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Hey people!

Now I have got an important question for everyone..So please be honest with you're answer, But let me move on first.

How would everyone feel about a "soft" re-write of this book? Y'know how I mean? I feel as if this Book is good, don't get me wrong. But it could definitely be better. And by seeing what I've done with my to-be-released Saviour & Nova books, I can definitely do so much better for this book.

It'll still follow the same-premise, maybe with a little tweak to our character. With the same love-interest or maybe more, Same powers and character appearances. Just in a bit more better, detailed & cleaner way then how I've been doing it.

But if you guys aren't up for that and find that this book is too you're standards, I am completely fine with all of that! Just let me know please!


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