The Neo Program???

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POV of MM! Fuyuhiko
(Author's note: MM! Fuyuhiko has underlined text, as do all of the other remnants of despair. His thoughts are underlined and in italic. Regular Fuyuhiko's thoughts are in italic, thank you for acknowledging this note.)

   "The Future Foundation can't have ACTUALLY figured out how to eliminate us! It's impossible!" I yelled at the other remnants of despair that were gathered. They were all agreeing with me in their own way. I looked around the table, all of them were here and under the influence of despair.
   Perfect. It's all so despair inducing it's perfect. But if they really have found out how to get rid of me let's ho- no, let's not use that word. The other Fuyuhiko will have to take over and I'll have to go into hiding again.
   Dude, it's been almost a month why are you so worried? I can't even control my own damn body! Stop complaining you dumbass I'm tired of you and your despair I'm sick of it, I'm sick of you, I'm sick of it all!
   You're so whiny. Why do you actually try to fight back you know you won't succeed unless I give you control. Heh, you're so pathetic you're being controlled by an emotion!
   ... That was kinda cruel even for you. You must be really bothered by the thought of whoever "they" are.
   Right. They won't be able to get rid of me ever so don't get too excited.
   Whatever. Is Peko still okay?
   Yeah she's fine. She's right here with me but she's pretty much in the same situation as you are but she isn't gonna get to hide her despair and if they try to get rid of us she'll be her normal self.
   You mean it? I'll get to see her again?
   Yup. I think so.
   "Hey boss we gotta go!" The voice of Akane pulled me out of my conversation with Fuyuhiko. I tell everyone to leave and meet up somewhere else as I grab my gun and put on my fedora. I named it a long time ago but I don't remember what I named it.
   As soon as I walked out of the door I am greeted to a squad of men in suits and dark sunglasses with guns aimed at myself and Peko. I looked at Peko and smiled slightly, she gave me a sly smirk in return. That's when we gave the men a good reason to run.

POV of Ibuki (in her mind)
[Ibuki's mind dialogue has the same principles as Fuyuhiko's mind.]

   Nnngh Ibuki wants to feel guitar strings again.
   Can't you just conjour you're mind guitar or something?
   Ibuki doesn't wanna think up a mind guitar Ibuki wants to play a real guitar!
   Well too bad, I'm a little busy right now and I could get in trouble for letting you out again. But maybe later.
   I think that you're the nicest person except for Mikan that Ibuki's ever met in her ENTIRE life! Is Mikan alright?
   Mikan's okay. If you don't count her falling in weird positions as bad.
  That's good... Ibuki worries about her.
   I know you do, I can literally hear your thoughts. You spend a lot of time worrying about her.
   Do you think next time I see the world Ibuki can see the Mikan she knows again? Even for a few minutes, Ibuki would be happy!
   Maybe, I don't know how you stay so positive. The situation I'm in is getting to where I have to be more careful about letting you out, we're probably gonna have to split up so we don't get caught by them.
   You keep going on about "them" who is this mysterious "them" you always think about? Why are you scared of them? Should Ibuki be scared too?
   No you shouldn't be scared. I'm worried because they are trying to get rid of me and the other remnants of despair, meaning the parts of the mind like me for you, I'm you're remnant of despair. And "they" are the Future Foundation. Boss doesn't like us using the actual name though because it makes him really mad. No one wants to see the boss mad.
   Who's the "boss" again? And why isn't Remnant Ibuki the boss?
   Fuyuhiko. He's the boss because he's the one who actually set us free and he seems to know what he's doing so we follow him.
   Oohhh. Ibuki probably doesn't want to call him "boss baby" anymore if Remnant Ibuki is scared of mad Fuyuhiko.
   Ohhhhh shit...
   What's wrong?
   Remnant Ibuki?


Author's note:
I'm so sorry for not posting for a while I've been super busy with my schoolwork recently and I've been spending more time outside and soon my school will start musical rehearsals that I gotta go to and I'll have to put more time into learning my part. Also I've been working on learning French too so I've been super busy and I've been trying to think of ideas, I meant to start writing this chapter 4 days ago but I didn't have any ideas then I got super busy with school and its getting more complicated but I'm trying to write as much as I can so sorry if it takes a while to post. Wow that's only 2 sentences I should probably work on condensing my life's story into smaller sentences. (Also I'm in 8th grade so I've also been doing High School registration stuff) sorry for making this "note" super long. Just know that I am trying to write interesting stuff.
Make sure you drink plenty of water, eat something, and take time to yourself, remember that you are important!

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