break my stride || caesar x joseph's sister!reader || requested!

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this was requested by a very good mutual of mine: 1-LOVE-Mitsuri!! i hope you enjoy, queen!! you all can thank 1-LOVE-Mitsuri for this one!😋

"I'm not going to go around Caesar Zeppeli." You roll your eyes, and Joseph frowns at you, crossing his arms. "Why is it that I don't believe you?" Joseph raises a thick eyebrow, and you scoff.

You're Y/N Joestar, Joseph's twin sister, and Hamon training partner. You and him get along....decently. He's a total flirt, and loves screwing around with people, and you're just like him, except you don't flirt with every girl and guy you meet, and you don't prank people every hour. If a person were to ask Lisa Lisa who's better behaved, she'd pick you; you two are rowdy though, especially when you and him get competitive with each other.

"Look, JoJo, I'm 18! Let me breathe a little." You shove your giant of a brother, and he scoffs, picking you up bridal style. "You aren't breathing anywhere near that Italian bastard!" He yells, and you slump in Joseph's arms, defeated.

You have a crush on Joseph's other training partner and enemy, Caesar Zeppeli. He's everything you'd want in a man; honest, talented, mature, trustworthy, and handsome. He's the perfect boy; soft blonde locks encasing his sharp, flawless jawline and emerald eyes sparkling with charisma and allure. Oh, how you'd love to have him kiss you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. 

Joseph, being the "great" older brother he calls himself, hates that you have a crush, especially since it's his enemy you are infatuated with. Now, he's making it his "life goal" to protect you from "that Italian bastard" as Joseph calls Caesar.

"Joseph, put me down!!" You cry, hitting his back. It doesn't really affect him though, and he even starts laughing like you're tickling him. "Hahaha! Y/N, stop doing that! That tickles!!" He teases, and carries you all the way to the training room, dropping you down on the mat. Moaning a cry of pain, you rub your back and stand up, hitting him square in the face.

"That hurt!" You yell, and Joseph smirks, rubbing his red cheek. "Yeah, whatever! Just stay away from him!" Joseph warns, waggling a finger at you. Frowning, you walk away and sit in a chair while Joseph goes over to find some weights for him to lift. You stare out of the window, thoughts of Caesar filling your mind. Caesar Zeppeli. The name elicits so many wonderful feelings, you start giggling and kicking your feet like a happy baby.

As if God Himself heard your thoughts, Caesar enters the training room, staring at Joseph as he tries to lift a five hundred pound weight. Blushing, you stand up and walk over to him, waving at him shyly.

"Hi, Caesar." You smile, and he smirks, kissing your hand. "Hello, belladonna." He smirks into your hand, and you giggle at his endearment. Joseph stops grunting and whining like a gorilla when he hears you giggle, and he stomps over to you two, pushing you back from the Italian. "Caesar, keep your lips off my sister." Joseph says angrily, pointing a finger into his chest. Caesar stares at him, clearly not amused. 

"Oh, please, JoJo. You know Y/N loves me. You can't stop it." He bites back, and Joseph's eyes go wide, obviously in disbelief. "Uh--no! She doesn't like you! Y/N, tell him you don't like him." Joseph whines, frantically turning to you. You don't answer, too busy mulling over the fact that Caesar called you a pretty woman and he kissed you.

"Ugh! Just--keep the hell away from my sister you--" Joseph starts, and Caesar rolls his eyes, finishing Joseph's sentence for him.  "Come on now, JoJo! Come up with a better insult." The blonde dares Joseph to come against him, and Joseph stammers for a while, trying to think of something that's new. "I--uh, well---I--Ugh! Nevermind!" Joseph gives up, throwing his hands up in the air and storming out of the training room.

Finally snapping back to reality, you clear your throat and grab Caesar's hand. "Well, do you want to go on a walk outside with me?" You ask, and Caesar smiles, pushing a strand of hair out of your face. "Scusa, belladonna, but I have training I have to complete right now. How about I take you out for dinner tonight to make up with it?" His sweet, smooth Italian accented voice makes you blush, and you nod, stunned. "Alright. I'll see you at nine." He finalizes, kissing your cheek and sprinting away.

You're going on a date with Caesar Zeppeli, the Caesar Zeppeli; the love of your life.


(here's your dress because you deserve to look beautiful :D)

Slipping on a lavender dress and silver heels, you curl your hair and do your makeup

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Slipping on a lavender dress and silver heels, you curl your hair and do your makeup. A knock on your door startles you and makes you mess up on your eyeliner. Whoever had the audacity to knock must be important; I was doing my winged eyeliner. Sighing, you stand up and open the door, annoyed to find Joseph frowning on the other side. "What are you doing?" He asks, strolling into your room and crashing on your bed.

"None of your business, JoJo. Go away." You sigh, and he scoffs, standing up and coming behind you in the mirror and tickling your neck. You start to laugh, and accidently send a wave of Hamon to Joseph, shocking him and making his hair stand straight up. "Ow!" He yells, and falls on his back, hissing in pain.

"That's what you get." You sigh, wiping a tear from your eye. "Now....get the heck out of my room!" You yell, sending a wave of Hamon through your carpet and pushing Joseph out of your room, closing the door behind him. 8:55. Staring at your clock, you giggle happily and grab your jacket out of the closet, lock the door to your room, and climb out of the window. You've snuck out many times before; you can do it easily now.

Caesar stands there in a white turtleneck and lavender pants, his hair slicked back in a very clean fashion. Blushing, you sprint out of the bushes and tackle him in a hug. "Sei meravigliosa, belladonna."  Caesar smirks, kissing your hand as he pulls a lavender out of his pocket and sticks it in your hair. "You look nice too, Caesar." You smirk, blushing.

"Ready, belladonna?" Caesar asks, and you smirk, nodding at him as you and him run off into the night.


"Okay, Caesar. We have to be quiet." You say, unlocking the front door. "Of course." Caesar agrees, holding your hand tightly. 

The house is dark, and it's quiet; thinking it's safe to move, you silently close the door, the lights suddenly turning on and Joseph standing in his boxers with a look of disbelief on his face.

"NO WAY!!!" Joseph yells. "Ah! You're still awake?!" You yell in disbelief, and Joseph doesn't answer, face red with anger. "You went out with this prick?! This late at night?! Are you insane?!" Joseph yells, and you wince, frowning. "He asked me! Plus, you always go out with girls at this time!!" You yell, trying to distract him. 

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Joseph yells, grabbing you by your waist and lifting you into the air.

"Joseph, shut up and put Y/N down." Caesar hisses, punching him in the stomach. "Oh no you don't!" Joseph yells, and kicks Caesar where it hurts. Caesar stands up and cracks his knuckles before yelling, "JOJO!".

Let's just say Lisa Lisa came downstairs to find Joseph and Caesar rolling on the floor, and you hopping on Joseph's back to make him stop choking Caesar.

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