Chapter 114

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Chapter 114: Accidentally Killed Him

“You know about mercenaries?” The man dressed in black gave Xiao Luo a shocked look.

Xiao Luo answered, “I learned a little about them from a TV show.”

“The stuff on television is nonsense. They just make sh*t up,” the man in black said with a trace of smugness. “I can tell you anything you want to know. I’m a bona fide mercenary with more than ten men under me, each of whom is a seasoned gunfighter.”

“Big Brother, are you still hiring newcomers? I would like to learn how to be a gangster like you.”

Although Zhang Dashan had never encountered a situation like this before, he understood what to do to increase his probability of survival. The first step was to keep the gangster appeased, so he started to kiss a*s.

Unfortunately, he was barking up the wrong tree. The man in black used the handgun to slap him hard across the face. He used so much force that Zang Dashan’s teeth bled.

The man in black came down on him, hard, and snapped, “I already said that I’m a mercenary, and you still call me a gangster. A f*cking gangster!”

A cold expression settled on Xiao Luo’s face, and there was a flicker of killing intent deep in his eyes. If it had just been the man in black and himself in the car, he would not have been so forgiving. But Zhang Dashan was here, so he had to account for his friend’s safety.

The slap aroused Zhang Dashan’s hot temper, which suddenly started to prevail over his fear.

Keeping a strong hold over his emotions, he began to speak again, preparing to contend with the man in black using words. He pointed at the knife hanging at the man’s waist and asked, “Big Brother, is that a knife?”

“Yes, of course. It’s called a Cold Steel Gurkha Kukri, and it’s part of the standard equipment of the M Nation SEALs.”

“Big Brother, is that a grenade you’re holding in your left hand? You didn’t get it from a toy store, did you?”

“It’s not a f*cking toy! It’s a real hand grenade that I designed and built myself, and it’s extremely powerful. If I’m backed into a corner with no way out, I just have to pull lightly here, and everything within twenty yards of me will die.”

“Big Brother…”

The man in black’s patience had run dry, so he smacked Zhang Dashan in the face again with the gun. “Stop f*cking chirping with your endless annoying questions, or I’ll shoot you dead.”

Zhang Dashan shut up.

“Dee woo dee woo dee woo!”

The sound of sirens reached them from behind, and the man in black put on a severe face. He pressed the gun back to Xiao Luo’s head and ordered, “Shake them off, quickly!”


The corner of Xiao Luo’s mouth lifted in a sly smile.

Seeing this, Zhang Dashan subconsciously grabbed onto the car because he knew that Xiao Luo was going to make his move.


As they rounded a sharp turn, Xiao Luo’s left hand twitched, and the car’s tires drifted to the side, rolling onto a protruding roadblock. The Corolla, which was moving at high speed, suddenly tilted, and the front of the car shifted toward a two-yard-tall stone slab on the side of the road.

Inside the car, Zhang Dashan was relatively unaffected by the loss of control. His seatbelt was on, but the man in black had no way of keeping his balance.

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