Escape Plan

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POV of Fuyuhiko kuzuru
(Tw for Gvns and d@eth)

  I'm grimacing at the floor as Junko shoots question after question at me.  I answer her questions in the smallest responses I can or a lie. I cannot tell her anything true about me because she could use it against me.
  She also seems to think that Peko and I are dating, which is fine with me, I just hope she doesn't try to pull any risky shit with that assumption. I look my captor in the eye and ask her what she wants.
  "Seriously? Is he for real right now?" She said, obviously annoyed by my question.
  "What I want..." She cooed,
  "Is you." She finished with the grin of a maniac on her face. I realize what she's saying and I immediately shut my eyes as hard as I can, hoping that at least Peko made it out safe and sound.
  Junko giggles seeing my reaction to that.
  "I'm not gonna kill you silly boy!" She said.
  "Then why the fuck am I here, tied up and threatened?!" I angrily spit the question at her.
  "I want you to work for me, and I don't care what I have to do to make that so." The girl started laughing when she saw my face. I can't cry, not here. I do my best to blink back tears of frustration because I can't think of a way out.
  "Um Junko? I think we may need to back off, he seems upset." Mukuro said to her sister.
  "How many times have I told you to shut up?!" Junko yelled slapping her sister into the wall.
  I freeze when I hear a chair scrape against the door and it opening. I wish what I saw wasn't true but it was there, in front of me.
  "P-Peko?" I gasped. No. She was supposed to fucking escape why is she here... But... Why is she.. So pale?
  I try leaping out of the chair to go to her but I forget I'm tied to the chair.
  "Oh yeah one more thing," Junko said smiling, "She's dead."

POV of Ibuki Mioda

  As soon as I step in the hidden passage, I hear the bloodcurling scream of one of my classmates.
  "THAT'S FUYUHIKO!!" We all shouted in unison. My classmates were toppling over each other trying to get in to rescue Fuyuhiko and Peko.
  "Stay together, don't get lost!" Sonia cried out reminding us that we were in a new area we've never been before. The only way we know where we're going is because we can hear loud sobbing from a nearby room. We half-run half-jog opening doors going from room to room looking for our classmates.
  "The sobbing is closer." Akane who was ahead of everyone hissed. We kept a fast pace but stopped running because it was noisy.
  "Nagito now isn't a good time to play Russian Roulette!" I hear someone quietly scold Nagito.

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