Strolls and Smiles

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POV of Fuyuhiko


   "Come onnnn!! Pleeeaaaaseee!! Pleeeaaaseee come to the party!" Kazuichi begged me. He had a hold on my right leg so I couldn't move.
   Peko looked at him with such malice it's a wonder he didn't fall over dead. He must've not noticed it or else he would have probably screamed.
   I told Peko to go ahead and go to the party without me. She hesitated, but agreed.
   I need the time to recollect myself and have a little teensy weensy talk with a specific someone in my head.
   "For the millionth time, I'm NOT going. You better let go of me before I make sure that you can't go to the party!" I threatened.
   "Ugh fine man, your choice." He said standing up, brushing his jumpsuit off. He walked away to go to his cottage. I looked at Peko and she looked at me.
   Absolute silence for around ten seconds, then we started laughing.
   "He actually begged someone other than Sonia!" Peko squeezed out inbetween breaths.
   We finally start to quiet down so I walk her to her cottage. I kissed her goodbye and headed back to my cottage.

   A nice quiet walk would be nice.
   I decide to go on a nice quiet walk around the perimeter of the island, but I grab a pocket knife from my cottage just in case.
   The island seems deserted and I hear the night announcement going off. The screens shut off and it's quiet. Oh so quiet. So quiet I can hear a pin drop.
   Suddenly Monokuma is next to me, he startled me so bad I had whipped out my knife.
   "Chillax kiddo. I'm just here to talk with you." He said. His painted smile looked eerie in the moonlight.
   "He's listening." I said,
   He's always listening.
   You're right, I'm always listening!
   "They're having that party right? Well there's a reason for it. It's so Byakuya can keep an eye on everyone. You remember how uneasy he looked this morning? It's because someone slipped a note into his cottage with a threat that someone was going to die tomorrow." Monokuma waddled along while talking.
   Interesting... Why aren't you going again? Shouldn't you want to go?
   "He thinks that it's interesting..." I trailed off.
   "And?" Monokuma asked expectantly.
   Let them use the old school building, it couldn't do them much harm to host it there.
   "And he said to let them use the old school building if they ask, if they don't you should offer it up." I finished. I heard a small grunt of approval from Remnant Fuyuhiko.
   "Okie dokie thanks! Enjoy the rest of your walk!" Monokuma said before disappearing into a small hidden door in a bush.
   It still frightens me how he can be literally anywhere he wants and can reappear and disappear. Even if this is all a simulation, it still needs to be realistic.
   I walk all the way back to my cottage to see Peko at the door. I'm concerned because she looks scared shitless, and I've never, not once seen her scared before.
   I walk over to her and when she sees me she launches herself in my arms. The force nearly throws me off balance but I hold Peko tightly as she starts crying.
   Now I was getting scared because I've never seen Peko cry either, not even when she got a really bad cut when practicing her sword skills when we were ten.
   "Someone..." She tried to speak but she was sobbing too hard. I led her inside my cottage and locked the door behind us. I also closed the blinds so she wouldn't get embarrassed or someone thinking we're up to no good.
   We sat on my bed for a while, me stroking her hair while holding her, and her clinging to me sobbing. Just as Peko started to calm down she would get upset again and start crying again.
   She was tired, I could tell. She ended up crying herself to sleep in my arms. I took her shoes and sword off for her and my shoes and took the knife out of my pocket. I then laid her in the bed and pulled the blanket over her.
   I went over to my closet to get a spare pillow and blanket, then went to sleep on the couch.
   My dreams were not as horrific as last night's dream. Luckily, instead of fueling nightmares remnant me decided to play footage from the killing game at Hope's Peak.
   I was slightly disturbed by it still, but it was actually kinda interesting in a dark twisted way. Apparently that programmer chick got crucified with an extension cord and she's actually a dude.
   The bookworm is a psychopath and the rich snob pretended to be her murderer side to expose her. Eventually they figured out that pompadour did it.
   A "sad" backstory played for him about his secret that he killed to keep. He had killed his own brother can you believe it?!
   The Hall moniter started crying trying to save his friend's life.
   The dream ended in his execution, he was tied to a motorcycle going around and around in a motorcycle cage that turned yellow and led to a little compartment. The compartment popped out a little container of butter.
   I woke up to the morning announcement to see Peko rolling around on the bed. She wasn't awake, she was having a bad nightmare.
   I couldn't bear to hear her cries and seeing her in pain so I went to wake her up. I tapped her shoulder and said,
   "Hey, it's okay, it's only a dream."
   She woke up and looked startled that I was standing over her, but soon that startled face twisted to relief and she pulled me down onto her.
   She wrapped her arms around me so tight that if I was a balloon I would've popped. Something was wrong. Peko has never acted like this before. What's bothering her?
   "Last night a note was slipped under my door and it told me that you were in danger. It also said some other things..." She said as she looked to the side and at the ground.
   We sat up and I hugged her.
   "Don't worry Peko, I'm okay, I won't ever leave you okay?" I assured her as I lifted her face to be even with mine.
   I kissed her, it was a longer kiss but I could tell she really needed it to let it sink in that I was okay, and that I was here for her.
   She went back to her cottage to shower and so I could shower. I turned on the water and let it wash away all of the fear, anger, confusion, hate, and disgust with the fact we're all stuck on an island and that someone had frightened Peko.
   We met up outside, the showers had lifted our spirits as if they had washed away every bad thing ever to happen.
  We started walking to the hotel for breakfast when Ibuki crashed into us from behind with Mikan following closely.
   The force of Ibuki's body slamming into us knocked Peko on me which knocked me over with Peko on top of me, landing in a pretty awkward position. Ibuki immediately fell to her knees and started begging for mercy, sometimes she took stuff to the next level. Peko and I blushed.
   She got up then helped me up. Mikan asked if we were both okay and we said yes. We looked back at Ibuki who was looking at us with the look a child has when they sing about two people kissing in a tree.
   We all ended up walking to the hotel together. Mikan seemed nervous but she was smiling at Ibuki.
   "I've got something I want to tell everyone at breakfast, that's why I was running." Ibuki said, she sounded very excited. Mikan looked scared but that look was there for only a split second, she smiled again.
   Ibuki opened her mouth to say something but she closed it. She opened her mouth again and said,
   "What do you guys think about LGBTQ+ people?"
   Huh? Why did she ask that? Of all the questions in the whole wide world she could've ask- ooooh. I smiled a little piecing the puzzle together. It made sense now, Ibuki and Mikan. I should've noticed.
   I smiled, Ibuki was looking at me a little frightened but she saw my smile and was relieved. Peko didn't piece it together which isn't surprising, she hasn't known much of a world where there are same sex (gender) couples.
   She smiled because I did, she doesn't fully understand what LGBTQ+ means, I once tried to explain it to her but it only further confused her.
   We climb the stairs to the cafeteria to be greeted by everyone there. Mikan freezes up but Ibuki whispers something to her that calms her.
   "Everyone I have something to say." Ibuki screeched. Everyone turned to look at her. Teruteru walked out of the kitchen holding platters of food, ready to listen.
   Ibuki and Mikan looked at each other and Mikan gave her a tiny nod.
   "Mikan and I are dating. If anyone has a problem with that they can say something right now." Ibuki said. The room came alive with congratulations from people around the room but Hiyoko slammed the table as she stood up, that silenced the room.
   "That's disgusting! Of everyone here you decide to date that nasty stinky troll?! You f-" I didn't let her finish that word. I punched her so hard her tiny body flew halfway across the room.
   Everyone stared at me in disbelief. I was pissed.
   "YOU CAN SAY A LOT OF THINGS AROUND ME BUT NEVER, NEVER SAY THAT WORD AROUND ME YOU GOT IT MIDGET?!?!?!" I screamed at her. I ran over to her and pushed her up against the wall. I had her pinned pretty good.
   I knocked her to the ground and started pounding her stupid face. I let out all of my anger, screaming. I must've looked like a wild animal.
   It took Akane, Nekomaru, Gundham, Kazuichi, and Peko to pull me off of Hiyoko. But I had done a lot of damage to her. Her face looked like she went through a meat grinder, she was crying and shaking really bad.
   Mahiru rushed to her side and started hollering for Mikan to come over here and help Hiyoko. Mikan stood still for a second, shaking, then slowly walked over there.
   I was still trying to get to Hiyoko but the group of people who had pulled me off of her had started dragging me out of the room. I started screaming every insult I knew at Hiyoko while struggling to break free. They got me outside and Peko whispered something to everyone, they let go of me and ran inside quickly, locking the door behind them.
   Peko was the only one holding me. She spun me around to face her, gripping my shoulders, she just looked at me. She looked startled because I don't normally get that mad, I've never had an outburst that intense in front of her and it frightened her.
   "Why did you get so mad? What was she going to say?" Peko asked, trying to find out what made me mad so she could calm me down.
   "She was going to use an extremely hateful slur that means 'gay'. I'm not going to say the actual word. You can ask someone else later." I said, a little calmer than earlier.
   Peko grabbed me by the hand and walked me to her cottage. She went into her bathroom and came out in a swimsuit. She took me to my cottage and waited for me to put on mine so we could go to the beach.
   We held hands the entire way there. When we got on the beach I broke down. Peko held me while I cried. She rubbed her hand on my back the way a mother would when comforting a crying baby. I told her why the slur had set me off so bad.
   I began telling the story when I flashbacked to when I was about sixteen, when I was an ordinary kid, sort of.
   I had a small friend group. People rarely approached me because I was a hostile kid.
   One day my best friend had come out to our friend group. I supported him unconditionally, but a few of the others didn't feel the same way about it that I did.
   They spread it around the school and everyone started to call him nasty names, and make fun of him.
   They tried to get me to join in on making fun of him but when I didn't, they started calling me gay too. It didn't bother me as much but my friend?
   He became depressed. He cut himself. One day he gave me a thick envelope and told me to open it tomorrow.
   He didn't show up to school the next day. The councillor pulled me out of class to tell me that he had killed himself the night before.
   I told the councillor about what happened and everyone else in my old friend group, they were arrested and went to juvie for encouraging self harm and suicide.
   A week later there was a note in my locker. It said,

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