The Tsundere Delinquent Is Now My Boyfriend|| Part 1 || Jotaro x Reader

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welcome back to another one-shot!! if you're new, hello, ciao; i'm Arii, the host/writer of this fanfiction! today, i'll be writing yet another Jotaro one-shot. i'm pretty sure i've made it clear, that Jotaro isn't my favorite character, but you guys enjoy them, and they get decent reads, so here you go!

btw, i know this would never happen in a real school, let alone a Japanese one, but pretend it did happen, k? good! :)); godetevi, miei piccoli amori!


Who: Jotaro freakin' Kujo (that's what I like to call him)

Storyline: You run into Jotaro because you were dared to ask him on a date, and things just get worse from there.


"Go ahead!" Your friend challenges you, pushing you forward. "Bestie, I'm not going to do that! I hate him so much." You grumble, trying to fight your friend's push. "You wanted a dare: I gave you a dare. Now get to asking!" She pushes you closer to the tsundere delinquent's locker. Jotaro Kujo stands there, grabbing a black notebook from his locker. He's mean to every girl in the school, including you, and you're his reading partner.

"I'll ask him in Language Arts, okay?? Don't force me to---" Before you can finish the sentence, your friend shoves you so hard, you fly across the hall and crash into someone's chest. The push is so hard, your head hits the ground, and you pass out. "Oh my gosh!" You can hear your friend yell, and you can hear students gather around you. " her!" Your friend cries before you go unconscious completely.


"Are you okay?" The nurse asks, placing an ice pack on your head. "I'm...I'm okay." You stammer, and the nurse breathes a sigh of relief. "Good. A classmate brought you here; he said you know him." The nurse says, and you turn your head in confusion. "A classmate? I don't know--" You start, and then a tall, broad figure enters the nurse's office. "Is she done yet?" A deep voice drones, and you turn over to see who the voice belongs to.

Jotaro Kujo stands there, his hands in his pockets, a hat shading his dark green eyes, and his resting ''bitch'' face staring back at you. "Ma'am, I can assure you that I don't know this--" You start, but Jotaro sends you a glare that can cut steel, and you shut up. "She's almost done; I need to put some bandages on her and write you two a passing slip. Give me just a second." She smiles, and walks to the back room.

Jotaro sighs, and sits down in the chair beside you. "Why did you help me?" You bite, and Jotaro just sits there, his thick eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "You heard me, Jotaro." You bite, and Jotaro mutters something under his breath. "What was that? I couldn't hear you." You say angrily, and Jotaro rolls his eyes. "What I said doesn't concern you." Jotaro says bluntly, and his deep voice sets something off in you, even though you don't like think.

"Answer my question, though. Why did you help me?" You ask again, and Jotaro pulls his hat over his face. "I don't know. I felt like it." He brushes it off, crossing his legs politely. "You can't just feel like helping a woman out, you--" You say, "I can feel however the hell I want to, bitch." Jotaro bites, annoyed. "You--" You start, but the nurse comes back in, and you two shut up, turning away from each other. "I need some information from you two real quick." She pulls out a clipboard, and you sit up from the bench.

"What are your names?" The nurse asks. "Y/N L/N." You say. "Jotaro Kujo." Jotaro says, his deep voice filling the room. "Ages?" She asks. "16." You reply, and Jotaro's eyes grow wide. "17." He replies, and you stare at him awkwardly. "How are you two related?" She asks, and you clear your throat. "Related?" You ask. "Yes; brother/sister, boyfriend/girlfriend---how?" The nurse explains, and before you can say anything, Jotaro speaks over you.

"I'm her boyfriend." He says, and you choke on your literal air. "B-Boyfriend?!" You say, and he throws you one of his glares that can cut steel. "Oh, really! You two are so cute together!" The nurse giggles, and you blush profusely. You swear you can even see blush spreading across Jotaro's cheeks too. "Okay, well, here are your two passes! Y/N, be careful next time, okay?" The nurse smiles, and you try to nod, even though you're stunned.

Jotaro stands up, and sighs to himself. "Get up." He says, and holds out his strong arm for you to grab. "I don't need your help, Kujo." You say, and stand up suddenly. The world starts to spin around you, and you start to tip over. "Yare yare daze." Jotaro reaches his arms out to you, and you fall down in them, staring up at Jotaro's face. He's very handsome up close; his dark green eyes pop even more under the shadow of his black hair, and his sharp jaw and thick eyebrows stare back at you.

"I--I" You try to talk, but Jotaro rolls his eyes, and stands you up on your own two feet. Your phone starts to vibrate, and you blush, forgetting your ringtone is Ripple Star Map from "Kirby". "Hello?" You answer, and all you hear is your mother freaking out on the other side of the line." "I'm fine, Mom. It was just a few scratches, that's all." You smile, and she breathes a sigh of relief. "One of your friends told me you had a boyfriend! Bring him home tonight; Your sisters and I are going to make a dinner to celebrate!" Your mother says, and you gasp.

"Mom, you don't have to---" You try to talk, but your mother interrupts you. "Can I speak to him?" She asks, and your eyes widen. "Mom!! No!!" You say, but you can feel the glare in her voice, and you hand Jotaro the phone. "Don't screw this up." You say, and he rolls his eyes. "Hello." He says, and you can hear your mom screeching from beside Jotaro. "Yes ma'am." Jotaro says, and you scoff, annoyed and confused. Now he can be polite?! "You too." He says, and finishes the call. "Give me this." You snatch the phone from his hand, and he glares at you.

"Yare yare daze." He grumbles, and walks out of the office. "Hey!! Wait!!" You yell, but he ignores you, walking down the long school hallway. You grumble, grabbing your schoolbag. You stumble down the hall, trying to catch up with Jotaro, but he walks way too quitely and swiftly, leaving you in the dust. Not only do I hate this stupid tsundere, but he has to come over to my house for dinner tonight because he's my ''boyfriend''. Great.

that's all for part one of "The Tsundere Delinquent Is Now My Boyfriend"; even though I don't really like Jotaro, this was very fun to write lol. I'll update later, and I love you all :)

Kirby e ti mando i nostri desideri~


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