Investigations of Sorrow

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Hey y'all! Gosh it feels like forever and a million years since I've worked on this. I got stumped writing an execution and didn't have the mental energy to do research on it, so I'll change it up a little puhuhu. What did I change up you might ask? Can't say. Don't wanna spoil it; keep reading and it'll reveal itself soon enough.

POV of Hajime Hinata

....... I couldn't believe what was in front of me........ My unsteady knees collapsed underneath me as my brain started to shut down. I felt.... Numb. I couldn't even cry. I wanted to—real bad. But nothing came out; not a single tear nor a word so much as squeezed its way out.
I wish I could tell myself she's just pretending, but Chiaki would never.... She'd never do that... To... Me....? Someone's arms wrapped around me, I don't know whos though, because that's when my vision started going dim. Everything got fuzzy and smeared, and soon I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek.
After the first tear the dam broke inside me, an intense flow of emotions I've never felt before, a tidal wave of despair so large it was going to swallow me whole! I wasn't strong enough to try to struggle, and braced myself for the impact. Crying was all I could do.
The wave didn't hurt, I was numb. My consciousness tucked far into my brain, to escape the pain. What happened again? I can't even remember, am I awake?

Aww man.. geez.


You're hopelessly boring, you know that? You can't even remember why you're trapped deep within the recesses of your mind—and I thought you would be fun.

What's... That supposed to mean?

I'm saying, you don't have a talent, and sucky memory too apparently. Ah but I guess this IS a little traumatic for you, considering you've never experienced such despair. I on the other hand can't get enough—ah how amazing.

................ You're the most annoying intrusive thought chain I've ever had.

I'm seen as an intrusive thought? Aw how pathetic. Chiaki, the girl of whom has been caring for you—she's dead. Wanna seeee? 🙃

.. Quit it. You're wrong. Chiaki can't be dead.

Look for yourself lover boy.

Suddenly I was back in my own body, which is strange to say because I never left my body in the first place. And I almost threw up. My head ached and everyone was looking at me with concern on their faces. Whoever was holding me earlier had let me go, but I was still standing.
"Are... You okay?" Fuyuhiko was the first to break the awkward silence. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"I-...... " I tried to reply, but the words wouldn't come out of my throat, they were jammed in there and no amount of force would ever be able to move them.
"You went from crying your eyes out to giggling like a maniac to this, dude it's okay to not be okay." Kazuichi piped up, earning an elbow to the stomach from Fuyuhiko and an eye roll from Sonia and Gundham.
Even Ibuki seemed to lose the sparkle in her eyes in the presence of this horrifying scene; Teruteru hadn't made a single perverted comment or joke since the announcement was made.
"You guys should probably start investigating, unless you WANT to die at the class trial. I bet Hajime wants that right now isn't that right Hajimeme puhuhuhu!" Monokuma came out of seemingly no where handing out the Monokuma file.
"Shut the hell up, that's seriously messed up. If you make another joke I'll make sure you pay!" Fuyuhiko said, there was venom in his words as he spat them at Monokuma. He looked like he wanted to add onto his previous statement, but didn't say anything. Monokuma took a second to consider, nodded, and waddled off without another word.
Everyone was shocked.
"Did you train the fucking bear?!" Kazuichi blurted out. At this point I'm forcing myself to focus on the words, anything to not focus on the mettalic smell of blood lingering in the air or the scene in front of me. Fuyuhiko ignored Kazuichi's question and turned to me.
"You holding up okay? Maybe Peko and I can take you somewhere el—"
"I'm fine... I think." I interrupted. My voice was so shaky I'm surprised anything came out. I'm determined to help them, and not be a burden. Mostly I want to know who did this to Chiaki. But... I can't bring myself to look at her. Too gruesome, she was too nice..... I can't do this alone. I looked up at Fuyuhuko with big sad eyes, I could feel tears forming in them.
"C-can..."... The words... They won't.. They won't come out. I lifted my shaky hands, painfully swallowing down the suffocating words in my throat—they had a bitter taste like bile.
I pointed at Fuyuhiko and the Monokuma file and Chiaki, then made a fist. He nodded solemnly, understanding what I wanted.

POV of Ibuki Mioda

I was struggling to process what I was looking at. A memory flashed through my mind, the motive. Last night, Monokuma made an announcement that I only heard because I was planning a concert in the hotel lobby.
"If someone kills and gets away with it, you can leave with one other person of your choice. This offer expires in the morning!" Monokuma's all-too-cheerful voice snickered through the moniters all over the islands.
If Ibuki is going to be honest, she thought of Mikan for a slim second—when she thought of getting her and Mikan out of here she did everything to shake it out of her head; it's not like I could come up with something that to trick everyone and I couldn't betray my friends.

I wrapped an arm around Mikan as I soaked up the scene in front of me. I wanted to scream, to cry, to hug Hajime, to wake up, to leave. But no matter how many times I pinch or bite myself, I'm still here. I slapped my cheeks and shook my head; I can't freeze up like this, not now when Hajime needs us most. I bring myself to look at Chiaki and felt the color drain from my face. Ive never been good at investigating.
   "I'll keep watch over her. Don't worry Hajime, we'll find who did this, and I'll make sure noone disturbs her." I slowly moved across the room and pulled a crying Hajime into the most comforting hug I can muster. Mikan said she could do a small autopsy, and everyone went their seperate ways to investigate. I decided to keep my mouth shut about the announcement the night before. But I decided to tell Hajime and Fuyuhiko since they were investigating together. Akane had offered to guard with me, and she had a tray of food with her.
   "Seriously woman, I don't know how you can eat at a time like this..." Kazuichi says, shaking his head in disbelief as he inspects the arcade machine for anything special.
   "Its stress eating." Akane replied, her words sounding funny since her mouth was full.
   "B-but.... The blood d-doesn't bother you?" Mikan looked up from the body briefly to make eye contact with Akane.
   "I can eat whenever I want." Akane responded, visibly irritated.

Pov of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu

   Sooner rather than later, the monitors flashed on, saying it was time for the class trial. I steadied a shaky Hajime next to me and helped him to the elevator. People slowly arrived one by one. When we were all there, the elevator shut and began its long, shaky, dark descent.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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