Famiglia || Bucciarati x Fem!Reader || + a little announcement

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hey! if you want to see more oneshot content, go to Quotev and follow me, kirby darling! I run one there, and I'll probably post more there. I'll still post headcanons/sometimes one-shots here, but i'll be more active on Quotev, and I take requests over there, so, go follow me if you wanna! This one-shot was written on Quotev anyways :))

Enjoy the one-shot now!


"Are you alright, amore mio? You're unusually quiet tonight." Bucciarati asks you, placing his book down and staring at you, a worried look on his face. "Ah, I-I'm fine!" You stammer, blushing. The reason why you're quiet is because your stomach is aching; the weird thing about this whole situation, is that it's been hurting like this for over a month now, and you don't know why. You just thought is was a upset stomach, or some pulled muscles in your stomach, but it's hurting worse and worse, and it's been going for almost two months. "Do you need anything? Water, something to eat?" Bucciarati inquires, placing his hand on your hand.

"I'm okay, Bruno. Really." You smile weakly, and he nods calmly. "I'm going to bed early. I'm not feeling very well." You say, and Bucciarati shoots up out of his seat, rushing to your side and grabbing your arm. "What's wrong?" He asks, and you shake your head, laughing. "Bruno, don't worry; I just ate a bit too much, that's all." You laugh, and he stares at you with those striking blue eyes. "Now, can I get to bed? Please." You say, and Bucciarati slowly nods, letting your arm go. "Buonanotte, Y/N." He says, and you kiss him, his soft lips touching yours.

You walk slowly up the stairs, trying not to wake the others up. You go to the end of the hall and see Trish's bedroom light on. Sighing, you walk up to it and knock a few times, before the door swings open, revealing Trish in her pajamas. "Hey, Y/N; is everything alright? You look..." Trish asks, and you rush her into her room, closing the door behind you and locking it. "Whoa---what's up, Y/N? Is something wrong?" Trish asks panicked, and you nod. "My stomach has been aching for the past two months now, and I don't know why." You say, and Trish gasps. "When did it start?" Trish asks, and you rack your brain, trying to think of the starting point.

"The night Bruno and I....well, you know." You blush, smiling. You remember the night like it was yesterday; a nice date at Olive Garden, with red wine, delicious Italian cuisine, and a walk in the park. It lead to a....very exciting and busy night. The next two weeks were normal after that night, until...they weren't. "Y/N, have you thought about taking a....test?" Trish asks, and you blush. "A--a pregnancy test? Why--why would I do that?" You stammer, embarrassed. "Well, if it started after you and Bucciarati had that night together, it might be that, Y/N." Trish explains. "P-pregnant? With Bruno?" You ask, and Trish nods. That would change Bruno's----and my---life. A baby. They would surely be in danger, especially since Bruno is a capo of the Italian mafia. We'd be in tons more danger than we were before.

"What should I do, Trish?" You ask her, and she sighs. "Y/N, I think you should get a pregnancy test." Trish finally replies, and you nod, sighing. Trish walks up to you and hugs you, wrapping her arms around your waist. "I'll be here for you, Y/N; whatever you need, I'm always right here." She smiles, and you laugh, wiping a tear from your eye. "Thanks, Trish; really." You smile, and let go of her. "I'll get to bed and leave you alone. Thanks again!" You say, walking to the door. "Of course. Goodnight, Y/N." Trish smiles, and closes the door.

You tiptoe to your room, shutting the door behind you. A pregnancy test, huh? You think, throwing on some sweatpants and a bra. If it comes out positive, I'll be a mother. Bruno will be the father. We'll have a...family. You shake your head, and jump into the bed, pulling up the covers across your chest. Am I ready for this? You ask. Whether you like it or not, you'll have to be ready, especially if you're supposed to be a mother, only being nineteen. You stare up at the dark ceiling, drifting off to sleep.


You walk down the stairs Saturday morning to see Bucciarati sitting down at the table, a laptop in front of him, and a coffee to his left. You slowly wrap your arms around his chest, leaning into his neck. "Good morning." You smile, and he closes his eyes, kissing your arms. "Hello, my love. How did you sleep last night?" He asks, and you look to the floor, remembering everything from the pain you experienced last night, to the talk with Trish. "I slept." You laugh, and Bucciarati smiles. "You are so wonderful, Y/N. I love you so, so, so very much, you know?" He smiles, kissing your hands. You giggle, blushing. "I know, Bruno; you tell me about one hundred and twenty-five times a day." You laugh, and he laughs as well.

"I'm going out the store, do you want anything? Trish is coming with me." You ask, pulling on your sweater. "Ah...nothing for me, love. Thank you." Bucciarati smiles calmly, and you sigh. "You're so calm all the time." You giggle and he sighs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "Not all the time." He winks, and you blush, knowing exactly what he's getting at. "B-Bruno, s-stop it. Come on, Trish." You wave, and she nods, pulling her sunglasses out of her hair and grabbing her mineral water from the fridge. "Ciao!" You smile. Bucciarati laughs and waves back, before putting on his glasses and going back to work.

"You know what we're getting, right?" You ask, and Trish nods, pulling a piece of paper out of her coat pocket. "Yeah, it's all on the list right here; potato chips, mineral water, Bueno, socks, blueberry scented spray---wait, wrong list." She says, and you laugh. "Trish? Is that your list?" You smile, and she rolls her eyes, smiling. "We're actually getting a few pregnancy tests, and a teddy bear." Trish announces, and you quirk an eyebrow. "Teddy bear?" You ask, and she nods. "You look like you need one." Trish says, and you stare at her. "Sorry, it's true." Trish shrugs, and you start the car. "Nevermind, then." You say, and she giggles. "Off to the store we go." You say nervously, and Trish places a hand on your hand. "It'll be okay, Y/N. Don't worry." She calms you down.


Moment of truth, you think to yourself nervously. You did as the instructions told you too, and waited twenty minutes for the test to register the results. The twenty minutes felt like hours of waiting, and all you could do was either pace your room, stare at the wall, jump up and down for no exact reason, or stare at the mirror, looking at yourself. You walk to the bathroom, hands shaking, breath frantic, and heart pounding. As you place your hand on the doorknob, you rethink everything. Do I really need to see this? What if? What will happen to me and Bruno's relationship? Should I really go in? All these questions and more fill your head, and you shake your head to get the thoughts out.

You take three deep breaths, and open the bathroom door, walking to the countertop and grabbing the test with shaking hands. You close your eyes, and hope for....something. You don't know what you want. You open them, staring down at the pregnancy test. Positive, it states. Two black lines covering the screen. You breathe out shakily, and wipe your tears from your eyes. "It's....positive. I'm...with child. Bruno Bucciarati's child." You say, and run to Trish's room, bursting out in tears. "Oh my god---Y/N? What's wrong?" She asks frantically, and you sniffle. "It's positive." You whisper, and Trish's dark green eyes widen. "Wow." She says, and you shake your head. "Look, you should tell him." Trish says, and you stare at her. "It is his child, isn't it?" She asks, and you nod, sniffing.

"Go. You can do this, Y/N." Trish smiles, and you nod, wiping your eyes and heading downstairs.


"Bruno, I--I have something---something to tell you." You sit on the couch next to him. "Yes, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Are you sick? Hurt?" He asks; his face the definition of worry. "Well---I'm----I'm-" You take a deep breath, and stare into his dark blue eyes. "I'm pregnant." You say, and his eyes widen, so many emotions crossing his eyes, you can't tell what he'll do. "Pregnant?" He asks, grabbing your hands. "Yes." You nod, and his eyes fill with tears. "I--I don't know what to say, amore." His voice falters, and you start to cry. "Oh, no, don't--don't cry; I'm overjoyed!" Bruno strokes your head, and wipes the tears from your eyes. "We're finally what I've always wanted us to be." Bruno says, and you sniff, quirking your head to the side. "What have you always wanted us to be, Bruno?" You ask, and he smiles.

"Famiglia." He smiles, and kisses your lips. 

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