Trapped In The Void... Again

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POV of Fuyuhiko
Text like this are Fuyuhiko's thoughts

ext like this is Fuyuhiko's despair
(That is there so you don't get it mixed up)

  Huh? Did I pass out or something?

  No, I took over your body, remember when Junko was teaching you how to give in to despair? Yeah, she basically taught you how to set me free. Which is a good thing because now you don't have to suffer more.
  When we finally become the same person, like, you have my mindset, you'll be able to control your own body again.

  You're joking right? My mind is literally playing tricks on me. So this is what it's like to go insane, oh well. Oh yeah, by the way, I WILL gain control over my body again and you're gonna pay for it when I do.

  What are you even doing that I can't see unless I join up with you? Are you doing something terrible with my body?

  Hahaha... Nice guess, you'll just have to find out later, but I will let you know that Peko is still okay.
  And I'm supposed to trust you on that?

  Yes because you have no other way of knowing and I'm gonna give you a little bit of hope to crush later~

  How long have you even been here like damn did you see everything?

  Maybe, but that isn't important, I know how important Peko is to the both of us and since I'm feeling merciful, I will spare her and not lie to you about her. I will also offer up the information that she is in a state of shock and pain. No, no one hurt her, well not anyone that you can hurt at the moment.
  Also, Ibuki? That's the emo chick right? And the whiny nurse, her name isn't important enough to remember, they're attempting to comfort her but it isn't succeeding.

  What is that supposed to mean? What do you mean someone that I can't hurt right now, give me control I'll beat the shit out of them for hurting my Peko!!!

  Are you absolutely sure~~

  I am absolutely sure, no one hurts Peko and gets away with it. NO ONE!!

  Welp,  He giggled, How are you supposed to hurt a feeling that just eats that stuff up?

  Y-you're just joking right?



  He was laughing at me. How do you cry inside your mind? I have no idea, but I was just about to and I did everything to hold it back, I couldn't give this bastard more power than he already has...

  Awwwww~~~ What's wrong~ Are you gonna cryyy? ~

  Tch. You wish. I'm not going to give up as easily as you and Junko thought.

  And how are you going to fight back?

  I can't tell you because then you'll find a way to stop it.

  Dude please, it's sooooo obvious that you don't have a plan. You're helpless and you have no idea how to get out of the hole you're in. Instead of trying to get out, you should turn the hole you're in into a bunker, a safe place to hide when the storms of life come at you.
  But keeping you here is essential to MY plan because if they try to get rid of me by sticking us in that Neo World Program or whatever then I need you to act like me so they think that they got rid of me when they didn't, in return, you can have your body back.

  And how exactly do you expect me to be able to act like a shitstain like you?

  You're so funny, I do not expect you, I require you, if you ever want to see Peko again then you'll listen and learn. If not, you'll be stuck here forever and ever.

  ... If it means seeing Peko again, I'll do it. I'll learn how to pretend to act like you.

  Wonderful! Wonderful! Alrighty let's get right to lesson one.

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