The Despair Spreads

198 8 2

POV 3rd person

  Junko's plan had worked, because every single one of the student were now under the control of despair. They were ready spread despair everywhere they went and put Junko's plan into motion.
  This is how it all started. The most horrible despair inducing event in human history had begun.
  The Hanamura Diner burned while Teruteru watched, the bar burned down while Ibuki screamed into a microphone, the hospital toppled over while Mikan was laying on the ground, Fuyuhiko and Peko killed multiple people together, and so on and so on.
  So many people died, and soon Japan was overrun with remnants of despair.
  "So much despair!!!" Junko said a little slurred. She got an idea, a horribly great idea. A killing game with the last students of Hopes Peak High!
  That's when the stupid Future Foundation came along and captured most of the remnants of despair.

Monaca was sitting and watching the cameras over Towa City when Haiji walked in. Kotoko was also in the room and she immediately shrunk into a corner and held her head in her hands, trying to not cry.
  "Ugh why are you always watching the cameras you're so weird." Haiji grumbled at Monaca.
  "You're one to talk child molester." Monaca shot back. The last two words that Monaca said made Kotoko whimper and Haiji looked at her and smiled.
  "Well well isn't it my little princess~" Haiji said, Monaca looked disgusted and sympathetic for Kotoko.
  "Back off before I make your toes go squish squish" Monaca said with a sing-songy tune to the last words.
  "Okay sheesh, don't run over my toes with that 400 pound wheelchair of yours, I'll go!" Haiji backed out of the room falling over a stack of scrap metal and getting cut up. Monaca and Kotoko started giggling as Haiji scrambled out of the room. Soon the girl in a school outfit, broke out of her jail cell/hotel room and was given a... Megaphone?

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