subtle hints || yandere!jotaro || part two, my mini isaacs

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hiiiii! love you bestiee---Arii ✨

The room seems darker than before; all of the lights off, and the windows closed.

"You heard me." He says, emotionless, and you don't say anything, clenching the covers.

"You wouldn't hurt Nori, would you?" You whimper, and Jotaro growls. You can hear him shuffle beneath the blankets, and you tense up. The tension in this dark room is rising, and you hate the pressure.

"I'd hurt him so I can get to you. I don't give a shit about that bastard, anyways." He says, his voice low. You stifle a gasp, and you feel your hands start to shake. Your heart starts beating so fast, your breathing gets uneven, and Jotaro just sits there, in the dark, his green eyes on you. You know he's staring at you again; you can't see it, but you can feel it.

"Jotaro, no. You---please, don't hurt Nori. I love him." You whisper into the darkness, and Jotaro starts to laugh.

"Not anymore. You're mine now, Y/N. I will hurt anyone, whether it be the old man, that French bastard, Avdol, or even Nori." He mocks you, copying your voice when he mentions Kakyoin's name. You start to cry, and Jotaro moves over to you, wrapping his strong arms around you. You try to squirm and get out of his grip, but he's way too tall and strong, overpowering you quickly.

"I'd advise you wouldn't move around so damn much. I wouldn't want Star Platinum to get involved with this, bitch." He bites, and you stop struggling, squeezing your eyes shut.

"I want you to do something for me." His deep voice rumbles, and you tense up even tighter this time.

"End it." Jotaro commands, and you know exactly what he's referring to.

Nori. He wants me to end my relationship with Noriaki.

"I can't. I love him." You start to cry, and Jotaro says or does nothing.

"Do you want him to die? I can make it happen. Star Platinum can do anything; even kill Kakyoin." Jotaro threatens, and your heart throbs at the though of Kakyoin dying by Jotaro's hands.

You love him way too much to have him die.

"F-fine. As long as you don't hurt him." You stammer, and Jotaro sighs.

"You'll do the damage just fine, Y/N." Jotaro says, a smirk in his voice.

I'm sorry, Nori.


Morning floods the room, and I sit there, Y/N's head resting in my lap.

Finally, she's mine. Everything I've ever wanted is right here; in my lap. Y/N sleeps so gracefully; her eyelashes brush against her soft, beautiful skin, and her soft hair flows over my thighs. Her breathing is a bit uneven, but it's relaxing to me. I can hear her heartbeat because of Star Platinum. It's soft, but forceful, like her.

The sunlight streams through the windows, and it makes me want to board up her and I in a house where no one can come in, and the light can't come in.

I'm selfish.

I couldn't care about anyone less, except her.

She's my world.

I need her to survive.

She groans, and stirs herself awake. Her beautiful eyes look around frantically before she rests her eyes on me, and stares at me with so many emotions in her eyes.

"You're still here." She says.

Disappointment fills her sweet, beautiful voice, and I clench my fists.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean? Huh?" I ask her angrily.

She doesn't answer me, sitting up slowly and scooting away from me.

"Do you remember what I asked you to do?" I ask her, hoping she payed attention to me last night.

It takes a while for her to answer, and I stare at her soft lips.

She smells like cherries.


"I--I'm breaking up with Nori." She whimpers, and I furrow my eyebrows at her.

She said she'd stop calling him Nori. She promised. I won't punish her now.

"Good. Let's go down and meet the others. Don't want them to get any ideas, do we?" I ask her, and she turns away from me.

She nods, and I stand up, getting ready for the day.

The day Y/N L/N becomes mine.

All mine.


"Morning, cherry!" Kakyoin smiles and waves at you. You stare at him, tears coming to your eyes. Jotaro's standing behind you, and you can feel his glare. "How was your sleep?" Kakyoin asks, and you sigh. "Kakyoin, can I talk to you for a second?" You ask, and Kakyoin's face drops. "Is everything okay?" Kakyoin asks, and you grab his arm, walking away from Jotaro. Jotaro stays where you left him, but you know he'll be watching you someway. You lead Kakyoin to the courtyard, and stand by a fountain, the cool water droplets hitting your skin.

"Is everything okay, Y/N? You didn't greet me with your daily kiss or call me Nori." He says, and you stare at him. His sparkling, purple eyes glitter in the hot sun, and his red hair is in his signature curl. He smells like cherries.

"Kakyoin, we're over." You say, and he takes a full minute to register what you just said, before he looks at you, confused. "Cherry? Is this another one of your pranks?" He asks worried, and you shake your head, too scared to talk. "Cherry.....what--what did I do? Did I do something wrong?" He starts to get angry, and you place your hands on his chest like you used to when he got worked up. "I fell in love with someone else, Kakyoin. I don't want to hurt you." You lie, and he steps back, a defeated look in his eye.

"Oh." He says sadly, and you turn away from him. "Goodbye, Noriaki Kakyoin." You kiss his cheek, and his eyes widen, crestfallen. "Goodbye, Cherry." He replies, letting go of your hand. You both turn away from each other, and walk back inside the hotel. As you walk, you can see Jotaro smoking a cigarette, his cap over his eyes. You can still see his eyes on you as you and Kakyoin walk back inside. Kakyoin walks away from you and walks over to Mr. Joestar, resuming his conversation while smiling weakly.

You walk over to Jotaro, and he stares at you with his expressionless face. "Did he cry?" He asks, a slight smirk on his face. You don't reply, sitting down beside him. He frowns, and grabs your wrist forcefully. You jerk at the action, and he pulls you close to him, his lips near your ear.

"Do that again, and I'll make sure you get a beating from Star Platinum. You hear me, Y/N?" He asks, anger overflowing through his voice.

"Yes." You answer quietly, and he smirks, kissing your ear. His breath smells like smoke.....and lies.

AHHHHHHHHHH I'M SORRY KAKYOIN!!! **sad noises** Also, Jotaro's a bit of a forceful yandere; didn't want the whole "beating from Star Platinum thing" but there it is lmao

THE NEIGHBOURHOOD ━━━ jjbaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin