quick update because what the frick

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Okay, I was taking a shower, just chillin, and I decide to check on my fan-fiction, just to find I have 211 reads?!

Like, I was doubting my writing skills, but apparently you guys like it..... :>

You guys are so darn amazing, cool, and supportive of me, like what the actual shimata? I wanted to tell you guys that I love you, appreciate you, and care for you deeply! :))

here, have some sparkles:✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


Here's a little schedule of what I plan on posting for the rest of the week (it might change tho):

Today/Tonight--Polnareff x Reader; Kakoyin x Reader, or both (who knows?)

Tuesday: Caesar x Reader

Wednesday: Joseph x Reader or headcanon if I can think of a fun one :)

Thursday: if you give me a request, I'll do it this day (and friday), or Part 2 to Picnic Panic (Jonathan x Dio x Reader)

Friday: request from one of you, or one of my favorite characters (Mista, Kira, or Okuyasu)

Saturday: I'm going roller skating with some friends on this day, so I might or might not post something (if so, it might be a head canon)

Sunday: I have church on this day, so I may or may not post something as well (I'll take another request)


Alright then, that's all!

Love you all, drink some water and eat something, and be amazing just like I know you are!

Arrivederci, my friend. Until next time.


jjba one-shots :D || completed!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang