rivalry || johnny x reader || *nervous laughter*

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it's 12:51 a.m. right now, and i'm supposed to be off electronics, but frick it; inspiration is a real back biter sometimes. also, i haven't read sbr, but i love johnny, and that's that; this is part one to what i think might be three parts, not sure yet! anyway, enjoy :D

You are Y/N L/N, a rising female jockey who snuck into the Race last minute. Despite what your strict parents told you, you joined the Race anyway, causing your parents to disown you in the process. You're a very nice person, and you're good at what you do with a great personality to back you up, and lots of experience. You expected the weird looks you got from the other racers; who would have expected a woman, a nice looking one at that, to join the race and take the leaderboard by storm? You're in the top five, but there's just one person holding you up.

Johnny Joestar.

The 19-year old jockey with blonde hair and blue eyes you see every day and hate more and more every time you see him. He's always finding a way to get in front of you, and it pisses you off. He's very competitive, and he knows you more than you know yourself. You can't stand the guy.

Currently, you and your horse, Warp Star, are slowing down for the night. It's cold, so you have a f/c scarf wrapped around your s/c face. The sun is setting, and the sky is growing dark, stars sprinkling throughout. It's quiet where you are, and you're soaking in the peaceful aura of the woods Warp Star is trotting in. As you go deeper into the woods, you see a little fire sitting in between the trees, and you leave your horse behind to get a better look. Tiptoeing, you stop behind a tree, and check out the mystery.

A long, blonde haired man with green eyes and dark green lipstick smiles as he grabs a bunch of sticks and places them by the fire. Your eyes widen at the realization of who you're seeing: Gyro Zeppeli, another racer who isn't that annoying, but still manages to get in front of you on the leaderboard. That must mean....you think to yourself as you scan the surrounding area.

On a blanket with an annoyed look on his face sits Johnny Joestar, the boy you've been rivaling for the whole race. Your face heats up in anger as you scoff to yourself. His blue lips are in a snarl, and your heart starts to beat a mile a minute. Then, the unexpected happens.

"You can come out. We know you're there." A rough, Italian accented voice rings throughout the woods, and you hesitate for a second before slowly walking from behind the tree. The two men stare at you warily, and you scoff at them. "Oh, come on. I'm not going to hurt you two or anything." You frown, and the men stare at each other for a few seconds before staring back at you. "What's your name?" The Italian asks, and you reply.

"Y/N L/N." You say, and the Italian cowboy stares at you for a few more seconds before beckoning to you. You cautiously take a few steps toward the blonde, and he stares down at you before giving you a toothy smile. "Well, well, well! It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N! We were actually just talking about you." Gyro smirks, and you stare at him, confused. What would they be talking about me for?

Johnny's eyes are on you the entire time, and you stare right back, not wanting to seem weak in front of him. He just gives off an aura of challenge and conceitedness; you despise how he makes you feel. He's a handsome man, and it makes it ten times worse. "How about you stay with us for tonight?" Gyro smiles, and you stare at him. Spending a night with your biggest rival and his goofy friend? Is that really a good idea?

"Fine. I have no place to sleep anyways." You shrug off the invitation, and draw your horse closer to the fire. Taking the blanket off of your horse's back, you saunter over by the fire and place down your blanket. Johnny watches your every movement, and you start to blush profusely, staring at the cold ground. You don't know why, but your heart starts to speed up, and your face grows even redder.

"Alright; I'm going to get a bit more wood. You guys stay safe." Gyro nods to you and Johnny as he walks out into the dark forest trees, leaving you and Johnny alone. Tension grows between you two, and you decide to start the conversation.

"Okay, Joestar. Do you have something against me?" You ask angrily, and Johnny rolls his eyes, his blue lips in a frown. "What the hell does it look like?" Johnny's country accented voice is bitter, and you sneer at his reply. "You always make it your job to ruin my progress and hop in front of me whenever you please. I want you to stop that." You demand, and Johnny shakes his head. "I'm not ruining anything. You're just a terrible racer." Johnny frowns, and your eyes widen at his comment.

How dare he say something like that to you! You're just as good as everyone here, you're in the top five after all.

"I'm not a terrible-" You start to retaliate, but Johnny interrupts you.

"Shut up! You don't know what the hell you're talking about." He dismisses you, and leans back against a tree as he closes his eyes. His blue lips mutter something to himself as he frowns and shakes his head before opening his eyes again. "Stop acting like a child." He says, and you stare at him, obviously hurt by his words.

Gyro comes back with the rest of the firewood, and notices the tension in the air. "What happened here?" He asks, and neither of you two answer. "Look, I'm going to head to bed. Johnny, you let Y/N sleep with you." The Italian commands, and Johnny's light blue eyes widen in disbelief. "There's no way in hell I'm sharing with him! He's such a bastard!" You yell, and Gyro sighs. "If you want to be cold, suit yourself." Gyro shrugs, and you sigh before reluctantly agreeing. "Alright then. Carry Johnny to his sleeping bag in the tent, and I'll see you two tomorrow." The blonde haired Italian waves before disappearing behind his own tent curtains.

You and Johnny sit in silence for a while until you walk over to him and hoist him up in your arms. He grunts as you balance his and your weight out. Johnny's light, and you easily get used to holding him bridal style in your arms as you trot to your tent. Trying to be careful, you slowly place Johnny on his sleeping bag, and cover him up. "There." You say, trying to hide your blush that's currently spreading across your face.

You set your sleeping bag beside Johnny's, and you snuggle inside as you shiver from the cold air being let in.

"Hey." Johnny's voice echoes out in the darkness, and you sigh. "What?" You ask annoyed, and Johnny sighs.

"Lay close to me. It's cold, and you're shivering." His voice stammers, and you blush at the thought of getting that close to him. Obliging, you scoot up to Johnny, your back facing his front side. "Don't try anything silly, Joestar." You frown, and Johnny scoffs. "Like I'd do anything with you." He says back, his voice filled with annoyance.

part one; done! i'm so tired oml

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