Fears and Smears

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POV of Ibuki Mioda

          (MAJOR TW FOR DE@TH)

   The lights went out.
   "H-huh?" Said a voice.
   "Not funny whoever turned them off turn them back on!" Another voice called out.
   "Everyone stay where you are, don't move!" A deeper voice boomed. Of course, I listened.
   "What are you...?" The same voice asked in a bit of a panic.
   "Ouch!!" A different male voice said.
   "A-are you okay?" A softer voice trembled. That was definitely Mikan. At least she's okay, I let out a small sigh of relief.
   Suddenly the lights came back on, bringing back cheers from many different people. But I had a slight feeling of uneasiness, and noticed that Byakuya wasn't there.
   Maybe he left the room to find the light switch and turned the lights on. But minutes passed, and still no Byakuya.
   Akane stopped eating and lifted her nose to the air, like she was a police dog.
   "I smell something..." She said.
   "Well it must be pretty weird if it caused you to stop eating." Hiyoko said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
   "What does it smell like Akane?" Hajime asked, completely ignoring Hiyoko.
   Akane sniffed the air again.
   "It smells like... Blood." She replied slowly.
   "Can you tell where it's coming from?" Mahiru asked.
   "Lemme see." She said, holding her nose up in the air. She sniffed a few times then looked at a table near the back of the room.
   "There." She said pointing at the table.
   We all slowly gathered around the table and Hajime went up to the table. He looked around at us, took a deep breath, then yanked the tablecloth up making what was under the table visible.
   Screams and gasps filled the room as Hajime pulled the cloth up, revealing Byakuya leaking blood.
   At that moment, TeruTeru stumbled into the room,
   "Is everyone alright? I fell over some stuff in the kitchen and had to put it all back where it waAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" He jumped when he saw what was under the table. I'm not gonna lie, I feel the same way.
   "I- I can perform an a-autopsy..." Mikan said shakily, stepping towards the table. She can be so fearless sometimes.
   "Is everything alri-WHAT THE FUUUUUUCKK?!!" Fuyuhiko barrelled into the room. I'm guessing he heard screaming. He walked up to Peko and they started talking in low whispers. 
   They act like a married couple sometimes, that thought gave me deja vu, like I've said it before or I've heard it said before. It's probably nothing.
   I looked over at Fuyuhiko and he looked like he was about to pass out. I went to go talk to him when he sped walked out of the room looking like he got kicked in the stomach. Peko stood there for a few seconds nd slowly walked out of the room, knowing that he needed time alone but he also needed someone to talk to.
   I decided to go look around the building, Mikan should be safe, Hajime was near her.
   I went to the storage room, thinking there might be a clue there but all I could see were piles of tablecloths and three irons on and plugged into the wall.
   I was about to start digging through the cloths in hope of finding a clue or possibly another weapon, even though there was a bloody knife right next to Byakuya's body.
   "Hey Mioda~" A voice from behind startled me, causing me to jump and drop what I was looking through. I turned around to see TeruTeru in the doorway, looking both nervous and delighted to see me in the room alone.
   "Sorry man I'm off the market." I said, knowing what he was thinking about. He squeaked a little and wiped his nose off with his scarf and said,
   "I wasn't even thinking about that until you said something. No, I have something I need to tell you." He trembled a little.
   "Huh? Well then, shoot away little man." I replied, genuinely confused. First of all he wasn't even thinking dirty thoughts like he usually would? And second, why would he want to talk to me alone, more importantly, what could be that important?
   "Uhhhh..." He said shakily.
   "I erm... May have... Killed Togami." He finally got out.
   "Wait what?" I said, trying to be quiet. This is big stuff.
   "You need to tell me everything. But I don't want it to seem like I'm cheating or anything, so I say we should go on a walk around the island, and say that I went to go see if there were clues hidden around the island, and you went to go rest, you're tired from all that time in the kitchen." I said, softly but surely.
   "That's a good plan there cher." He said back. We both left to go to another side of the island to talk.
   I told Hajime that I was going to investigate another part of the island to look for clues, and TeruTeru told Hajime he was going to bed. And with that settled, we made our way to the other side of the island.
   When we made it there I made sure that no one was looking or nearby.
   "Okay, now please tell me what happened Hanamura." I said.
   "You won't go off an' tell noone?" He asked.
   "Cross my heart and may maggots eat my eyes, now spill it." I said seriously.
   "Okay, so I was preparing the cuisine for the party when Komaeda pops into the kitchen and he says, 'Hey I'm planning to kill someone tonight, and here's how I'm gonna do it.' He had a bunch of stuff set up to overload the lights so they would go out, he had that knife under that table. But he had put glow in the dark paint on it so he could see it. I couldn't let him kill anyone so I decided to go under the floorboards with an iron skewer I hid in a meat bone, wrapped myself with one of the tablecloths you were looking through when I asked to talk to you. And I went to go save everyone from Nagito. My plan was to shove the skewer up there as soon as the paint moved or was covered up. And I did so, but whenever I came back into the room, it wasn't Komaeda it was Togami under the table! And now I'm gonna get executed for no reason!" He said talking quickly and in a panic.
   I couldn't say anything, I just whistled a whistle that said, 'damn bro that's wild'. We stood there in silence for a minute, I was processing what I had heard.
   "Hey, I'm not gonna tell, unless they get something wrong." I teased, attempting to cheer him up. But he looked up at me, completely terrified.
   "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry I promise I won't tell anyone and I don't break my promises." I said placing my hand on his slightly messy hair. He said nothing, only pulled out a comb and held it out to me.
   I took the comb and fixed his hair for him.
   "Thank you Mioda..." He said, sounding frightened but a little relieved.
   "I think that we're on a first name basis, just call me Ibuki." I said smiling down at him.
   He looked up at me and smiled. Then he yawned.
   "I don't know how you guessed it but I am really tired, and now that I've told someone the truth, I think I may be able to sleep." He said, the sleepiness that slurred his voice was now more apparent than earlier.
   He headed back to his cottage house thing and I went to the market to see if I could find any 'clues' even though I literally know what went down.
   Finally I got tired and went to retire for the night when I saw Fuyuhiko and Peko on a hill, kissing in the moonlight.
   I smiled to myself and went to sleep.

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