Thunderstorms || Giorno x Reader

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quick tip: I advise you listen to a thunderstorm video on YouTube if it's not raining where you are. it'll make the experience (no pun intended) more enjoyable for ya ;)

fun fact; I'm very scared of thunderstorms; they make me uncomfortable and anxious, so this will be very personal to me as well :)

also, I used some Italian words in this one-shot because: one, I love the Italian language; two, part 5 is all about Italy, and three; I'm learning Italian. So, unless you know Italian well, I advise you to use Google Translate for the phrases. :D


Story: Comfort

Who: Giorno x Reader

Storyline: There's a big thunderstorm outside, and you can't sleep. You go to Giorno, in hopes he can help you go to bed.

enjoy, simps :)


The thunder strikes again, and you can swear you feel the floor shake. You wince, clutching your fluffy blanket tighter. You hate thunderstorms; they bring out the worst in you, and it seems like every emotion you could ever think of floods your thoughts. You wince, feeling the floor vibrate again, and you try to squeeze your eyes shut and drown it out.

The thunder strikes louder this time, and you scream. "God, this is horrible." You breathe, shaking. You decide to go downstairs for water, and you bring (your choice of plushie) down with you. 

It's quiet; every Passione member went to sleep hours ago. You're always the last one up, even the nights when Abbacchio stays up later than you. You sigh, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. You sit on the stool, tracing the rim of the glass with your finger. God, you hate thunderstorms.

Just then, you see a slender figure come down the stairs, and you jump. It's Giorno. His hair is in the curly mess it always is when he takes it down; and he jumps when he notices you sitting on the stool.

"A-Ah, Y/N. Why are you up so late? It's one in the morning." He asks, getting a glass of water himself. "I couldn't sleep; the thunderstorm was keeping me awake." You sigh, taking another sip of water. "You don't like thunderstorms? You never told me that." He says, with a hint of hurt in his voice. "Never mind that." He sighs under his breath.

"I just...they make me uncomfortable, and they bring back so many bad memories." You explain, and you swear you hear your voice break. "I'm so sorry about that, Y/N. I know you have bad memories." Giorno apologizes politely, looking at you with those beautiful green eyes. "Giorno, you have really pretty eyes." You say, but then blush immediately.

"I-I do? I mean--grazie, amica." He blushes; he tends to talk in Italian when he's nervous, surprised, or flustered. You always thought it was cute. You guys sit in awkwardness for a few minutes,  neither of you say anything, and you think neither of you dare to breathe until the other does.

"Well, if you want to, we can sleep together." Giorno offers, and he smiles. "Sleep together? Won't that be a problem?" You ask, tilting your head. Every time you sleep with a male Passione member, it's a problem in the morning. It happened with Abbacchio that one time you and him accidentally got drunk together. Everyone thought you two actually did that thing.

"It's not a problem, Y/N, and if it is, I can take care of it. I've did it before, haven't I?" Giorno smiles, and you giggle. He's so positive and heroic all the time, it's contagious. "Giorno...." You sigh. It's finally time, you think. Finally, time to tell him; I'm tired of holding the feelings in. You've had a crush on Giorno for a while now, and you've always tried to play it off. You can't hold the feelings in anymore.

"I like you!"  You whisper in his ear, and he almost chokes on his water. "You what?" He looks back at you with wide, confused eyes. "I like you, Giorno. A lot; and I don't think it's a friendship thing." You blush, staring at him. "You like me?" Giorno blushes harder than you, his face a deep red. "I do." You sigh, staring into his green eyes.

He stands up, and you follow his lead. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, and you do the same. He wraps his arms around your waist, and your arms wrap around his neck. He kisses you softly but passionately, his eyes squeezed shut. You hear the thunder boom again, but you ignore it. You're having your moment right now, and nothing should get in the way of it.

You both break the kiss, and stare into each other's eyes. "Ti amo tanto, amore mio." He whispers to you, and you smile back. You never thought it would go like this. You always thought something bad would happen. You thought he didn't feel for you that way. You guess you should always try, even when you're unsure.

"Well then....I think it's time we head to bed. What do you think, amore mio?" Giorno takes your glass to the sink, and then comes back over to you, and grabs your hand. "Yeah." You blush. You both walk up the stairs together, looking at each other every few seconds and smiling. Giorno takes you to his room, and tucks you into the bedsheets.

He gets in on the other side, and you lay there for a few seconds before you ask, "Giorno, is it okay if I hug you while I sleep?" He blushes, startled by the question, but after a moment, he agrees, and brings you closer to him, you wrapping your arms around his waist. 

"Buonanotte, amore mio." He whispers into your ear. "Buonanotte anche a te." You whisper into his chest.

I legitimately cried writing good for you, I guess.

Arrivederci, my friend. Until we meet again.


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