Chapter 175: I Am Your Father / I'm Hungry

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A menacing force was crashing through the hallway like raging waves. It was an overpowering, otherworldly force that emanated from Xiao Luo. It was not visible or tangible in any way but could be sensed swirling around, formless, yet omnipresent. Everyone in the room felt the suddenly turn cold dramatically, and they shuddered in fear.

Even though Hua Haifeng was frightened and terrified by Xiao Luo, he was still the crown prince of the formidable Huahai Corporation and had been raised like an imperial heir to inherit the business empire. He had always been insolent and impertinent as a child. Although he had Guan Zhong, a martial arts master, he mostly counted on his father. Their wealth made them untouchable, and they were adept at securing personal gains. In his eyes, Xiao Luo looked nothing more than a catfish struggling in the slush at the bottom of the society. He had no reason to fear him.

"Xiao Luo, I have been looking for you for a long time. What a surprise. This Xiao Ruyi is your sister. I wouldn't fight for that b*tch Zhao Mengqi if I knew you have such a pretty sister. Your sister here is much hotter than that b*tch."

"Hua Haifeng, shut the f*ck up!"

Guan Zhong's face suddenly red with rage. He raised his hand and slapped Hua Haifeng on his face for making that offensive remark to Xiao Luo.


It was a harsh, heavy slap, and it echoed right across the hallway, loud and clear. Hua Haifeng spun back and crashed against the wall, the distinct weals of five fingers visible on his face.

Hua Haifeng's eyes widened. He covered his throbbing face and glared at Guan Zhong in anger, said, "Guan Zhong, you... you're f*cking crazy..."

He couldn't believe he was slapped by his steward.

Guan Zhong ignored his young master, whom he couldn't help thinking, was as stupid as a pig. He turned to Xiao Luo and made a profoundly courteous gesture, said, "Mr. Xiao, please spare his life. He only used some bad language; he doesn't deserve to die."

Guan Zhong's tone was sincere and earnest. He was running out of options, Xiao Luo's fighting spirit had sapped his vigor even as Xiao Luo's menacing force was manifested. Even though Xiao Luo might not kill his young master outright in front of all these people, Guan Zhong still feared for Hua Haifeng's life. After today, who would have the ability to protect him from here on now that he is on Xiao Luo's list?

Xiao Luo looked at him casually and said, "Ok. I will let today's incident go if one of his legs is disabled."

Xiao Luo's voice was rigid and cold, full of murderous intent.

Hua Haifeng was stunned upon hearing Xiao Luo's remark. He snarled like a crazy dog, "Xiao, who do you think you are. You're only a d*mn catfish at the bottom of the society. How dare you even think about breaking my leg. Believe it or not, I can put you in prison for a lifetime with one phone call."

Everyone now saw Hua Haifeng in his true colors. The fawning girls who were fooled by his glamorous facade earlier now showed nothing but disgust on their faces.

Guan Zhong still paid no heed to Hua Haifeng. He said with an awkward expression, "This..."

"Don't have the heart to do it?"

Xiao Luo uttered a snort with a disdainful look and said, "Then it looks like I have to do it on my own."

Xiao Luo was aware that laying a hand to Hua Haifeng would bring him trouble down the road. But the young fool had crossed the line, -threatening and causing harm to Xiao Ruyi and Tang Ren. Xiao Luo could never allow Hua Haifeng to walk out of this unscathed.

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