Boss is Mad

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POV of Remnant Fuyuhiko

   "You're kidding! Dammit!!!" I screamed into the phone. This couldn't really be happening.
   What's wrong now?
   You wouldn't understand.
   I would make a smartass remark but I can tell that you're pissed about something.
   I didn't reply. He's right, of course I'm pissed. Ibuki and Mikan just got caught by those disgusting members of 'FuTuRe FoUnDaTiOn'.
   Listen here, I'mma need you to start practicing your me impression a lot more okay?
   Okay? AHeEmM. Listen up whores you don't need hope, give into despair, it's so much nicer here, no worries at all.
   Damn that was actually really good! Let's see if that actually works. I'mma call a meeting and purposefully get caught. You're up in a few minutes.
   Whatever you say. ┐( ̄--- ̄)┌
   I chuckled slightly getting my phone out and texting the group chat. After they all said that they were on their way, I anonymously called them, giving them the location of the meeting and a time. I hung up before they could thank me, hope is so disgusting but I have to put up with it to cause the most despair possible.
   A few minutes later we were all gathered around the table. I told the hope flies the time about ten minutes later than we actually met so I had some time to explain.
   "You're giving us up?!" Remnant Akane and Remnant Sonia exclaimed.
   "Ugh you're such a buzz kill man. Oh well, it was nice to be in control for once, probably won't ever happen again..." Remnant Hiyiko said.
   "Bye guys. May we meet again." I said those words and Future Foundation agents burst through the doors and windows, blocking all of the exits. We hold our hands up in surrender.

   You're up, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
   So do everything but indulge in hope inducing activities?
   Hardy har har. Shut up and pretend to be me.
   I gave him control but unlike me, he has no idea to block my view from what he's doing so I'm seeing every little thing that he does. He is handcuffed and put in a car, he's chained to the seat, next to all of the other remnants. They're all smart but they wouldn't think of a way to spare themselves.
   They take Fuyuhiko to a computer room where we can see Ibuki and Mikan hooked up to a machine. I can code an AI Junko into this machine if I need to.
   They plug everyone else in the machines first, as if trying to punish me. Fuyuhiko starts chuckling and breaks out into laughter, honestly he has this pretending to be me stuff down.
   "Hahahaha such despair~" He cooed, laughing like there's no tomorrow. He's either really good at acting or he's actually gone insane.
   Am I doing good?
   Good? You're doing amazing! You sound absolutely insane!
   I practiced a lot heheh.
   You'll see your Peko again when they plug you into that machine.
   He rejoiced at the thought of Peko, but his voice, additude, and body language don't show anything he's really good at this acting stuff. They finally plugged him into the machine and all went dark as the machinery hummed around us.

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