans his eyes across the room.

Hmm, it's just right that I address formally, right?-

I hit someone with my front and I gasped, the woman turned around and it's Stella, holding Seol.

"Oh God, finally.." I sighed relieved. "Well~ someone must've enjoyed someone's birthday?" she coos and I shaked my head with her wide grin. "No.."

Thoughts of what we did earlier at dawn got to me, I blushed remembering how he cummed thrice.. in me..

He was such a persistent man! I was barely breathing..
"Yeah, hide it." she sarcastically said. "Stop it will you? Someone may hear it wrong.." I cautiously said as I warily looked around.

Seol is just babbling to herself and it made me smile.

I held her hand and she held it back, making me giggle. Stella then sighed heavily. I looked at her worried, "are you arms hurting? Let me hold her." i was ready to take Seol but she swayed her away from me.

"No, it's just that people thought that this is my child because I went away for how long, and no, do not hold her for tonight, you've been basically out of people's sight for nearly a year now, holding this baby would get you speculation."

Now I'm the one to sigh, "but do not take it badly, this baby is beautiful and I would love to have a daughter like her, it's just.. People overwhelm me. I want to have a kid after getting married and they pry on me without asking if this is mine, ugh." she said, frustrated.

"I absolutely understand Stella." I chuckled, completely unbothered by her worry. She then composed herself and that's when I noticed how sexy her dress is.

A sparkling white gown that's backless. "Wow." I was speechless. She laughs, "hot, am I not?"

I laughed with her, "well then, where's your shining knight?" I teased and she threw her thumb on her back and I looked behind her and a little far off in the distance is his man in an armor with a sharp staff in his hand.

"Well~" I said, flattered on her behalf that she's really happy and content. "Now, return what you stole at the King."

I instantly looked at Stella, flabbergasted at her notion, "stole??"

"Mhmm~" I widened my mouth at her, why would I- "it just explains how he keeps roaming his eyes among his people."

"I am not getting you, and do not say that again, I swear that if someone were to hear you, I will wrestle you."

"Ugh, will you just look at him?" she said, done with my words. Look? I turned around and our eyes met. I felt frozen while I heard Stella chuckling, "he's been looking at you for a while now like he finally caught his thief that stole his mind."

So he was looking for me earlier then..

I hear Stella walk away from me while Majesty smirks at me, eyes evident that he's a little intoxicated already.

I felt my body starting to burn so I had to turn back around. I cleared my throat and walked wherever my feet may take me.

After a long walk to the other side of this hall, I ended up standing before the people dancing. I watch the old and young dance with their lovers.

This is lovely.

The music is so bonny and it's more bewitching watching people move with the rhythm.

"May I ask this beautiful young lady for a dance?" I turned to meet a young lad, a good looking one, to my surprise. "Oh, my apologies, but I don't dance." I was not proud of it.

"Wouldn't matter, I just want company for tonight, my supposed girl for tonight stood me up." he tried to smile but failed. That is just cruel..

I pity him but I couldn't do anything about it. I also have no words to say.

I inhaled deeply, "doesn't matter, she just saved you from a heavier heartbreak. There are many girls here who would be swooned by your charms." I tried to lighten the mood. I just know that he's younger than me.

"You think so?" He tries to smile. "I know so." I smiled.

I looked from afar to see Majesty still drinking with his men. At this rate, he won't be able to stand on his own. I internally sighed. I couldn't come close to him even if I wanted to, I wouldn't want to spark any rumors.

"Hi." I heard someone say infront of me so I looked to see the young lad being approached by a girl her age.

She's so cute. "Hi." he said with a bright smile. "Uh, would you.. Mind if I talk with you over at the bar?"

I'm in awe seeing her blush. She must've liked him for a long time now. "Ofcourse." the young lad said and gave me a nod with a smile before going away with the girl.

Isn't that just lovely? Some things just fix themselves. As if the world listens.

I looked back and I saw that a woman was standing besides Majesty, talking to him.

King's Maker [+18]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora