ice cold conversations || ghiaccio x reader || see what i did there? 🤭

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enjoy you and your choleric boyfriend (ice boy: see picture) listening to your liked songs (mostly mine 😋) and judging them for the littlest things. by the way, i like all of these songs i'm using for this fanfiction, so i'm not slandering them /criticizing them; ghiaccio is.(that doesn't sound believable because i'm the writer, but believe me please)

also, google translate is a must (italian to english)

"Ghia!" Smirking, you yell for your boyfriend's name, and hear a slamming of a laptop screen and stomping to your door before the door swings open, almost coming off of the hinges. A hot and bothered Ghiaccio appears in front of you, his striking red glasses crooked on the bridge of his nose and his black irises dilated in anger. "What the hell do you want?!" He screams, and you roll your eyes, giggling at his overreaction.

"Are you done with your work?" You ask, and Ghiaccio blinks at you blankly a few times before screaming and punching your stuffed animal with a force that shakes your whole bed. "Does it look like I'm done?" He says, voice shaking with irritation. Biting your lip, you shake your head and stare at the blue-haired firecracker. He bites his lip, taking a few shaky deep breaths before fixing his glasses and smoothing down his blouse.

"God, you're so fucking annoying." He says, a bit calmer this time, his rough voice holding a tinge of calmness to it. Standing up, you walk to your boyfriend and grab his hand, wrapping your fingers around his. "Can you stop work? I wanna do something fun with you." You blush, and Ghiaccio turns his lips up in distaste, showing his classical sneer.

"No, I can't stop fucking work." He curses, pulling away from you and crossing his arms. He taps his foot on the ground repetitively, acting this habit he does when he's trying to blow off some steam. "Hey, hey, breathe." You school him, and he rolls his eyes, baring his teeth as he starts to pace the room. "I'm breathing, you dumbass! What the hell does it look like I'm doing?!" He yells, and you smirk, laughing into your hand. "Having a pitchy fit." You mutter, and Ghiaccio growls loudly, jerking his glasses off of his face and practically throwing them to his desk in your shared room.

"Puttana." He mutters to himself in Italian, and you blush, seductively walking up to him and running your hands over his shoulders and down his chest. "That's not nice, Ghia." You tease him, placing a small kiss on his ear. Ghiaccio, like his name, melts under your hot touch, trembling as he bites his lip. "Hmmm?~ Is that a shudder I felt?" You taunt him, rubbing calming circles in his chest. A small, rough moan escapes him, and you giggle, planting a kiss on his cheek before pulling away and waltzing back to your bed, turning on your phone.

Ghiaccio sits in shock, quietly furrowing his eyebrows and staring at you with anger. "You left me hanging!" He screams, and you rub your ear teasingly, shrugging. "You wanted me to finish?" You raise an eyebrow, and Ghiaccio blushes, shaking his head and muttering random things to himself, standing up and changing into his pajamas; a white turtleneck that's spotless and black pants that are tight fitting. "Just....forget about it." He growls, and you giggle again.

"Hey, Ghia?" You smirk, grabbing his hand again; this time, he doesn't push you away, opting to check his phone for the fifty-sixth time this hour. "Put your phone down and pay attention to me." You pout, and Ghiaccio rolls his eyes, stopping mid-scroll and turning off his phone, throwing it to the side. Eyes widened in surprise, you stare at him, and he stares back at you, his pitch black eyes staring you down.

"Wait. You're actually listening to me?" You ask, confused. Ghiaccio stares at his watch and back at you, the constant sneer he wears on his face staring you in the face. "What does it look like?! Huh?!" He yells, and you nod, blushing. "I get it." You smirk, and smile, handing a Airpod to your ice cold boyfriend. He stares at it, disgusted, but puts it in anyway, frowning.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asks, leaning over to peek at your phone. His rough, grating voice washes over your ear, and you smile, leaning into his warmth. "We're listening to Spotify. I don't want another ice cold conversation." You smile, scrolling through your Liked Songs. Ghiaccio frowns at your little joke and backs up, sneering at your phone. "I did not just see Vengaboys." Ghiaccio sneers, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Oh, please, Ghia! Give them a chance." You say, clicking the song Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom! 

"This song is so fucking annoying." He takes off his glasses to clean them, and you can't help but stare at his fair skin and pitch black eyes that somehow draw you in every time you stare at him. A blush spreads across your face, and  you sing the song to get your mind off of Ghiaccio. "I want you in my room! Let's spend the night together from now until forever!~" You vocalize, and Ghiaccio squints at you, obviously disgusted.

"You sound fucking stupid." Ghiaccio groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his hand. "It's a catchy song, you can't lie." You tease, going up to touch the blue curls that cling to his head, but Ghiaccio grabs your hand, placing it back in your lap. "No." He scolds, sounding like an annoyed dad.

"Okay, Daddy." You tease, shyly staring at Ghiaccio to see his reaction. He freezes in his spot, slowly turning around and facing you. A look of anger and sexual arousement lies in his eyes, and he squints at your face, tilting his head down. You can see him stare at you through his eyelashes; his red glasses stand out on his face, and his nose scrunches up.

"You really wanna pull that, huh?" He whispers, and you blink bashfully, smirking. He roughly grabs your chin and kisses you passionately; he even bites your lip a bit, and you moan under his lips. Ghiaccio pulls away, an angry look on his face. You don't mind it; in fact, you think it might turn you on even more than it usually does. 

"Do that again, and I'll bite more than your lips." He hisses, and you giggle giddily, blushing as you scroll down your Spotify playlist once more.

"Hug me!" You scream, and Ghiaccio covers his ears, staring at you, obviously annoyed. "Really?! Maledetta puttana!" The hot-headed ice-skater scoffs, and you laugh some more. "No, it's the song." You say, showing him the cover. "Skip. I've heard this way too fucking much, and it's not even that good." Ghiaccio tries to pick up his phone, but you snatch it away, sticking it your bralette. Ghiaccio pauses for a second, and raises an eyebrow, studying you. 

"I'm not doing that." He relents, and crosses his arms, resting his head on the back of the backboard. "Hmph." You pout, teasing him, and turn from the song. "Final song, Ghia." You smirk, clicking Volatil by Oliver Buckland. "This song reminds me of you." You smile, and Ghiaccio actually blushes at that, staring at you with an unreadable look in his eyes.

"And why is that?" Ghiaccio cocks an eyebrow, waiting for his reaction. You swear you see a corner of his mouth lift in what seems to be a smirk. "It's crazy, and kinda cute." You smirk, and Ghiaccio squints at you angrily, flipping you off. "Hehe, I love you too, Ghia." You caress his cheek, and take his glasses off, sticking them in between your legs.

"What the hell?! Give my my fucking glasses back, dammit!" Ghiaccio stares at his bright red glasses gently crushed between your thighs, and he bites his lip, eyeing them and you down with intensity.

"Fine. If you want to play that way, I'll play along." The ice-skater leans into your face, his pitch black eyes searching yours. You smirk shyly, turning off your phone and placing it on your bed side table.

No need for that anymore.

i was writing this beside my mom in the car and god i felt so dirty 😔

part two????😋😋😋

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